Panther Commando

Chapter 1317: major casualties

At this time, Dali and Lingling had already rushed to the top of the mountain where Cheng Ru was located. When they came up, they occupied four positions on the top of the mountain with Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, lying on the cover and aiming their guns around.

It didn't take long, more than 20 special police officers carried their weapons to the top of the mountain on both sides, and when they came up, they ran to the top of the mountain and lay down with guns.

Standing under the tree, Cheng Ru watched the neat movements of the armed police soldiers, and sighed inwardly: "These special police officers are all good, how come they were almost dumped by four or five mercenaries?"

At this time, a twenty-seven or eight-year-old captain also ran up the top of the mountain. He swept the surrounding special forces wearing military uniforms, and immediately judged that the sniper standing behind the tree was a special operation who came to support The brains of the squad. He then quickly ran to the big tree where Cheng Ru was.

Cheng Ru raised his sniper rifle and observed the rolling hills in the distance again. After making sure it was safe, he put down his sniper rifle and turned around to look at the running captain.

The captain ran to Cheng Ru and stopped. He glanced at Cheng Ru's military rank, hurriedly stood at attention and saluted loudly: "Report, Zheng Mingxing, captain of the 1st Squadron of the Special Police Brigade, was ordered by captain Wang Tiecheng to report to you and accept you. Command!"

Cheng Ru raised his hand in return, and said, "My name is Cheng Ru, you can call me Lieutenant Colonel." Then he turned his head to look around, lowered his head to the microphone and ordered: "The commando disarms the police, come and meet the SWAT Commander Zheng. ".

After a short time, Dali and several people came to the big tree where Cheng Ru was located one after another, and Xiaoya and Zhang Wa also ran over from the opposite top of the mountain with Xiaobai.

Cheng Ru introduced Captain Zheng one by one. Captain Zheng looked at the people in surprise, and was surprised to find that there were actually four female officers among them, but he immediately noticed Xiaobai standing at Xiaoya's feet, surprised. "Are you from the Panther Commando?"

Cheng Ru nodded, then frowned and asked, "What happened just now? Are the casualties serious?" He never understood why it was so important to let a few enemies touch the tops of the mountain with so many people around. Strategic location, but also launched an attack on the helicopter he was riding and the people below?

When Captain Zheng heard that the other party was really a famous Leopard Commando team member, he just sighed in his heart: No wonder the other party was so fierce, they came up and drove the enemy away. But then he heard Lieutenant Colonel Cheng's question again, and his face turned red.

He replied in frustration: "I came here with 16 team members this time. We searched in the mountains for several days and found no trace of each other, and the two police dogs we carried did not find any trace of each other."

When he said this, he looked at Xiaobai again, and then said: "More than two hours ago, I received an order from Captain Wang Tiecheng, saying that you will come to support by helicopter, so I will immediately prepare to meet you in this land suitable for landing. , and arranged five guard members on the hilltops on both sides, and the rest of the team members were guarding the hillsides on both sides. Unexpectedly, this group of people who had never found a trace suddenly and silently appeared on the hilltops on both sides. Hey, It's also that I underestimate the enemy, and the troops deployed on the top of the mountain are not enough..." He lowered his eyes and sighed.

Cheng Ru's eyes flashed when he heard this, and his brows furrowed even tighter. Under the eyes of the specially trained SWAT team members, the other party could covertly approach the top of the mountain to launch a surprise attack. The strength of these mercenaries is really good. Only a few people dare to use the terrain to attack so many special police.

Cheng Ru thought of this and broke out in a cold sweat. If a few of them don't come, these special police officers may be suppressed by their opponents and make dumplings in the col. Under such terrain conditions, the number of people is no longer the main reason for determining the outcome of the battle. The few mercenaries with rich combat experience are likely to keep dozens of special police officers in the mountains here.

He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Wa and the others, and their expressions changed. They all thought of the danger of the battle just now, and they secretly raised their vigilance in their hearts.

Cheng Ru turned his face to look at Captain Zheng and asked, "What about the casualties? Two sacrificed, eight team members were injured, four of them were seriously injured, and now the medics are treating them. I have called for a helicopter to send the casualties back." Zheng The captain replied with sincerity and frustration, and there was grief and anger in his tone.

Cheng Ru's face was gloomy and watery. He didn't expect that the SWAT squadron would suffer so many casualties in just a few minutes of battle. If it wasn't for the sudden arrival of the new force of your own, which disrupted the enemy's deployment, how many armed police soldiers would have been killed or injured? !

He turned his head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling, and ordered, "Go and see those seriously wounded people." Xiaoya and Lingling immediately raised their hands and saluted and replied, "Yes." A temporary rescue center has been built in the middle of the mountain.

Cheng Ru then asked Zhang Wa, "How many casualties did the enemy have?" Zhang Wa immediately replied, "There is a headshot corpse on the opposite mountain, with blood and footprints left on the snow about 60 to 70 meters away from the side of the corpse. , it should be one dead and one injured. Judging from the traces on the ground, the attackers on the opposite top of the mountain were two people."

Cheng Ru immediately glanced at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng immediately took a step forward and replied, "There is a trace of blood left on the top of the hill here. Judging from the footprints of fleeing from the side of the mountain, the attacker is a human being."

Cheng Ru nodded, secretly thinking in his heart: The other party may be a five-person **** From this judgment: the number of people escorting goods will not exceed ten people, otherwise they will never send only five people to face it. Dozens of SWAT officers.

It seems that Captain Zheng and the others have approached the enemy's **** team without realizing it. The opponent must not be able to walk fast in the mountains with heavy arms on his back, and he has already discovered the SWAT squadron chasing after him.

They must realize that if they don't seriously damage the armed police team behind them, they will be discovered sooner or later, so now, before they are discovered, they will take advantage of the terrain by surprise. Can't deal with so many SWATs at all.

Cheng Ru thought of this and felt a chill in his heart: I didn't expect that just in time for my group to arrive in a helicopter, if it wasn't for my few people and the helicopter pilot who responded quickly, they would almost have been destroyed by the other party in the helicopter.

He immediately looked at the direction where the other party fled, turned and ordered Captain Zheng: "Report the current situation to your superiors immediately", and then asked into the microphone: "Xiaoya, how are the wounded?"

"The four seriously wounded have been treated briefly, and there is no danger to their lives. They need to be transported to the rear hospital for surgery. The bulletproof vests blocked most of the bullets and grenade fragments. Ya answered quickly in the microphone.

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