Panther Commando

Chapter 1369: shot dead

Wan Lin's right hand suddenly raised, and a slight cold light flashed in the forest, and the opponent's left hand stretched out to the flames and slammed down.

At the same time, two shadows, one yellow and one white, flashed across the forest, followed by a scream of "Ah..." from the opponent. Following the opponent's shrill screams, Wan Lin swooped forward and slashed at the opponent's neck. The opponent's screams suddenly stopped, his head tilted to the side, and he turned to the microphone. He shouted: "Xiaoya, Zhang Wa".

Xiaoya and Zhang Wa quickly ran over from the side when they heard the sound. From a distance, they saw Wan Lin squatting on the ground, both hands quickly clicking on the acupoints on the opponent's arms to stop the bleeding. The opponent's left and right wrists were bare. Blood was sprayed out, and two severed hands landed on the grass not far away.

Xiaoya quickly squatted on the ground to open the first aid kit, quickly took out two tourniquets and tied them to the opponent's forearm, took out a needle tube and injected a hemostatic on the opponent, and quickly bandaged the opponent's wrists. Only then did Wan Lin who looked at the side nodded, and the two stood up together.

Zhang Wa, who was on the side, saw Wan Lin and Xiaoya stand up from their opponents, stepped forward, glanced coldly at the bundles tied to the opponent's chest, raised a hand, pulled out a detonator, and threw it aside, and threw the tube away from the opponent. Removed from the body.

He glanced at what was in his hand, then opened a tube and glanced at it. He turned his head and said to Wan Lin, "Black gunpowder. No wonder the opponents are eager to buy arms. It turns out that they have nothing in their hands! This is ordinary gunpowder for fireworks explosions." .

Wan Lin nodded, knowing that the domestic control of arms and explosives is strictly controlled. In such a large environment, it is indeed difficult for these terrorists to obtain great power.

He turned his head to look around, and saw that Chengru and Dali had already jumped from the tree and were scattered around meters away to guard, with their guns pointed at the surroundings to prevent other terrorists from appearing.

Seeing that his teammates were already on guard, he turned his head and said to Zhang Wa, "Check the bodies of other gangsters to see if there is any such thing on them? These people are really brainwashed, and they are really not afraid of death."

"Yes!" Zhang Wa raised her feet and walked around. Wan Lin looked down at the two leopards lying on the grass, and smiled bitterly in his heart: "These young couples are really quick. They bit off both of their opponent's hands before I could give an order. It must be the group of people who abused that leopard just now. The horse annoyed them. Fortunately, they are still a bit measured, and they did not directly kill their opponents, leaving a living hole for themselves.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head to look for the pony brought by the other party, but it had long since disappeared in the forest, and it was estimated that he was scared away by the sound of gunfire and two leopards.

He looked down at Xiaohua and Xiaobai, and asked them to get the horse back. The two leopards flashed excitedly, wagged their tails and jumped out, disappearing into the depths of the jungle in a blink of an eye.

Wanlin turned his head to look at Xiaoya, pointed to the person on the ground and asked in a low voice, "Is there no life-threatening danger?" Xiaoya's big eyes flashed, and she smiled with two rows of white teeth, and replied in a low voice: "It's okay, I can't die, just don't want to use these hands to harm people again in this generation."

Wan Lin also grinned, then bent down and picked up the two severed hands on the ground and walked towards Zhang Wa. Zhang Wa was squatting on the ground and checking the terror points on the ground one by one. He turned his head and saw Wan Lin approaching, frowning and said, "Today is considered to be an insight into what terror points are? Of the ten of them, there are actually four of them. Tied with this gunpowder." He stood up and pointed to a pile of kraft paper next to him.

Wan Lin raised his hand and threw the two severed hands on the corpse. Then he looked at the corpses lying on the ground. Seeing that they were all shot in the forehead, he thought to himself: Thanks to his teammates, they locked these people. , within a distance of meters, his team members are definitely shot dead. If the armed police take action, they will definitely want to injure the opponent, and they will never kill the opponent with one shot like the military special forces themselves.

He knows that the training of the armed police soldiers is to try to disarm the opponent, unlike the special forces of the military, who are trained to shoot the enemy on the battlefield and never give the enemy a chance to fight back. Therefore, the training of the armed police seems to be a little soft when dealing with these vicious terrorists. As long as the attack was a little slow just now, these terrorists would immediately counterattack, possibly causing harm to their own people.

Thinking of this, he frowned suddenly, then turned his head to the microphone and said, "Lingling, inform the SWAT Wang Brigade of the situation here, and remind them that when encountering these terrifying points, pay attention to the other side and stay away from them."

Lingling immediately got in touch with Wang Tiecheng and informed the past of the situation. Just after Lingling finished speaking, she suddenly heard Wang Tiecheng's hastily shouting from the microphone. She quickly turned her head and shouted at Wan Lin, "Leopard head, there may be a situation on their side!"

Wan Lin was startled, and hurried to Lingling's side, took the microphone and asked, "Brigade Wang, what's the situation on your side?"

Before Wang Tiecheng could answer, a deafening explosion came from the earphones. Wan Lin's heart lifted, and he hurriedly shouted: "Brigade Wang, Brigade Wang!"

"It's alright, thanks to your reminder. There are really bombs on this group of rabbits!" Wang Tiecheng's hurried voice came from the earphones, and after a few hurried words, the connection was temporarily cut off.

At this time, Wan Lin realized that there was a situation on Wang Tiecheng's side, and the special police were approaching. He just heard Lingling say that the other party had a He didn't care to talk to Wan Lin who picked up the microphone, and immediately ordered his subordinates Move away from your opponent immediately.

As soon as he gave the order, a terrorist detonated the bomb on his body. Fortunately, after receiving the order, several special policemen immediately rushed to the surrounding cover.

Wang Tiecheng was in a hurry to command the battle, and he did not care to inform Wan Lin of the situation in detail, and cut off the contact after a few words.

Wan Lin showed an anxious look on his face, wondering what happened to Wang Tiecheng? He immediately handed over the earphones and microphone to Lingling, turned his head and saw that the surrounding team members were also looking at him, knowing that everyone heard his anxious shouting just now.

He turned around to look at the captive lying on the ground, and saw that he was slowly opening his eyes, and a painful low voice was already coming out of his mouth. Obviously, the severe pain on his two broken wrists had made him unbearable.

Wan Lin raised his foot and walked towards him, grabbed his shirt on the front of his chest and pulled him up from the grass, and asked sharply, "How many of you are here this time?"

The other party clenched his teeth and looked at Wan Lin without saying a word, with a look of disdain in his eyes. Wan Lin was furious, his right hand suddenly grabbed his bandaged wrist, staring at him coldly.

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