Panther Commando

Chapter 1370: general on horseback

The other party let out a miserable cry, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans immediately appeared on his forehead, but his eyes still met Wan Lin's eyes, and there seemed to be a playful look in his eyes, as if he was saying: I'm not even afraid of death, I still care about this. Pain?

Wan Lin saw the look in the other party's eyes, and anger suddenly rose in his heart. These terrorists obtained weapons in order to create horrific bloodshed in the downtown area. I didn't expect that the terrorists in front of them would be so rampant when they fell into their hands.

He suddenly grabbed the opponent's wrist and straightened up, grabbing the opponent's broken wrist and suddenly increasing the strength, just wanted to urge the opponent's internal force to let him, a brainwashed terrorist, taste the taste of the meridian reversal.

At this moment, a leopard roar suddenly came from a distance, followed by the sound of horses rushing from the forest. In the blink of an eye, I saw the pony that had been scared away by the gunfire appeared in the forest, rushing towards Wan Lin and the others as if it were flying.

Everyone turned their faces and laughed. The rushing horse had a small flower standing on the back. It stood upright in front of the horse's back. Its left paw grabbed the long mane behind the horse's head, and its right paw was raised high. , kept hitting the horse's head to indicate the direction of running, and Xiaobai was lying comfortably on the back of the horse.

The eyes of the two leopards were shining brightly, and they were commanding the chariots to run wildly. Looking from a distance, Xiaohua really looks like a majestic general on horseback.

The sound of horses' hooves echoed in the silent forest, and one horse and two leopards rushed to Wan Lin in the blink of an eye. Xiaohua tugged at the horse's mane, and the galloping horse let out a long cry, with its two front hooves raised high, and stopped in front of Wan Lin at once.

At this moment, Xiao Wanmiao happily ran out from behind the tree where Xiaoya was hiding, grabbed the reins of the horse, and fondly touched the terrified horse's head with her little hands, and looked at Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai who were smug, eyes full of eyes. The look of envy, it seems that he is very envious of the general's appearance of two leopards galloping on horseback.

Xiaohua stood on the horse and glanced at Xiao Wanmiao with a big mouth, and then jumped off the horse with a flash of eyes. It jumped in front of Wan Lin, looked up at Wan Lin's stern expression, and then flashed blue light in its eyes, and suddenly looked at the captive being held by Wan Lin.

The captive in front of Wan Lin saw the little animal that had bitten off his wrist suddenly jumped over from the horse's back, a frightening light flashed in his eyes, and his body suddenly ducked back, but Wan Lin grabbed the animal. Immediately there was a sharp pain in the wrist, and he cried out involuntarily.

Wan Lin saw that he was afraid of Xiaohua, his eyes flashed coldly, and he whispered, "Xiaohua" and then shook the opponent's arm.

"Ouch!" The other party screamed, and Xiaohua jumped onto the other party's severed arm with a "whoosh". Wan Lin stared at his opponent coldly, and asked in a cold tone, "What's your next plan?"

"Xiaohua!" Wan Lin released the opponent's arm immediately, and Xiaohua's four claws burst out with cold glittering fingernails, piercing the opponent's arm muscles at once, with a big mouth showing two rows of sharp teeth, and his head As soon as he probed, he reached out to his opponent's wrist.

"Ah! I said... I said... I said, I said" the prisoner screamed and sat on the ground, his whole body shaking violently. He was really afraid that this little animal would use those sharp teeth to bite off his entire arm bit by bit.

Wan Lin looked at him coldly, and the other party raised his head to look at Wan Lin with a trembling voice, and shouted in a blunt Huaxia voice: "I want to sue you, you should guarantee my human rights!"

"Human rights? Do you still want human rights?! When you detonated explosives among civilians, when you used knives and guns to deal with civilians, did you give those innocent people human rights! You pigs and dogs are inferior! What kind of human rights?!" Wan Lin's eyes suddenly shot two cold eyes, staring at each other's eyes.

The other party looked desperately at the young soldier's eyes, and when he heard the cold voice, it was as if he had fallen into a thousand-year-old ice cellar, and his entire body seemed to be frozen.

He listened to Wan Lin's chill-filled reply, and stared blankly at the murderous young officer in front of him. He opened his mouth for a while without making a sound. "Xiaohua!" Wan Lin called out again coldly when he saw the other party staring at him without saying a word.

"Ow!" Xiao Hua, who was clutching the opponent's broken arm, suddenly let out a furious roar. It had already heard his anger in Wan Lin's voice. He opened his mouth and grabbed the opponent with a bandage. wrist.

"I said, I said!" The other party's body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly shouted in horror. He still remembered the scene when the two leopards bit his two hands just now.

"Stop!" Wan Lin shouted coldly. Xiaohua stopped immediately while holding the opponent's wrist in his mouth. Wan Lin's voice only a second later, and the other party's broken arm would be reduced by another section.

"I said... I said..." The other party's voice suddenly turned into a crying voice, his voice trembling, and he explained the reasons and the reasons for his group's coming here one by one.

He has completely collapsed in front of this young man! He is not afraid of death, but the young soldier in front of him is different from the policeman he has dealt with countless times. This is a person who does not play cards according to the rules. As soon as the other party shot, they directly killed their subordinates without any hesitation.

Now, the cold breath conveyed by the other party has made him understand: as long as he hesitates a little now, the kitten he has never seen before will definitely tear himself into pieces bit by bit, and the other party must even have eyes. Won't blink.

He has completely understood: death is already a lucky thing for him, a terrorist, but he will never have such luck with this young officer who hates evil! Once he doesn't spit out everything the other party wants to know, the other party will definitely knock him into the eighteenth hell! He has now completely collapsed in front of this young soldier.

It turned out that they received a notification from the terrorist organization's foreign headquarters a few days ago, asking them to set off immediately and rush to the mountainous area here to receive arms. The specific location will be notified temporarily after their arrival.

They quickly arrived by train from Province X. When they got out of the car, their terrorist organization had already sent people to prepare two jeeps for them, and in the car they had prepared what they needed on the road and some weapons in case they needed it.

They walked out of the train station and drove towards the mountains. They received a notice from above yesterday morning, and told him in detail about the hiding place of the arms and the situation in the bushes.

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