Panther Commando

Chapter 1402: fortune-telling

Everyone was stunned by this sudden change. The younger brother ran from the side at this time, grabbed the note in the old patriarch's hand and glanced at it, then took off his wedding clothes and went out to find his elder brother. ````

The old man let out a long sigh and said, "Alas, the people of the clan went out to look for him many times, but never heard from him. Since then, this story has been passed down in our clan, and every time the clan leader passed it on. , will tell the next generation to pay attention to the trends in the rivers and lakes, keep an eye on whether there are Wanjia Kungfu in the rivers and lakes, look for the traces of the descendants of this Wan family who have run away, and hope to grow the ethnic group of my Wan family again.”

The old man looked out of the window, with deep eyes in his eyes: "Nearly two hundred years have passed, when our ancestors walked out of the mountains, they did not find the children of the Wan family in the rivers and lakes. His ancestors really followed their ancestors' legacy, and did not leave the mountain, but quietly lived in seclusion in another mountain. Fortunately, he finally wanted to marry a wife and have children. , It's rare, it's so rare!"

It was only after Li Dongsheng heard this that they understood that there is still such a story in the history of the Wan family. It seems that this child is really the descendant of the Wan family. It can be seen that grandfather and Wan Lin are the descendants of the younger brother's family at that time. This family has inherited all the secret books and allusions of the ancestors of the Wan family, and completely inherited all the exercises and techniques of the Wan family.

Li Dongsheng pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "Wan family has such profound internal skills and superb medical skills, how could the population turn out to be smaller?" Ye Feng and the others also looked at the old man. , How many people have such questions in their hearts?

The old man turned to look at a few people and said, "Yes, people in our family have always been puzzled by this matter, and have been exploring the reasons for the past dynasties. Until not long ago, I broke through the thousands of people of all dynasties. After the bottleneck of internal strength that could not be broken through, I suddenly woke up."

He smiled gratified as he spoke, looked out the window and said, "Among all the internal power schools I know, our Wanjia Nei Gong is a skill that pays great attention to the balance of yin and yang. As long as there is a Wanjia master to teach it, it is easy to learn. , and it is very beneficial to enhance physical fitness and improve internal strength."

"But we have all overlooked one point. All skills have their weaknesses. While strengthening the body and strengthening internal strength, our skills gradually block a very inconspicuous meridian involved in fertility. This directly affects all of us. Family Birth Rate".

When several people heard this, they all stared at the old man with wide eyes. The old man looked at the crowd with a smile, and said, "Hehehe, are you worried about Chengru and the others? It doesn't matter, generally speaking, the birth rate will be affected only when the kung fu is deep in practice. I don't dare to teach them Wanjia Gongfa."

Ye Feng joked next to him: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that Wanjia Kungfu is not only powerful, but also a good Kungfu for family planning! Hahaha" Everyone laughed.

The old man also smiled, and then said: "Since I broke through the bottleneck of Wanjia's internal strength, I carefully explored the changes in the meridians in my body, and then I discovered this meridian that was gradually blocked, and then I understood the truth. Of course, I know. If there is a problem, they naturally know how to solve this problem. If Chengru and the others want to give birth to a few more babies, they can directly ask me to help them open up the meridians, no problem.”

Several people looked at each other and felt happy for the Wan family. The old man solved this problem with his super skill. Today, he found a small descendant of Wanjia. The prosperity of Wanjia is just around the corner!

Several people laughed excitedly for a while, Li Dongsheng suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Tiecheng, and asked in a low voice, "You guys are back, why didn't Wan Lin and the others come back?"

Wang Tiecheng was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes to Ye Feng. He originally thought that Li Dongsheng knew where Wan Lin and the others were.

Ye Feng quickly took over the conversation and said, "Wan Lin and the others cooperated with Wang Brigade to eliminate those extremists, and then went straight to the border to clean up the two arsenals built by the arms dealers and the cross-border tunnel."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wang Tiecheng and explained: "The operation of the leopard is to fully obey the command of Deputy Director Wang Molin, and Deputy Director Li does not know their movements."

Li Dongsheng nodded, frowned at Wang Tiecheng's arm hanging on his chest, and asked, "Why are you still injured?"

Wang Tiecheng recounted the battle scene with some embarrassment. The old man listened quietly with a small bow and arrow in his hand. When he heard that Xiaoya gave Wang Tiecheng a timely operation on the battlefield, he nodded and said, "Xiaoya will handle it for you. I was worried just now." He reached out and grabbed Wang Tiecheng's right wrist and touched it again.

Li Dongsheng smiled, knowing that Xiaoya had learned a lot of traditional Chinese medicine with Wan Lin and her grandfather, and she also had a lot of magic medicine prepared by her grandfather.

He turned his head and glanced outside the house, then looked at the old man and asked, "It seems that Xiao Wanmiao still doesn't know your identity. How are you always going to reveal his background?"

The old man frowned and said: "The child is still too young, he may not understand many things, but there is no one in his family, so follow me first. Judging from the age and his name, his father should be with Lin Er's family. Dad should be of the same generation, he should be of the same generation as Lin’er. Lin’er’s generation is in the order of our ancestors, and Lin’er’s name has wood in it.”

"If he has a younger there should be water in his name. Our family names are usually sorted according to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. I will test Wan Miao's kung fu later. Let's see if it's the pure kung fu of my Wanjia."

Li Dongsheng nodded and said, "Alright, when he is familiar with everyone, it's not too late to tell him the reason slowly." Then he turned to look at Ye Feng and Wang Tiecheng, and saw that they all nodded in favor of him 's suggestion.

At this moment, a crisp laughter suddenly came from outside, Shanshan and Xiao Jingyi pulled Wan Miao to open the door and ran in. Xiao Wanmiao's face was obviously less nervous when she first arrived, and it seemed that she was already familiar with the two children and Yu Jing.

Yu Jing smiled and walked in behind. The old man beckoned the three children to him, raised his hand to hold Wan Miao's small hand, stared at his face, and a sudden internal force emanated from his hand.

Wan Miao was startled, a flash of white suddenly flashed on her face that was still red just now, a bright light suddenly appeared in her eyes, and an internal force suddenly counterattacked the internal force that had invaded her body.

His face was tense, and his eyes stared at the old grandfather in front of him in astonishment. He didn't understand how this kind old grandfather would suddenly attack him with his internal strength?

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