Panther Commando

Chapter 1403: Acknowledging Ancestors (1)

The internal force emitted by the old man quickly probed into the characteristics of Wan Miao's internal force, and then a happy expression appeared on his face. He increased his internal force and made a quick circle in his body, and then slowly retracted the internal force, with a look of joy in his eyes.

He let go of Wan Miao's hand and put him in his arms, looked up at Li Dongsheng and the others nodded, and said with joy, "Yes, yes, they are the descendants of my Wan family."

Li Dongsheng and the others all laughed, knowing that the old man used his inner strength to verify the child's kung fu.

Wan Miao also stared wide-eyed at this time, looked up at the suddenly kind old grandfather in front of him, and asked in surprise, "You will also have the inner strength of our Wan family,"

Li Dongsheng and the others all laughed. When Yu Jing heard this, she quietly stabbed Li Dongsheng a little confusedly, and asked in a low voice, "How can this child have a thousand internal strengths?"

Li Dongsheng waved his hand and replied in a low voice, "This child may be a descendant of the Wanjia branch." Yu Jing was stunned when she heard the words, and just as she was about to ask in detail what was going on, she heard her grandfather smile and say to Wan Miao, "Of course I will. Now, I can do everything you learned." "Impossible, my father said, no one in the world can do this kind of kung fu except our family." He mentioned his daddy, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

The old man held him tightly in his arms and said, "Yes, your father is right. Except for the children of our Wan family, there will never be anyone in the world who can do this kind of skill."

"Grandpa, we will too." Shanshan suddenly said softly beside her, Wan Miao turned her head to look at Shanshan and Xiao Jingyi in surprise, and said, "Impossible, only the children of our Wan family can do it. You can't both, you don't have the last name Wan" His little face flushed with urgency,

Everyone laughed. This kid obviously heard his father's teachings about Wanjia's ancestors. He knew that Wanjia Kungfu could not be passed on to outsiders, so he didn't believe that so many people could master Wanjia's Kungfu.

The old man stood up with a smile and said, "Did you learn this?" He walked to the open space beside the sofa, his feet suddenly opened slightly, and his hands slowly gestured,

Xiao Wanmiao and the people around them all watched the old man's movements intently, Yu Jing nodded, and whispered to Ye Feng who was not familiar with Wanjia Kungfu: "This is Wanjia's entry-level Kungfu, all Wanjia children have practiced it. With this set of punches, grandpa uses this to prove to Xiao Wanmiao that he is a member of the Wan family",

Wan Miao's eyes widened, and she stared at her grandfather's movements. The old man's movements were extremely slow, and his movements were clear and powerful. Gradually, everyone suddenly felt that the surrounding air seemed to become hot, and there seemed to be a stickiness in the air. The thick stuff makes them feel an invisible oppressive feeling,

Everyone's eyes stared at every movement of the old man in astonishment. Wan Miao, who was on the side, watched and watched. Suddenly, his hands and feet began to move slowly, following his grandfather with every move, dancing his fists and feet like sleepwalking.

Yu Jing looked at Xiao Jingyi and Shanshan next to her in surprise. Seeing that they were still watching her grandfather's movements attentively, there was no other reaction.

The scientist's big eyes flickered a few times, and he suddenly understood in his heart: this is blood, this is the induction that the descendants of the Wan family have integrated into the bone marrow, it is a kind of induction that blood is thicker than water. Everyone has practiced the kung fu of the Wan family, but they are not the descendants of their Wan family.

The old and the young moved slowly in the spacious living room. The movements of the two were so coordinated that they both entered a natural and self-absorbed state.

Gradually, the old man's moves changed, and his figure was suddenly as fast as lightning. Xiao Wanmiao's figure did not stop at all, and followed the old man's movements and moved as fast as a monkey.

The air in the living room suddenly flowed with the two fast-moving figures. Jingyi and Shanshan, who were standing beside the sofa, took a few steps back involuntarily. The curtain moved with the wind and made a sound of "huhu", like a battle flag being fluttered by the strong wind, making a hunting sound,

The faces of Li Dongsheng and the others who were sitting on the sofa suddenly changed. The soldiers who came over on the **** battlefield had already felt a fierce murderous aura from the actions of the old and the young. interior diffuse,

Several people suddenly stood up from the sofa and stepped aside, each of them had a fierce light in their eyes. The fierce murderous aura emanating from the old and the young has brought them into a turbulent and **** wasteland.

"Wind is Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han", in a blink of an eye the living room has turned into a chilling battlefield. In the thick, empty air, it seems that the enemies are falling before the fists and feet of the two.

The originally spacious living room has become a square inch among the figures of the old and the young, and the two lights and shadows in the room are flickering rapidly, and it is impossible to distinguish the movements of the two at all.

At this moment, Li Dongsheng, Ye Feng, Wang Tiecheng, and Captain Zhang were all staring at the fast-moving figure in front of them with nervous expressions, and a dazed feeling appeared in their minds. It suddenly shook,

Li Dongsheng suddenly found Wang Tiecheng's abnormality in a trance, he quickly stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Wang Tiecheng's waist, Wang Tiecheng stood on his heels and shook his head vigorously, murmuring: "It's too fast, my head is dizzy. Now, how can this child have such deep skills,"

Yu Jing's light laughter suddenly came from the side of "Pu Chi", Li Dongsheng, Wang Tiecheng, Ye Feng, and Captain Zhang all turned their faces to Yu Jing, seeing that she was actually looking as usual, without the feeling of dizziness that many of them had. , the four of them turned their faces to the two little girls to the side in surprise, seeing that they were still staring at the two big clear eyes, looking at the fast-moving figures in the field, motionless, without feeling dizzy,

Wang Tiecheng turned his face to Yu Jing in surprise, and asked softly, "You don't have any abnormal feeling, no, didn't you see that Xiao Wanmiao was carried away by his grandfather's actions? No matter how skilled he is as a child, It's impossible to have such profound skills, haven't you seen it?" Yu Jing turned her head to look at the pale faces of several people, and replied in surprise,

The four Li Dongsheng glanced at each other and suddenly understood: Yu Jing and the others were all children of the Wan family.

Ye Feng shook his head and sighed softly: "It's amazing, the eyesight of the children of the Wan family is not comparable to those of us. If this is against the enemy, a few of us have already lost.

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