Panther Commando

Chapter 1404: Acknowledging Ancestors (2)

Li Dongsheng nodded when he heard Ye Feng's words, every minute counts in the battlefield, and seeing the opponent's actions one step ahead of the enemy has already taken the initiative on the battlefield——

At this moment, the dancing sound of the screeching curtains in the room suddenly stopped, and a childish voice with a panting sounded: "Grandpa," followed by a "pop".

This childish cry is so natural and so kind. It is a cry from the blood that has been passed down from generation to generation!

Everyone suddenly looked at Xiao Wanmiao, and saw that he was already kneeling on the ground at this time, and he was respectfully lying on the ground facing the old man, his head knocking on the ground with a "dong dong dong dong".

The room suddenly became quiet, and the call from the bottom of my heart, the loud kowtow, echoed for a long time in the silent living room.

No one said a word, and they were all quietly watching the scene in front of them. No one thought that Xiao Wanmiao, a young child, would actually know how to give such a big gift to his elders. It seems that the Wanjia branch, which has lived in seclusion in the mountains for generations, still continues the ancient living habits of the Wanjia family, and every child has received such cultural influence since childhood.

They were moved to look at the little boy who was kneeling on the ground and kowtow reverently. Everyone knew in their hearts: This is the sign of the Wanjia branch recognizing their ancestors and returning to their ancestors! This is the moment when the family members reunite that thousands of generations have dreamed of!

After nine loud kowtows, the old man who accepted Wan Miao’s kowtow with a solemn face and calmly accepted Wan Miao’s kowtow, suddenly stretched out both hands to hold the empty support, Wan Miao’s body lying on the ground still maintained the posture of kowtow and was lifted up by the volley, the old man’s arms He stretched forward and hugged him tightly in his spacious arms, suddenly looked up at the blue sky outside the window, opened his mouth and let out a burst of "hahaha" laughter.

The old man's hearty and excited laughter, with a kind of powerful internal force gushing out from his body, the indoor air that had just calmed down immediately vibrated violently with the laughter.

With the laughter of the old man, there was a series of crisp sounds on the coffee table in the living room, the fruit plate and tea bowl on the coffee table jumped cheerfully with the vibration of the air, and the glass on the doors and windows also immediately issued a "crashing" sound. hum" sound.

Li Dongsheng looked at the grandparents and grandchildren who were hugging each other with smiles on their faces. They know that this is the laughter of the old man from the bottom of his heart!

He is using laughter full of powerful inner strength to cross the long river of history to comfort his ancestors; he is using transcendent skills to reach the heavenly court, thanking God for his mercy and the blessings of ancestors of all dynasties!

Perhaps the old man never dreamed that he could find this incense stick that thousands of generations have been looking for in his lifetime. Wanjia is revived, and Wanjia is finally going to prosper!

In the ear-piercing laughter, the old man's gray hair trembled, and a string of crystal tears hung on his wrinkled face.

"Hahahaha, what's the big happy event? My brother is so excited! I'm also here to join in the fun." Suddenly there was laughter outside the door, and Liu Hongxin pushed open the door and walked in.

Ye Feng and the others greeted them with a smile. Ye Feng said repeatedly: "Hahaha, a happy event, it's really a big happy event, have you brought your wine? You must have a good rest today!"

Liu Hongxin looked at the smiling faces of several people in surprise, then turned to look at the old man, and suddenly found that the old man was holding a red-faced little boy in his arms. He was stunned and asked, "Who is this little guy?"

"Grandpa Liu" Xiao Jingyi and Shanshan ran over to grab Liu Hongxin's affectionate cry, and Xiao Jingyi followed and said proudly, "This is my little junior brother!" With that, she pulled Wan Miao out of the old man's arms. In front of Liu Hongxin, she introduced clearly: "This is Grandpa Liu, this is my junior brother Wan Miao, his kung fu is higher than me." Her pretty face was full of pride.

"Hahaha" Li Dongsheng smiled and touched his daughter's head and said, "What junior brother? I don't know who you are, junior brother and junior sister?"

Grandpa smiled and wiped the tears from his face, walked over and grabbed Liu Hongxin's hand and said, "I'm overjoyed, your older brother is overjoyed today! Get the wine, get the wine!"

Liu Hongxin smiled, but looked at Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing in surprise, wondering why the old man was so excited?

Yu Jing came over and took Wan Miao's hand and said, "Mr. Liu, this is really a happy event. This is the grandson of the old man! It's a genuine descendant of the Wan family. Why don't you bring out the good wine you've stored in your cellar?"

"Ah?" Liu Hongxin was shocked. He grabbed the old man's hand and asked shakingly, "Really? Is this true? Are you really the descendants of your ten thousand families?" , Now that a grandson has popped up out of thin air, his good friend of the old man is naturally very excited when he hears the good news.

The old man laughed "Hehehe", his eyes were laughing into a gap, and his gray head was nodding again and again. Liu Hongxin was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned his head and asked, "Mr. Yu, tell me what's going on?"

Yu Jing quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter in a simple and clear way. After listening to Liu Hongxin, he turned his head to open the door and shouted, "Mom Shanshan, quickly prepare the wine and dishes, go to the wine cellar and bring up the good wine I have treasured!"

"Hahaha" everyone around laughed. At this time, the old man pulled the three children to his side, his expression suddenly became serious, he looked at Wan Miao and said, "Do you know that I am from the Wan family this time?"

Wan Miao nodded convincingly, raised his head and said, "Yes, you are using Wanjia's Kung higher than my daddy's Kung Fu, it must be the elder of our Wanjia. I went over there. I heard Daddy say that the person with the highest kung fu is the patriarch of the Wan family, and you are our patriarch, right?" His eyes turned red again.

The old man's eyes turned red when he heard the child's words. He knew that the branches of the Wan family did not forget their ancestors in the inheritance, and had been silently passing on the ancestral teachings and rules of the Wan family from generation to generation.

He raised his hand and stroked Wan Miao's head, and said excitedly: "Yes, I am the patriarch of the Wan family now! You should have heard the ancestors of the Wan family from your father, and I will not repeat them. I will first Let me introduce you to two junior sisters." Then he looked at Xiao Jingyi and Shanshan.

When Xiao Jingyi heard her grandfather's words, she turned her head to look at Wan Miao, who was obviously younger than herself, raised her head in surprise and asked, "Grandpa made a mistake, I should be older than him, should it be Senior Sister?"

The old man smiled, and then said seriously: "People who practice martial arts don't judge their age by their age, but by their age. Wan Miao has been practicing Wanjia Kungfu under the guidance of his father since he was a child, and he will naturally start earlier than you. There are many, and your skills are deeper than yours, so you can only be junior sisters.”

"Then Aunt Yu Jing is also a junior sister. She started later than us. Should she call us senior sister?" Shanshan suddenly asked with wide eyes in surprise.

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