Panther Commando

Chapter 1406: hunter on the ridge

Although Wan Lin and the others took off the military logos on their bodies, they still had the blood of soldiers flowing on their bodies, and paying a standard military salute to the motherland was the best way for them to express their feelings at the moment. —]

The mountains are stacked, and the streams are gurgling. A group of soldiers dressed in special combat costumes, and a group of Wanjia senior brothers who have temporarily removed their military logos, shuttled forward quickly through the mountains. Pieces of rocks and undulating mountains were left behind by their fast figures.

Wan Lin and the others did not speak, and everyone's feet were moving forward quickly and firmly. Wan Lin ran at the front with Xiao Hua, Zhang Wa and Wen Meng were scattered on the side and rear wings, and Lingling, who was carrying an electronic countermeasure box, was in the middle.

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who was running a few hundred meters in front of Wan Lin, suddenly stopped, turned her head to look at Wan Lin, and followed Yi Yan to the side of the hillside.

Wan Lin immediately raised his hand and made a "stop forward" gesture behind him. He kicked down the mountain, got up and rushed behind a rock on the side. Several people behind him rushed behind the surrounding trees and rocks. It disappeared into the undulating mountains.

In a blink of an eye, Xiaohua had already jumped up to a boulder on the side of the hill. It was lying on the top of the rock and looked forward intently, then turned to look at Wan Lin at the foot of the mountain, and a bunch of blue light flashed in his eyes.

Wan Lin's eyes flashed, and he whispered into the microphone, "Get ready for battle!" Holding a sniper rifle, he stood up from behind the invisible stone and ran quickly to the hillside where Xiao Hua was.

He hid himself between the rocks and trees on the hillside and quickly shuttled. He quickly ran behind the rock where Xiaohua was, turned his face and glanced at the surrounding environment, and then slowly extended his sniper rifle to the front from the side of the rock. , the **** of the gun was pressed tightly against the shoulder socket, and the face was pressed against the cheek rest and looked forward.

At this moment, Xiaohua had already jumped off the rock. It ran to Wan Lin's side and lay down on the grass. It stretched out its right paw and pointed to the front.

Wan Lin's eyes were fixed on the scope on the gun, and he looked in the direction indicated by Xiaohua. On the mountain ridge in front, two men dressed as hunters were walking unhurriedly, both holding a long curved bow in their hands and a white blue sheep on their shoulders.

A hunter in the mountains. Wan Lin saw the identity of the other party at a glance, and then followed Xiaohua's forearm to the hillside below, only to find that among the dense trees on the hillside, several people were sneakily approaching the hunter on the hillside.

Wan Lin frowned, then carefully observed the few people who were quietly approaching the hunter, and suddenly found that they were all wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying guns in their hands. There were six people in total. At this time, the group of people had quietly approached to a place that was only six or seven hundred meters away from the hunter.

He immediately measured the distance between himself and the people on the opposite side, and seeing that it was more than 2,000 meters away, he secretly thought: "It seems that these people are going to attack two hunters, but they are fully armed, why are they attacking two hunters in the mountains? ?"

He frowned, then carefully observed the attire of several people, and suddenly found that their bodies were all black, as if they were blackened by gunpowder smoke. He smiled immediately: These must be the few people who escaped from the cave that was blown up by Zhang Wa.

The tunnel stretched for several kilometers underground on both sides of the border, and Zhang Wa only destructively closed the tunnel exit at that time. And near the entrance of the tunnel outside the country, there should also be people from arms dealers. They may be the few people who escaped from the smoke of the explosion.

These people fled in a hurry, and they definitely didn't have time to bring food supplies. It seemed that they were going to take advantage of the fire and rob the hunter of the prey on the shoulders of the hunter.

Wan Lin immediately informed his teammates down the mountain of the observed situation, and then ordered: "Hide and go up, try to leave a living hole. Come on!"

He ordered, stretched out his hand and patted the little flower, then bent over and drilled out from behind the rock, followed the front hillside and rushed behind the big tree in front, and then used the cover of the rock and the trees to quietly run towards the mountain ridge in front.

Zhang Wa and several others at the foot of the mountain also quickly ran up the hillside, using the undulating stones and plants on the hillside to covertly approach the location of the target.

Wan Lin and Xiao Hua were running fast on the hillside. When they were about a thousand meters away from the two hunters in front, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded in front of them.

Wan Lin quickly jumped behind a tree, raised his sniper rifle and looked forward. Under the mountain ridge in front, several figures were quickly rushing out of the grass on the hillside, and the guns in their hands were running and aimed at the two hunters on the mountain ridge in front.

At this moment, the two hunters on the mountain ridge had thrown away the blue sheep on their shoulders, held the bow in their left hand, and quickly pulled out a machete from their waists in their right hand, staring back to back at the rushing people.

The machete in the hunter's hand shone coldly in the sun, like two crescent moons twinkling on the mountain ridge. Wan Lin's eyes lit up: "Scimitar hunter! These are the two hunters of the Scimitar tribe."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, his left hand stretched forward and gently pulled the bolt of the gun, raising the gun and aiming at a few black shadows rushing up the front of the mountain. At this time, as long as the other party tries to attack the two hunters, he can only shoot!

This is an alien brother who has thrown his head and shed blood for himself and these people. He must not watch them get hurt by outsiders!

"The hunter in front is the brother of the Scimitar tribe. Wen Meng is covering a distance from a distance, and the rest are approaching quickly. We must not let the Scimitar Brothers have an accident!" Wan Lin coldly whispered into the microphone.

He ordered in his mouth, his feet had flashed out from behind the tree, and he rushed Meng from the bottom of the hillside immediately ran diagonally up the hillside, Lingling and Zhangwa quickly followed the hillside towards the top of the hill. Run ahead.

The hillside was covered with dense vegetation, large trees and tall weeds, which provided excellent cover for the quick movements of Wan Lin and his group.

At this time, the few people in front had already surrounded the hunters on the mountain ridge, and they were raising their guns and staring at the two hunters holding machetes. They didn't notice that there were several evil spirits approaching on the side hillside.

Wan Lin and Xiao Hua were flashing quickly among the vegetation and stones on the mountainside. It wasn't long before they rushed to a place four or five hundred meters away from the two hunters.

He pounced on a tree as thick as one person in front of him, stopped, raised his gun and looked in front of him, then turned to look behind him, and saw that Wen Meng was already standing at a tree more than 200 meters behind him. Behind the tree, holding a sniper rifle ready to shoot at any time.

Wan Lin saw that Wen Meng was ready to take cover, and immediately turned around and bent over to Xiao Hua at his feet, pointing to the opposite side, and whispered, "Protect the two hunters!"

When Xiaohua heard the sound, she threw herself into the tall weeds in front of her, and quickly ran towards the mountain ridge in front of her to hide. Wan Lin immediately raised her sniper rifle and aimed at several people on the mountainside.

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