Panther Commando

Chapter 1407: Leopard God Returns

At this time, Wan Lin did not dare to get too close. Afraid that the few people in front of him would find him, the dog jumped over the wall and shot the hunter suddenly. Now he can only raise his gun and wait for the opportunity to appear.

On the mountain ridge in front, two hunters held their machetes back to back, their eyes vigilantly looking at the few people who came around with their guns raised, with a look of despair on their bronzed faces. Open, ready to counterattack in self-defense at any time.

Four of the other six raised their guns and approached the two, while the other two carried their assault rifles behind their backs, bent over and lifted the two blue sheep that the hunter had just thrown on the ground, with satisfied smiles on their faces. , What did one shout excitedly in his mouth?

The four people surrounding the hunters lowered their muzzles, turned their heads to glance at the prey in the hands of their companions, and smiled on their faces. One of them turned around and shouted a few words at the two hunters. One of them pointed to the machete on the hunter's hand and the bow and arrow on his back, as if to tell the two hunters to hand over their weapons and leave.

Wan Lin saw the other party's gesture from the scope, and his heart sank. He knew that these machete hunters were tough and stubborn, and they probably wouldn't say anything about taking their prey? But if they were asked to leave their machetes behind, these people would die in battle, and they would not leave their weapons behind. This is an insult to a machete warrior who will never put down their machetes even if they die!

Sure enough, a light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the two machete hunters, and one of them coldly said something to the person in front of him? Then he raised the machete and pointed to the blue sheep next to him, and he meant to say: the prey can be sent to you, but the weapon can't!

Before he could finish his words, the other four suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun, their fingers quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, and the bodies of several people quickly took two steps back, and the black muzzle immediately aimed at the chests of the two hunters.

The faces of the two hunters changed, and their bodies suddenly jumped to the sides and forwards. The scimitars in their hands waved like lightning, and they slashed towards the legs of their opponents who were closest to them.

The other four were shocked. No one expected that the two hunters would be so stubborn and dare to fight back under the muzzle of four black guns. One of them reacted quickly, his finger pulled the trigger immediately, and a string of "da da da" flames shot out from the muzzle immediately, and the bullets flew through the middle of the hunters who rushed towards both sides with a heat wave.

At this moment, the hunter's knife light had already slashed at the thighs of the two soldiers, and the two soldiers jumped back in panic, immediately swinging the muzzle of the gun in their hands, and they were about to pull the trigger when facing the two hunters in front of them.

At the critical moment, a red mist of blood suddenly spewed out of the heads of the two of "Pu" and "Pu". The muzzles of the assault rifles in their hands were suddenly raised, and their fingers moved as they fell. trigger. "Da da da", "Da da da", two strings of bullets shot into the air, and the body immediately fell to the side.

Haven't waited for those present to understand what happened? A black shadow jumped out from the weeds next to him. The first soldier to shoot had not had time to move his gun. On his shoulders, a figure flew to the side like a bullet.

Everything happened in an instant. The three enemies had already fallen to the mountain ridge at this moment. The sudden change made the remaining three stunned, and they raised their guns in panic.

At this moment, the two people who had just thrown away the blue sheep and wanted to raise the muzzle of the gun, heard two faint sounds of "poof" and "poof", followed by two clusters of red mist sprayed from the top of their heads; At the same time, a crisp sound came from the top of the other person's head, and Xiao Hua's right paw slapped heavily on his head, and a red and white liquid splashed around.

At this time, the two hunters who were thrown to the side had just landed, and the six people who attacked them had fallen backwards on their backs, and there was a thick smell of blood in the air.

The two were shocked and didn't know what happened at all? I don't even know why the people in front of me suddenly fell down? When they landed, they tumbled quickly on the grass a few times, and then jumped up from the mountain ridge with a machete, holding the knife to protect their chests, assuming a fighting posture.

The two of them had just put on a fighting posture, and suddenly found a small yellow and black shadow with a smear of blood, jumping down from the body of an enemy on the side, with blue beams of light spraying from their eyes.

"Leopard God!" The two of them stared at the ferocious little animal in front of them in astonishment, then their knees bent sharply, and they knelt on the ground with a "pop". They knew that at the critical moment when their lives were at stake, the Leopard God suddenly came to save their lives!

At this moment, several figures had emerged from the edge of the mountain ridge, and ran to the two hunters quickly. When they came up, they kicked the assault rifles that fell to the ground with one foot, and the black muzzle immediately Aiming at a few shadows on the ground.

At this time, Wan Lin and Wen Meng also ran quickly from a distance with sniper rifles. Wan Lin ran to the hunters and took a careful look at the scimitars beside them, then turned to look at the gangsters lying on the ground.

Four of them were shot in the head by himself and Wen Meng; the other two, one was cut off half of his neck by Xiaohua's sharp claws, and the other's skull was shattered by its claws, seeing that none of the six enemies could breathe.

He originally wanted to leave a living room, but in order to prevent the enemy from shooting at the hunters, he had to pack them up together. He smiled bitterly, turned his face to look at the hunter who was still lying on the ground, and bent over to pull the two up.

The two hunters stood up Their eyes first looked at Xiaohua in fear, and then they fixed their eyes on Wan Lin's face. Immediately, surprised smiles appeared on the faces of the two, and they quickly put the scimitar Inserted into his waist, he stretched out his arms and hugged Wan Lin tightly, shouting excitedly in his mouth?

Zhang Wa and the others laughed when they saw the excited look of the two hunters, knowing that they had recognized the leopard head. The two hunters let go of their hands, then put their right hands on their chests, and bowed down to the few people next to Zhang Wa, looking excited.

Wan Lin looked at the two of them, and then asked, "Is the old patriarch okay? Okay, okay, I often talk about you guys," a hunter said in a blunt Chinese language.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grab Wan Lin's hand and said, "Go, go to our tribe, the people of the tribe are talking about you every day, go to the tribe!"

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he saw that the other party could speak Chinese, he smiled and waved his hand and said, "This time we have no time, there are still some things to deal with, and I will visit the old patriarch and brothers when we have time."

The two hunters were taken aback, one of them looked at Wan Lin and asked, "What's the matter with you? We can help." Wan Lin hesitated for a moment, then pointed to the corpses on the ground and asked, "Do you know them?"

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