Panther Commando

Chapter 1408: way of life

The hunter turned his head and glanced at the corpses on the ground, and nodded one of them and said, "I know, they are the subordinates of that arms dealer. Since you killed the drug lord Ao Kun, there have been a lot fewer drug dealer soldiers in this area. These arms dealers often haunt here, we often see them hunting in the mountains, and when we see them, we usually avoid them far away.”

Wan Lin's heart moved, and he immediately asked, "Do you know where they are stationed? You know, they are in the woods in the distance," the hunter said quickly, pointing to the distance.

Wan Lin smiled and thought to himself: These hunters are the real masters of this mountain forest. They know everything in the mountains like the back of the hand. People who make a living by hunting have to work hard for a living in the mountains every day. How can any trouble in the mountains escape the eyes of these hunters.

Wan Lin looked at the two hunters with joy, and saw that they were looking greedily at several assault rifles on the ground. He quickly smiled and said, "I'll give you these guns. If you have nothing to do, take us around the forest. We want to find the place where these people are stationed."

The two hunters were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they promised again and again. They bent down and picked up a few on the ground and carried them on their shoulders. Then they squatted down and took off the bullet bag from the corpse and put it on their shoulders. Without hesitation, he reached out and took off the camouflage clothing on the body.

Wan Lin quickly turned his head and glanced at Lingling and Wen Meng. Seeing that their faces were red, they were covering their mouths and turning their faces to the side. Zhang Wa, who was beside him, also grinned.

He quickly pulled the two hunters up and said with a smile, "Forget it, don't ask for the clothes, it's all bloodstains." They all remembered the scene of the corpses with white flowers that they saw in the mountains last time.

At that time, their commandos cooperated with the Scimitar Warriors to wipe out the two mercenary groups of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi in the mountains. In order to obtain the spoils, the Scimitar Warriors stripped all the enemy's bodies naked.

The two hunters straightened up and glanced at the people beside them, only then did they notice that Lingling and Wen Meng, who were wearing helmets, were two women. They awkwardly glanced at the blood-stained camouflage uniform on the enemy's body again, and said with some regret: "Forget it, it's a pity."

At this time, Zhang Wa had already pulled out the engineer shovel to dig a hole in the grass, and Wen Meng and Lingling also took out the engineer shovel from their bodies. Seeing this, the two hunters hurried over and grabbed the shovel from Lingling and the two of them. They soon dug a deep pit together with Zhang Wa, threw several enemy corpses into it, and then filled it back with the floating soil. .

Zhang Wa, Wen Meng, and Lingling immediately pulled some grasses from the side, disguised the location of the dirt pit, and looked at the two hunters and nodded their thanks.

Wan Lin smiled and looked at the two hunters carrying the enemy's assault rifles on their backs, and said with a smile, "Didn't you seize a lot of weapons last time, why didn't you bring them when you came out? It was so dangerous just now."

A hunter replied: "Our old patriarch said that we are hunters. When hunting, we should use ancestral machetes and bows and arrows. This is a tradition left by our ancestors and must not be thrown away. Those guns are only for defending the homeland and dealing with bad guys. We don't usually let us take it out."

Wan Lin and the others looked at each other, and they all understood the good intentions of the old patriarch. If a hunting tribe wants to survive in the mountains divided by various forces, the most fundamental thing is to ensure its own way of life.

If every hunter is hunting in the mountains with modern guns, I am afraid that their ethnic group will no longer be called the scimitar tribe, and the sturdy scimitar warriors will most likely lose their simplicity and original survival. Way. At the same time, they are hunting in the mountains with guns, and they are also likely to provoke various local forces around them, bringing their entire scimitar tribe to death.

If a few arms dealers saw them holding guns just now, it is estimated that they would shoot, and they would never leave time for them to rescue the two hunters.

Wan Lin couldn't help sighing inwardly at the wisdom of the old patriarch. He smiled and said, "Then leave someone to help us lead the way."

The two hunters looked at each other excitedly, and said repeatedly: "No problem, no problem", the older hunter immediately said to his companion: "Let me go alone, you can bring your weapons and prey back."

Another hunter looked up at Wan Lin, and seemed to want to follow Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "It's enough to have someone lead the way. You bring back the captured weapons and prey first, and we'll visit you when we have time."

The hunter next to him quickly took off the two assault rifles from his body and handed them over to his companion. He then lifted the two blue sheep and put them on his companion's shoulder. He said something else in the local language, and then turned around and picked up the remaining ones in his hand. The assault rifle asked Wan Lin, "Then let's go now,"

Wan Lin looked at the young hunter and laughed. He was carrying four assault rifles, two tens of kilograms of prey on his shoulders, a bullet belt tightly tied around his waist, and his left hand supported the prey on his shoulder. He was carrying an assault rifle in his right hand, and the weight of the whole body was estimated to be more than 100 kilograms. Lingling asked worriedly, "Can you walk back with so many things on your back?"

The young hunter opened his mouth to reveal two rows of yellowish teeth, and said embarrassedly, "Hey, hey, no problem, I don't dare to pull such a good thing down." After saying that, he bent over to say goodbye to several people. Several people quickly supported smiled and urged him to leave.

Several people smiled and watched the young hunter stagger away with a heavy load on his back. Wan Lin then turned around and said to the other hunter beside him: "Then it's hard for you, let's go," the hunter grinned honestly. After a while, he suddenly raised the assault rifle in his hand, lifted his foot and walked forward.

Wan Lin and the others glanced at each other and knew that the hunter had left a gun behind to help him during the war. Several people looked at the strong back of the hunter, and felt a warm feeling in their hearts. They lifted their feet and walked towards the mountains.

With a hunter who is familiar with the roads in the mountains as guides, Wan Lin and the others traveled significantly faster. Five days later, several people finally arrived near the forest where the arms dealers were located in the evening.

At this moment, the hunter stopped in the mountains in front of him, turned his head and said to Wan Lin: "A few more miles ahead, you will often see people with guns. We hunters usually don't dare to go here. before."

Wan Lin looked at the surrounding terrain and found that the terrain here was already hilly, and the rolling hills were full of bushes and thorns. A thick tree grows scattered among the mountains. In the distance, a undulating mountain can be faintly seen, which seems to form a natural barrier between the mountains, winding up and down on both sides.

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