Panther Commando

Chapter 1415: jungle gunshots

The adjutant of Ao Mo smiled slightly and said confidently: "You can rest assured, no chaos opponents will never approach here from the ground or trees. [In addition, several guard towers are arranged on the Long-range heavy machine guns have been deployed. There are also four heavy machine gun positions in the courtyard to prevent the enemy from attacking from the forest road. In addition, defense forces have also been deployed on the forest road. At present, I have ordered all the sleeping brothers to enter the battle. bit".

After hearing the adjutant's confident report, Aomo relaxed a little from the nervous expression on his face. He patted the adjutant's shoulder and raised the binoculars to look at the door.

In the two heavy machine gun bunkers at the gate, three soldiers are already lying on their stomachs. Once the enemy appears on the road entering the base outside, cross-fire will be formed to completely block the only entrance and exit, and the defense around the base will be deployed. It can be said that it is impregnable, and it is true that there is no fault.

His eyes swept across the door, he raised his binoculars and looked out onto the road outside the door, listening carefully to the sound of gunfire in the distance. At this moment, the sound of "bang bang bang" heavy machine gun suddenly came from a distance.

Aomo was startled, and his body immediately took two steps back. The guards on both sides immediately raised their guns and rushed in front of him. The sound of pulling the bolt immediately rang out, and the black muzzle was immediately aimed at the road outside the door. . The soldier at the door also immediately got up and aimed the muzzle of the heavy machine gun outside.

The sound of the heavy machine gun stopped immediately, and Aomo's face showed an anxious look. The sound of the heavy machine gun was obviously the end of the road. His soldiers were shooting outside.

"Why hasn't the inquirer come back yet?" Aomo looked angrily at the adjutant. Now that the communication equipment has all failed, and it is impossible to understand the battle situation outside in time, there is a feeling of being out of control in my heart.

"It's coming soon, it should be soon!" The adjutant replied anxiously, looking out the door anxiously. It didn't take long, a bright light suddenly shot from the dark forest, followed by a rapid motor sound, a jeep with two headlights on, galloping along the forest path towards this side, behind the car. With first-class dust. The adjutant hurriedly raised his foot to meet the door.

The jeep drove into the courtyard and stopped abruptly. The guard in the car had not waited for the car to stop before he opened the door and jumped out.

"Report" the guard ran to Ao Mo and raised his hand to salute, "Tell me, tell me, what's going on outside?" Ao Mo asked anxiously.

"At present, no abnormality has been found outside the forest. Just now, two shadows on both sides of the road suddenly discovered two shadows from the foot of the mountain, crossed the trail and rushed into the forest. The brothers swept a shuttle," the guard quickly replied.

"Shadow?" Ao Mo's small eyes widened, looking at the guard suspiciously. The guard quickly replied: "It was two shadows. I was inquiring about the situation at the time, and I saw a shadow rushing into the forest from the edge of the mountain. It moved very quickly. The brother in the bunker pulled the trigger at that time, and it seemed that he was not injured. To the two shadows. Judging from the movements of the shadows, these two shadows must be apes in the mountains, and the speed of humans cannot be so fast!”.

Aomo calmed down a little when he heard that the guard had seen the shadow with his own eyes, and that it was definitely a monkey in the mountains.

There are many macaques in the mountains and forests. He knew that the minefields around the base often exploded, and many of them were accidentally touched by these apes. Now there are many macaques killed in the surrounding forests and branches. Skeletons.

He then turned his face to the adjutant and said, "Order all the base guards to be on guard, and tell all the brothers that this month's salary is doubled! Ask your people to drive to the edge of the forest, and report immediately if there is any situation." Glancing at the corner of the yard, he turned and walked back to his room.

The huge house in the corner of the base was the arsenal he personally commanded made of rocks. At that time, he was afraid that the arsenal was higher than the forest and would easily lead to the attack of the opponent, so he specially ordered the arsenal to be built in a semi-underground form.

At this moment, Wan Lin, like a Peng bird spreading its wings, fell together on the top of the pitch-black tree canopy, and flew forward quickly. A few dozen meters in front, a small black shadow was also rising and falling rapidly, and two blue lights looked around from time to time.

The silver-white moonlight shone coldly in the woods, and behind Wan Lin was constantly flashing red fire. He knew that Zhang Wa had already started and was approaching where Cheng Ru and the others were. The continuous gunshots in the forest behind also showed that Cheng Ru and the others were dealing with the enemy, attracting the enemy's attention and covering their own and Xiao Hua's actions.

At this time, he must get close to the target as soon as possible to detonate the arsenal inside the enemy company, otherwise once the sky is bright, a few of them will face the pursuit of hundreds of enemies. It's hard to say a safe retreat.

As he quickly rose and fell on the canopy, he thought to himself: Fortunately, judging from the current gunshots, there was no gunshots at the top of the mountain outside the forest. This means that the enemy has not yet discovered that the top of the mountain opposite the forest path has been occupied, otherwise Lingling and Wen Meng will face great danger, and it will be difficult to hold on to this commanding height to cover their retreat.

At this moment, the small flower that rose and fell in front suddenly jumped up, turned her head to look at herself, and then fell into the canopy and disappeared. Wan Lin was shocked, and his body slammed into the canopy of the tree.

"Da da da..." A rain of bullets swept out of the hillside on the Immediately from the top of the canopy, there was a sound of "crackling" branches breaking, and pieces of sparks were scattered around the canopy of the tree. Flying up and down, the branches broken by the bullets flew around against the sparks.

Wan Lin quickly drilled into the canopy until he reached a thick branch at the bottom of the canopy, before shrinking into a ball and hiding behind the trunk. The enemy on the top of the mountain on the side must have found his figure undulating on the canopy, so he turned the muzzle of the machine gun and swept over.

At this time, the direction of the enemy base in front of the enemy also followed the sound of heavy machine gun fire. Pieces of bullet rain with a shrieking sound that pierced the air, flew over the position where he was, and the hot air passed through the gaps in the branches. One after another blowing on Wan Lin's face.

"Leopard head, support?" Lingling's anxious question came from Wan Lin's earphones, "No need, now the enemy's intentions are unknown, you shoot at the top of the tree on my side first, and must not be exposed!" Wan Lin replied hastily.

When he was moving fast on the top of the tree, he had already discovered that there were many agile macaques in the forest, and they were all startled away when Xiao Hua passed by.

Wan Lin estimated that in such a dark night, it was impossible for the enemy to guess whether his figure was an attacker or a macaque? Now just tentatively shooting the canopy.

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