Panther Commando

Chapter 1416: Dangerous situation (1)

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The sound of a heavy machine gun came from behind Wan Lin. Lingling and Wen Meng also pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun condescendingly on the top of the mountain behind the side. The two apparently raised the shooting range, and the bullets flew from above the airspace where Wan Lin was, "pupupupu" into the forest hundreds of meters ahead. They fired at this time to prevent the surrounding enemies from discovering that the top of the mountain had been lost.

Wan Lin quietly listened to the direction of the gunshots, carefully discerning the distribution of the enemy's firepower. At this moment, a burst of "Boom", "Boom"... suddenly exploded on the canopy hundreds of meters in front, and clusters of fire rose into the sky, and the violent explosion flew around with burning branches and leaves.

Wan Lin was shocked. He didn't expect an explosion on the tree canopy in front of him. Could it be that the enemy fired mortar shells? If the enemy uses such a powerful weapon, it means that the enemy must have discovered his intention!

He hurriedly made a low whistle at Xiaohua, and he moved down along the thick branches, his ears pricked up, and he listened carefully to the sound of the mortar shells flying in the air.

At this moment, the sound of machine guns in the front and the side had stopped. Only the position of Lingling and Wen Meng in the rear side was still the sound of "bang bang bang" heavy machine guns. kept ringing.

Wan Lin raised his head in surprise and looked up, just in time to see a small flower emerging from the thick branches and leaves on the side. Wan Lin reached out and hugged it in his arms, and then climbed to the top of the tree canopy, flanking the rain of bullets swept by Lingling and the others, hitting the dense tree canopy in front of him with a "crack, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, and crackle" to the top of the tree canopy. .

"You brats, there are also explosives placed on top of the tree canopy!" Wan Lin cursed in surprise as he watched the flames rising hundreds of meters ahead. I finally understood in my heart that the enemy had placed all kinds of booby traps on the tree canopy. He was lying on the top of the tree canopy and took out the binoculars and looked forward.

With the light of the explosion, he suddenly discovered that there were several tall watchtowers more than 500 meters in front of him, with a few figures swaying on them, shaking their arms desperately towards the top of the side.

Wan Lin quickly looked up to the side of the mountain ridge. Several flashlights were already lit on the dark mountain top, and the light beams of the flashlights were shaking desperately towards the top of the mountain where Lingling and the others were, as if telling them to stop shooting and not to damage the minefield in the forest.

The enemy's radio signal was blocked, and now he was signaling the top of the mountain to stop shooting, "Lingling, Wen Meng, stop shooting!" Wan Lin quickly ordered. He knew that Lingling and Wen Meng must have also found explosives hanging on the tree canopy in front of him, so taking advantage of the shooting opportunity just now, he wanted to detonate the explosives in front of him with a dense rain of bullets from heavy machine guns, shooting a safe passage for himself.

Now that their shooting had detonated many of the booby traps set up by the enemy on the top of the tree, if they continued to shoot, it would arouse the suspicion of the surrounding enemies, so he quickly ordered the two to stop shooting.

The gunshots of "bang bang bang" stopped abruptly with Wan Lin's order. Wan Lin quickly turned his head and looked to the side, and the flashlight on the side of the mountain went out. "The enemy didn't find anything unusual!" He then let out a long sigh of relief. Just now, he was really afraid that Lingling and Lingling would be exposed in order to protect themselves.

"Da da da..." Just as the heavy machine gunfire stopped here, the gunfire in the forest behind Wan Lin suddenly became more intense. Wan Lin frowned. The sound of gunfire was so intense, indicating that Cheng Ru and several people heard the sound of the machine gun here, which increased the movement in the forest.

Wan Lin secretly said in his heart: We must speed up our actions! Otherwise, there are only four of them, and they cannot deal with the enemy for a long time. He quickly stuck his head out of the tree canopy and looked towards the enemy base ahead.

Clusters of firelight flashed from the tree canopy in front, and the explosives detonated by Lingling and the others had ignited the branches and leaves of the tree in front of them. Extends over the glade.

In the distance, a few towers above the tree canopy were erected high on both sides of the open space in front. The figures above were swaying in the firelight, and several heavy machine guns were facing the direction of the forest where Wan Lin was.

Wan Lin looked at the flickering firelight on the top of the tree in front of him, his eyebrows condensed into a pimple between them. Although Lingling and the two used bullet rain to clear a passage in the minefield, in the firelight ignited by the explosion, they could not help themselves. It was impossible to move forward at all. The heavy machine guns on the enemy base in front and the mountain on the side had formed a crossfire without dead ends.

Once you move in the firelight, you will immediately become the target of public criticism! In the strafing of large-caliber heavy machine gun bullets, the branches of the tree could not stop the ferocious rain of machine gun bullets, and under the tree was probably also a minefield densely covered by the enemy, and it was impossible to move on the ground at all.

Wan Lin looked down anxiously, then moved down quickly, then grabbed Xiao Hua from his shoulders on a thick tree branch below, and ordered it to hide behind the thick trunk and not move, and then he followed the tree. The branch crawled forward, followed by grabbing a flexible branch at the bottom of the tree canopy with one hand, wandering vigorously for a few times, and then released his hand suddenly with the power of wandering, and his body shot towards a tree more than ten meters in front of him like a cannonball. Fly up the big tree trunk.

He wanted to gradually approach the opponent's base from the bottom of the branch. From the analysis of the booby traps currently set in the canopy, the enemy's key targets for guarding against are the treetops and the ground, and the tree branches at the bottom of the canopy should be relatively safe. He had no choice but to put Xiaohua in a safe area to take a risk by himself.

Just as he approached the tree trunk in front of stretched out his hands to hug the tree trunk, a thin vine suddenly appeared in front of him and stretched across the front of the tree trunk.

Wan Lin was shocked: How could there be such a tight vine in the dense forest! At this time, he was in the air and had no time to dodge, so he could only press the vine and hugged the thick trunk tightly with both hands, but his whole body was already tense, and a burst of true energy suddenly rushed out of his body. .

Just as he first touched the tree trunk, there was a sudden "bang" in the forest on the side. Wan Lin's expression changed drastically, he kicked the tree trunk in front of him with both feet, his hands suddenly slammed into the thick tree trunk in front of him, and his body flew out of the way like an arrow.

Just as he left the tree, a gust of wind suddenly came from the side, and a slender black shadow on the side of the grass carried a gust of cold wind, which suddenly wanted to swing in front of him. The slender black shadow carried a strong wind with lightning speed, and with a "wheeze", it rubbed the soles of his flying shoes.

Wan Lin immediately broke out in a cold sweat, knowing that he had just walked before the gate of hell! He had already discovered in the air that what flew over was a tree trunk the thickness of an arm on the side! As long as the reaction was a little slower just now, the seemingly unsharp tree trunk would be tantamount to a sharp steel knife if it hit him, and he would immediately be cut off from the waist and die!

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