Panther Commando

Chapter 1417: Dangerous situation (2)

Wan Lin was originally a hunter, and he naturally knew that this was a method often used by hunters in the mountains to ambush large prey when they were hunting in uninhabited mountains or dense forests!

He is very familiar with this hunting method. This is to find a small tree with strong toughness in the forest in advance where the prey often haunts, then cut off the branches and leaves at the top of the trunk, and then bend the tree body strongly, and the top of the trunk is fixed with vines. On the tree trunk next to it, once the prey touches the vine, the strongly curved tree trunk will suddenly bounce from the side, and the huge force is enough to smash the spine of the large beast in one fell swoop.

Wan Lin headed to the front and back of his feet and flew towards the big tree he just jumped out of in the air like a projectile. Just as he approached the tree trunk in front of him, he took a deep breath and suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand, wanting to grab it. The tree branches living above climb up the canopy.

But the moment he stretched out his hand, he suddenly found that he was still more than one meter away from the branches above! He immediately realized that he was flying back in the air, his body had sunk more than one meter under the action of gravity, and his arms could not touch the tree branches above.

He was shocked. Once he fell into the ground, it was very likely to detonate the minefield on the ground. At that time, he would die without a place to be buried in the explosion!

Wan Lin's face turned pale in an instant, followed by a flash of red on his face, and a burst of infuriating energy rushed to his right arm, and his right hand stabbed into the thick tree trunk in front of him like a fork. At this time, he was so close to the tree trunk that it was too late to stretch out his arms to hug the tree trunk as thick as one person.

This is the moment that decides Wan Lin's life and death! "Hey", his right arm was like a sharp long sword, and half of his forearm was inserted into a tough tree trunk as thick as a person in an instant! The body hangs on one arm from the thick tree trunk.

The thick tree suddenly shook violently with the strong insertion of his arm, and the dense canopy above his head shook violently.

"bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a series of heavy machine gun bullets swept from the air in front, the surrounding branches and leaves swayed violently in the heavy machine gun bullets, and the branches and leaves with sparks flew around. , the deafening sound of heavy machine guns reverberated fiercely over the forest.

Wan Lin's body was like a branch hanging from the trunk, and the swaying trunk swayed violently, the situation was at stake!

Approaching the guard post in the base on Wanlin's side, I immediately found the canopy of the tree that was shaking violently. A heavy machine gun immediately spewed out a tongue of flame from the high guard tower.

The enemy on the surrounding watchtower heard the sound of gunfire, and immediately discovered the vision in the forest, and immediately pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun in the building. At the same time, the enemies on the side ridges also shot and swept toward the forest.

Several heavy machine guns in different directions swept towards the forest where Wan Lin was located, and the whistling large-caliber bullets swept into the forest like a dead end. A section of thick tree branches with the thickness of an arm fell under the fire of large-caliber bullets, "kakaka", and fell down with sparks. Pieces of broken wood flew in the forest with the bullet rain, and the surrounding trees were ablaze!

Wan Lin had just escaped from the danger, but he didn't expect to be caught in a torrential rain of machine gun bullets again!

A violent rain of bullets poured into the forest like a torrential rain. The dense canopy of the big trees in front of Wan Lin had already been cut in half by the ferocious bullets, and the large-caliber bullets whistled from his side. After that, the flying bullet rain instantly scorched the air in the forest, and the air in the forest suddenly became sultry and humid, and hot winds rushed in!

Wan Lin's face was already pale, and his eyes were shining brightly! In the heavy machine gun strafing hundreds of meters in front, as long as a large-caliber bullet hits him, half of his body will immediately be knocked off by the powerful bullet!

At a critical juncture, the five fingers of his left hand were inserted into the trunk of the tree like a hook for the first time, and his legs were stretched to the trunk of the tree. Like a gecko, it flashed behind the thick tree trunk, and its limbs tightly hugged the tree trunk in front of him.

In a twinkling of an eye, the trees that were half the size of a human in front of the tree where Wan Lin was, were already making a random noise during the shooting of the bullet rain, and fell to the ground with a bang, followed by the sound of the explosion of mines. The tree in front of him fell to the ground with a bang, and bullets from heavy machine guns slammed into the thick trunk in front of Wan Lin.

Wan Lin hugged the tree trunk tightly. He knew that in this kind of powerful heavy machine gun bullets, the tough and tough tree in front of him would definitely not be able to withstand such a dense rain of bullets, and would be cut off by the fierce bullet rain sooner or later!

At the critical moment when Wan Lin was in danger, a deafening sound of heavy machine gunfire suddenly came from the top of the mountain behind him. Disappeared, and the machine gun bullets shot from the top of the side disappeared in an instant. A rain of bullets from a series of heavy machine guns flew from the top of their heads towards the enemy base in front and the side ridges!

Several tall towers hundreds of meters in front of Wan Lin and Xiao Hua had already burst into flames. The walls of the base made of rocks and logs were also hit by the ferocious rain of bullets.

Immediately following, fierce gunfire sounded again in the dense forest behind Wan Lin, and a huge explosion sounded one after another.

Wan Lin's heart was hot: at their critical Lingling and Wen Meng could no longer care about the original battle plan, and without hesitation pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun in the bunker on the top of the mountain. The heavy machine gun violently sprayed a rain of bullets at the mountain ridge and the enemy base, suppressing the enemy's machine gun fire.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa heard the sound of heavy machine gunfire on the top of the mountain, and they must have realized that they were in danger. They immediately launched a fierce attack on the enemy in the forest, trying their best to attract the enemy's troops and reduce the pressure on their side.

The sudden change obviously confused the enemy. There were no gunshots for a long while at the base where they were located and on the mountain ridge. Obviously, they didn't understand in their panic: Why did they suddenly attack themselves on their position on the top of the mountain?

The support of his comrades-in-arms instantly won Wan Lin precious time, allowing him to escape from the danger at once. There was a sudden burst of light in his eyes, he bit his teeth, and the five fingers inserted into the tree body slammed into the tree body, his body vacated from the tree trunk he was hugging tightly, suddenly leaped to the top of the flaming branch, and pulled out behind him. The bow and arrow, got up and dashed towards the star-studded, flaming canopy in front of him.

Warplanes are fleeting! The enemy has discovered the abnormality in this forest, and Wan Lin can only act quickly with the adventure cover of Lingling and Wen Meng! Once the enemy organizes a counterattack, the commandos will not be able to resist dozens of times the enemy's counterattack.

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