Panther Commando

Chapter 1425: Rapid support

The enemy reinforcements on the top of the side are running fast along the ridge. I want to support my comrades as soon as possible. But suddenly I found my companion beside me falling silently. In the blink of an eye, six or seven companions fell backwards. It was then that they suddenly realized they were under attack.

In the dark night. The ridges ahead were full of sparks hit by bullets. None of them could see where the bullets had come from. A group of people quickly fell to the ground. Immediately tumbled to hide behind the surrounding rocks and trees. Update the first time

They suddenly understood that it was the opponent's sniper attacking. under the muzzle of a sniper. No one dared to expose their bodies to the outside.

The moment they raised their guns just after jumping into cover. Just in the dim light of the fire. A black shadow leaped into the machine gun bunker on the ridge in front of it.

A group of people had no idea what was going on inside their bunker. They all raised their guns and stared at the bunkers in front of them. I don't know if the bunker is still in my own hands.

Just when they hesitated. A tongue of flame suddenly spewed out of the bunker along with the sound of "bang bang bang". A rain of bullets swept past them with a strong hot wind. Sparks flew from the rocks and trees where they were invisible. A group of people's faces changed greatly: their bunker had already changed hands at this moment. One by one, they quickly laid their bodies tightly on the cold ground. The first update is to pull the trigger in your hand and sweep towards the front bunker.

Immediately there was a fire on the top of the mountain. The bullets rained like weaving, and the gunshots were deafening. Under the dark night sky. The rocks and vegetation hit by large-caliber machine-gun bullets shone with sparks. A wisp of black smoke drilled into the dark night sky in the firelight.

Just now. Wan Lin rushed into the enemy's bunker. Immediately saw two leopards jumping from the enemy's body in the bunker. He didn't bother to look around. The first update immediately pushed away a shadow lying on a heavy machine gun. Picking up the machine gun, he turned around on the bunker. Pulled the trigger after lying on the gun.

at the same time. Inside the mountaintop bunker behind Wanlin. Wen Meng was holding a heavy machine gun nervously watching the enemy's bunker in front. Now. She saw that the machine gun that had been spraying bullets at her suddenly reversed direction. Sweep towards enemies in the distance. My heart immediately ecstatic: the leopard head has occupied the enemy's position. She immediately raised the muzzle. Sweep towards the mountain ridge where the reinforcements are located in the distance.

Cheng Ru and several people have already approached the forest edge at this time. Just now. They were moving fast towards the edge of the forest on the dark tree tops. From a distance, I could see sparks splashing from the top of the mountain occupied by Lingling and Wen Meng. It was being violently attacked by the enemies coming from the left and right mountain ridges and the forest.

Several people realized immediately. Lingling and Wen Meng are under great pressure. Several people took a deep breath. Lifting up all his strength, he quickly rushed from the canopy to the edge of the forest.

Just when a few people were moving towards the forest edge in a frenzy. A series of flames suddenly erupted from the side. There were violent explosions one after another. Several people turned their faces to the side of the forest while flying. When they saw the flames rising in the distant forest. I immediately understood in my heart: it must be the leopard's head that detonated the arsenal in the enemy's base. And Zhang Wa was also at this time. Detonated the enemy position on the forest side road.

A huge fire soared into the sky over the forest. Several people immediately received an urgent order from Leopard Head.

Zhang Wa received the order. Quickly rushed towards the forest road. Cheng Ru, Dali, Xiaoya and Wu Xueying also mentioned their whole-body skills. Get up and quickly pounce on the canopy at the edge of the forest.

Cheng Ru and a few people rushed to the edge of the forest. He quickly raised his sniper rifle from the canopy and quickly turned the gun body. Through the sniper scope, I carefully observed the surrounding movement; the powerful light machine gun was immediately pointed at the hillside opposite the forest. Several people are hidden in the treetops. Quietly observe the surrounding scene.

The forest on the side is braving the flames ignited by the explosion. Sections of broken branches were scattered on the ground. There was a flash of fire; the green grass all around had turned black. Puffs of black smoke were blowing; There are also twinkling dark red sparks.

in dim light. Seven or eight black shadows were scattered across the mountain trail outside the forest and the foot of the opposite mountain. not moving at all. This is obviously the corpse of the enemy thrown by the blast wave from the enemy position on the edge of the forest.

Several people swept the surroundings. I couldn't help but feel a little astonished. This is a big explosion made by Zhang Wa with the high explosives of the captured enemy. I didn't expect the explosion to be so powerful. If these powerful explosives fall into the hands of terrorists. I really don't know how many innocent civilians there will be. lost their lives in this huge explosion.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the direction of the forest where the leopard head was. The enemy's base is still ringing "boom" explosions. The bullet boxes that were detonated by the fire were making a series of "crackling" explosions. It sounded like a chain of firecrackers.

It is unknown how many weapons and ammunition are stored in the enemy's arsenal. It's been so long. There were still bursts of violent explosions. Continuous explosions of fire. Light up the dark sky above the forest. A dark red. The night stars that originally shone with cold starlight. They all quietly disappeared into the dark red night sky in the blazing firelight.

at this time. Several people found at the same time. A string of lights in the forest loomed from the branches and leaves of the canopy. The flames that were quickly escaping the explosion approached the forest edge.

Only at this time did the Cheng Confucian people understand. No wonder Leopard Head ordered Zhang Wa to lay mines on the road in the It turns out that some enemies escaped from the base before the explosion. It is now rushing towards the outside of the forest.

Several people saw the surrounding situation. Cheng Ru and Dali immediately aimed their sniper rifles and machine guns at the opposite mountain top; Xiaoya and Wu Xueying saw Cheng Ru and ready to take cover. Immediately jump from the high canopy. Jumped towards the path under the tree.

Cheng Ruhe watched the surrounding movements nervously. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Xiaoya and the two of them rolling down in the flickering firelight. Then he quickly disappeared at the foot of the opposite mountain. The two of them followed Wan Lin's orders. Quickly ran to the top of the mountain where Lingling and the two were.

Cheng Ru and vigorously covered Xiaoya and crossed the path safely. Dali immediately made a gesture to Cheng Ru who was on the side. Carrying a machine gun, he also jumped down from the top of the high tree canopy. The same several rolls on the ground. Quickly rushed across the mountain path below and ran to the opposite hillside.

Cheng Ru was lying on the canopy holding a sniper rifle. Covering several team members rushed over the road below. Immediately raise the muzzle. Aimed at the enemy machine gun positions that were shooting at Lingling and the others on the mountain ridge.

Dark night sky. Two heavy machine guns on the top of the mountain sprayed a rain of bullets at Lingling's position. The position of the mountain ridge where the enemy was located was eight or nine hundred meters away from the edge of the forest.

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