Panther Commando

Chapter 1426: Hilltop Battle

Cheng Ru was lying on the top of the tree and observed the situation of the enemy's bunker. Immediately looked at the hillside around Xiaoya and the others.

In the firelight caused by the explosion at the edge of the forest. Xiaoya and the others are running up the hillside. Very fast action. In the blink of an eye, he had already reached the halfway up the mountain.

Cheng Ru saw that his teammates were temporarily safe. Immediately aimed the muzzle at the enemy's heavy machine gun position that was spraying fire on the top of the mountain. "Pupupu" pulled the trigger several times in a row. The moment the enemy gunfire stopped. A fish leaped out from the high canopy. More faster chapters to come. Fall to the ground and spring up. Go straight to the top of the mountain.

at this time. Dali has already rushed to the place twenty meters away from the top of the mountain. He was above the moment the machine gunfire stopped. He straightened up suddenly. With a machine gun in hand, he ran to the top of the mountain.

at this time. There was a sudden loud gunshot on the ridge on his left. A rain of bullets whizzed past him. A patch of sparks splashed from the tree trunks and grass on his side immediately... The enemy reinforcements on the side apparently spotted him running wildly on the hillside. Immediately shoot here.

Vigorously jumped behind a big tree and glanced up anxiously. "Bang bang bang!" The heavy machine gun that had just disappeared on the top of the mountain suddenly sounded again. A shower of bullets swept over his head. A string of sparks immediately appeared from the rocks on the side of the mountain and the tops of the big trees. Dali knew in his heart that the enemy in the bunker must have replaced the machine gunner. At the same time, the bullets swept by the side support companions were found. Knowing that someone is approaching on the hillside. So immediately turned the muzzle and swept towards the side of the mountain.

Vigorously and anxiously observed the terrain around him. Fortunately, there are trees and thorns around. Pieces of rock were also scattered on the hillside. Most of the bullets fired by the enemy on the side were blocked by these obstacles.

He immediately fell on the hillside. Climb up the mountain quickly along the low-lying area. Then he stopped under a big tree six or seven meters away from the top of the mountain. The first update was to lean against the side of the tree.

Sparks shot up by bullets were flying all over the pitch-black hillside. Pieces of rubble and sparking bark danced around him. The "pop" sound of being hit by bullets was constantly kicked from the big tree where he was invisible. The tree swayed violently in the rain of bullets.

He looked up at the top of the mountain anxiously. A few meters above is a rock. There is no longer a tree to block it. A shower of bullets was flying from the side. Pieces of sparks and rubble kept flying from above. The machine guns on the top of the mountain were also roaring violently. Pieces of bullet rain swept towards the bunker where Lingling was on the side. Strings of sparks popped up around the bunker. The bunker was silent. Obviously, Lingling has been suppressed by the enemy intensively in the bunker, unable to fight back.

Urgently. He was furious. One handed the machine gun from the right hand to the left hand. More faster chapters to come. Lifting his right hand took off a high-explosive grenade hanging from his shoulder. He swung his arms sharply and threw it towards the place where the gunshots came from the top of the mountain.

"Boom" a group of fire followed from the top of the mountain. Fragments of the grenade, mixed with gravel, flew around. The deafening sound of gunfire on the top of the mountain stopped abruptly.

at this time. A rain of bullets suddenly swept from the side of the mountain where Lingling was. Following the rain of bullets, it swept in the direction of the enemy's reinforcements in the distance. The rain of bullets whistling around Dali suddenly disappeared...

Dali was overjoyed: Lingling leaned forward abruptly and pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun amid the sound of the explosion. are risking themselves to cover themselves. He suddenly swung his arms round and counted a grenade to the top of the mountain. Kick off the hill with your feet. Get up and head to the top of the mountain.

He rushed to the edge of the mountain without hesitation. "boom". The thrown grenade burst into another burst of fire on the top of the mountain ahead. Vigorous immediately threw himself under a large rock on the side of the mountain. By the afterglow of the explosion fire. The first update slammed the machine gun out from the side of the rock. A shuttle of bullets was swept out at the side of the mountain beam "Da Da Da". Then the arm was raised again. He threw a grenade at the enemy bunker in front of him.

"boom". With the explosion of fire. The heavy machine gun bullets swept by Lingling from the side suddenly raised the shooting range. Sweep towards the enemy reinforcements on the distant mountain ridge. Holding the machine gun vigorously, he climbed to the top of the mountain. on a rugged mountain top. Quickly roll to enemy cover with explosive fire in front of you.

Several people have formed a tacit understanding in the battle. Lingling saw the third grenade thrown vigorously in the firelight. It has been judged that he is going to attack. Immediately raised the muzzle of his machine gun to suppress distant enemies.

The top of the mountain was filled with smoke. The rubble and dust that rose with the explosion were falling towards the top of the mountain. Vigorous just tumbled under enemy machine gun cover. More faster chapters to come. Inside the bunker was a black figure who was choked by gunpowder smoke and coughed violently. Suddenly his head stuck out from the edge of the bunker.

Lie on your back under cover while holding your breath vigorously. The eyes just saw the head of the enemy sticking out. The left hand sticks out like a snake. It grabbed the figure's neck like a pair of pliers. With a squeak, he threw down the side of the mountain. Immediately after, his right hand suddenly pulled out the saber on the side of his thigh. A carp fighter suddenly appeared on the edge of the bunker. The body instantly turned into the bunker made of stones and logs.

The shadow that was suddenly thrown out by Vigor screamed and drew an arc in the air. slammed down the mountain. Then he disappeared on the side of the mountain with a shrill scream.

at the same time. Three or four lie in the bunker to avoid the enemy from the explosion of the grenade. Suddenly found that the companion suddenly volleyed out. Then I saw a black figure rolling in in the thick smoke. Still haven't figured out what happened. The bunker is already flickering with cold Several people screamed and rolled in the bunker. Then he lay on the ground motionless.

Vigorously wiped out several unexpected enemies in the bunker in an instant. Get up and jump to the edge of the bunker. One threw a black shadow lying beside a heavy machine gun out of the bunker. Pick up the overturned heavy machine gun and put it on the cover on the side. Facing the mountain beam on the side, it was swept out.

at this time. The silhouette of his bunker flickered. Cheng Ru also jumped in like a flying fish. Cheng Ru jumped into the bunker. Immediately look at the sniper rifle at the top of the mountain where Lingling and the others are. Several black shadows are rushing from the hillside to the top of the mountain. Then he turned into two bunkers from the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru was relieved. I know Xiaoya, Wu Xueying and Zhang Wa on the hillside. He has already rushed to the top of the mountain where Lingling and Wen Meng are. Now. His brothers and sisters have all safely withdrawn from the jungle.

at this time. Wan Lin was lying in the bunker on the other side of the mountain ridge. It was holding a machine gun and strafing the enemy reinforcements on the side. Inside the bunker lay two leopards with shining eyes. Inside the bunker were six or seven corpses scattered all over the place. Several rocket launchers were scattered on the ammunition boxes next to them.

It was pitch black on the mountain ridge a thousand meters away. Clusters of firelight are being avoided from the rocks and trees. A violent rain of bullets roared around and over the bunker where Wan Lin was.

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