Panther Commando

Chapter 1427: line of fire retreat

The shadow of the enemy was nowhere to be seen on the mountain ridge shrouded in night. Enemy reinforcements one by one. The two heavy machine guns of Wanlin and Wen Meng on the top of the mountain behind him were strafing. After being tightly suppressed under cover, he dared not show his head. You can only stretch out the muzzle and shoot blindly in front of you.

Wan Lin took advantage of the opportunity to replace the machine gun magazine. He quickly turned his head and glanced behind him. See Wen Meng's position thousands of miles away behind him. The fire of the heavy machine gun was still sprayed. suppress the enemy in front of him. He quickly shouted into the microphone: "Chengru... report the situation."

"Report. Dali and I have occupied the enemy's position on the flank. We are blocking the reinforcements on the flank. The rest of the team has reached the top of Lingling's mountain." Cheng Ru quickly reported.

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Several of them have already occupied a favorable position on the top of the mountain. Take advantage of the powerful firepower and abundant ammunition reserves in enemy bunkers. Enough to stop enemy reinforcements on both flanks.

He then leaned on the back of the machine gun and looked at the mountain ridge in front of him. He suddenly found out in the flickering firelight. A moving figure appeared faintly on the hillsides on both sides. With the help of the lush vegetation on the hillside and the ups and downs of the mountains. Quickly run towards him.

Wan Lin's heart sank. He grabbed the sniper rifle next to him. Looking through the night vision scope to the other side of the hillside. A dozen figures are also appearing and disappearing from among the trees on the hillside. He realized immediately. The other party must have seen Shanliang covered by their own machine gun bullets. In the first update, the divisions were flanking from the hillsides on both sides to their own side.

"Lingling, Wen Meng. Suppress the reinforcements on the mountain ridge. The enemy is flanking the hillside from both sides," he ordered. While pulling the trigger of the sniper rifle. On the hillside, a black shadow that had just flashed from behind a tree immediately fell backwards on its back. The surrounding dark shadows immediately disappeared into the dense vegetation.

He then turned the gun again. He pulled the trigger several times in succession at the figure swaying on the other side of the hill. The first update is here. There was a sudden loud gunshot on the road in the forest ahead. A storm of bullets suddenly swept from the forest to the top of the mountain.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom". Bunch of fire light suddenly spewed from the forest edge. A few whistling shadows suddenly spewed out of the firelight.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom". A violent flame suddenly erupted on the top of the mountain. Wan Lin was shocked: The enemy who retreated from the base. More faster chapters to come. The forest edge has appeared.

He picked up the machine gun, twisted and threw himself to the side of the bunker and swept towards the edge of the forest. At the same time, the eyes looked to the side of the mountain.

Lingling and the others were on the top of the mountain, and the fire was blazing into the sky. The mountain ridge on the other side also swept out a rain of bullets against the edge of the forest. The two heavy machine guns on both sides of the top of the mountain immediately aimed at the forest edge at the foot of the mountain. A rain of cross bullets was swept out. The flames sprayed by the forest edge sparsely faded.

"Xiaoya. Update and report the casualties as soon as possible." "Xiaoya." Wan Lin swept the fire on the edge of the forest. shouted hurriedly. But he kept shouting several times. There was no response from Xiaoya in the headphones. Wan Lin's heart suddenly sank: "It's broken. Xiaoya must have had an accident."

"Xiaoya was knocked into a coma by the fragmentation of the shell. Wen Meng and Lingling were injured by the fragments. The extent of the injuries is unknown." At this moment. Zhang Wa's voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphones. Zhang Wa's voice was very anxious to update Zhang Wa for the first time. A burst of heavy machine gun fire followed. Apparently he had just dodged a cannonball. He picked up a heavy machine gun and fired.

"Cheng Ru and I took cover. The rest of the team immediately covered the wounded to retreat. We must take them out." Wan Lin was shocked when he heard this. Heart beating violently. Then shouted sharply into the microphone. His voice has become a little hoarse. Three sisters and sisters who are close as sisters were injured. And also have their own loved ones. The first update made him lose his usual calm.

"Understood." The voices of Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Dali immediately came from the earphones. At this point the commando faced three enemies. Especially the mortar shells in the forest opposite the foot of the mountain. There is already a huge threat to the top of the mountain. The first round of mortar rounds flew parabolically. Three team members at the commanding heights of the mountain were injured.

at this time. The enemies on several sides are all seven or eight hundred meters away... They are all outside the range of the bazooka and bow and arrow bombs carried by several people. More than the effective range of automatic rifles. In addition to machine guns and three sniper rifles. Several people simply did not have heavy weapons to withstand the attacks of several enemies.

and. Enemy reinforcements are still coming from afar. Continue like this. Once the sky is bright. It is difficult for the commandos to safely leave the battlefield under the siege of dozens of times the enemy. Now several people must take advantage of the darkness to quickly withdraw from the battle.

Following Wan Lin's order. A few black shadows appeared on the top of the mountain immediately after the first update. Run quickly to the back of the mountain. Wan Lin and the heavy machine guns in Chengru's hands jumped "bang bang bang". A shower of bullets swept down the forest edge and wings below. Covering the retreating comrades.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger. He shouted to the two leopards in the bunker, "Withdraw. Go find Xiaoya." He then raised his left hand and pointed to the back. The heavy machine gun in the right hand also turned sharply towards the side ridge. A rain of bullets swept out towards the enemies on the side ridges and hillsides.

The two leopards heard the words. Immediately jumped out of the bunker. Towards the back of the mountain and jumped out. But before Wan Lin turned back to the gun. A black shadow rushed into the cover again like lightning. Wan Lin turned his head and saw Xiao Hua's eyes were shining with blue beams of light. Keep an eye on yourself.

Wan Lin's heart trembled violently. Knowing that Xiaohua and Xiaobai escaped from the bunker. Xiaohua turned her head and saw that she hadn't followed. It came back like lightning. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Wan Lin did not order Xiaohua to leave again. he knows. My little brother at this moment. He will never leave himself alone in a hail of bullets.

He swept out a shuttle of bullets. Follow along and grab a bazooka inside the bunker. Facing the mountain beam on the side, I pulled the trigger. A rocket fired immediately and flew forward.

Haven't waited for the rocket to explode. He dropped the rocket launcher from his shoulder. The right hand picked up another bullet and carried it on his shoulder like lightning. Quickly pulled the trigger. Although the enemy has not yet entered the effective range of the rocket. Violent fire and smoke can block the enemy's view. Cover attack and retreat of comrades.

"Boom", "Boom". Two rockets exploded one after another on the side ridge. Wan Lin picked up his sniper rifle from the bunker. He shouted into the microphone: "Chengru. Withdraw."

with his voice. He and Xiaohua had already leaped out of the bunker like lightning. Followed by a few rolls on the top of the mountain. Like a cloud of black smoke, it rushed down from the top of the mountain to the **** behind.

at the same time. On the side ridge where Chengru is located. There were also several explosions of rockets. in the rising fire. A black shadow also rushed from the ridge to the hillside behind like lightning.

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