Panther Commando

Chapter 1428: homework

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru just threw themselves on the hillside. There were several explosions of mortar shells from the machine gun positions behind them. Followed by a violent explosion into the sky. Pieces of rubble were mixed with fragments of cannonballs. Whistling over their heads.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru flew down the hillside. A huge explosion sounded one after another from the top of the mountain behind. One after another, the mortar shells burst into flames. The entire mountain trembled with the violent explosion.

Without the rain blockade of the machine guns on the top of the mountain... the enemy's mortar shells flew towards the top of the mountain one by one. Near the three bunkers where Wan Lin and the others were just now. All shrouded in dazzling fire. The dark sky of the top of the mountain. The flames that had been exploding had been reflected in a bright red color.

Neither Wan Lin nor Cheng Ru looked back on the hillside. Instead, he ran quickly to the mountainside and immediately disappeared behind the tree. A few shots were fired at the figure of the enemy swaying on the side hillside. Then he rushed down the hill in the middle. Prepare to receive Dali and Zhang Wa who are carrying the injured team members.

The situation on the battlefield changed instantly. The three firepower points on the top of the mountain that were just seized by Wan Lin and a few others. Now it has instantly become the focus of the enemy's artillery shells. A heavy rain of machine gun bullets. From the summit and the ridges on both sides swept fiercely towards the summit; clumps of explosions rose from the summit behind them.

at this time. The arms dealer Ao Mo was standing by the forest with his face flushed. The fat on his face was trembling. For the first time, the small eyes that were squeezed by the fat meat in the eye sockets were glowing with red fire.

He shouted hoarsely. He yelled loudly for the six or seven soldiers in front who were kneeling on the ground to fire quickly. Thirty dozen soldiers of his bodyguard stood behind the tree. He was firing his gun at the top of the mountain in front of him. He is on his way. The guards along the way have been summoned to the edge of the forest.

at this time. The opponent has already destroyed the arms company that has just recovered. He was angry. Now my mind is full of "revenge." Two big words. He must not let these people ruin half of his life. Born away from here.

Just now. He saw in the base that the opponent launched a powerful attack on the base. Pieces of bullets from heavy machine guns hit the interior of the base. He stood at the window and looked out the window. Pieces of sparks have emerged from the log cabins around the base. at this time. Suddenly he felt a tinge of panic in his heart.

He walked out of his office and stood at the gate. Hiding in the corner of the building and looking into the distance. In the distance outside the forest is the mountaintop originally occupied by his own soldiers. The fire of a heavy machine gun is being sprayed at its own base.

He understood immediately. The opponent has quietly occupied the commanding heights outside the forest. Fortunately, the tops of the mountains on both sides were still shooting fire at the commanding heights. This shows that the opponent is only occupying the commanding heights on the mountain outside the forest. The first update also shows that there will not be too many raiders. Otherwise, all the surrounding mountain tops would have been occupied.

Aomo felt a little more at ease when he observed Lin Wai's situation. Turn around and go back. Just when he returned to the gate of the residence. The moving footsteps stopped abruptly. He suddenly turned around and looked at the flickering fire in the base.

at this time. in his mind. Suddenly there was a scene where Ao Kun, a drug dealer from his old club, was killed. Ao Kun was in the manor that was heavily defended at the time... and was secretly infiltrated by the opponent. One shot kills.

Boiled small eyes wide open. Suddenly I understood: the opponent occupies the top of the mountain two kilometers away. And suddenly launched an attack on their own base. Its purpose will never be to attack its own base. Heavy machine gun bullets. It can only suppress the towering watchtowers of the base. Not a fatal blow to the base. The purpose of the opponent's attack. It must be covering the companions who are quietly approaching here.

Thinking of this, his body shook violently... At that time, the drug dealer Ao Kun was under such strict defense. They were all secretly infiltrated into the valley by their opponents and assassinated. Then himself and the arsenal must be the focus of the opponent's operation. Gotta get out of here now. Take the commanding heights of the mountain outside the forest. Prevent enemies from approaching the base.

He turned his head to the adjutant beside him and shouted loudly: "Immediately order the guards to bring heavy weapons. Rush out with me to seize the top of the mountain outside the forest. Others continue to stick to the base. Focus on protecting the arsenal."

He yelled and stooped and ran back to the room. The first update, he pulled up the woman he had recently found from outside and ran out. He dragged the woman to the door. See the adjutant has driven a jeep parked at the door. The other thirty or so members of the Guard have already climbed into several other cars carrying heavy machine guns, mortars and other weapons. Waiting to set off.

Aomo waved at the cars in front of him. Then he pulled his woman and bent down and got into the jeep in front of the side door. Following a few cars in front, they rushed out of the base gate...

It didn't take long for the exhausted team to leave the base. Suddenly, I heard intense gunshots and shouts coming from the base behind me. Then a deafening roar was heard.

The face of Ao Mo immediately changed: "Leopard." His complexion suddenly turned dead gray. This is the leopard commando that once took the head of the drug dealer Ao Kun. The thing he feared the most in his heart finally happened: he sold a large amount of arms to neighboring countries. Finally recruited this world-famous special forces team.

follow closely. Three huge explosions sounded in the base behind him. A grumpy hand slammed over his heart. His heart exploded violently. Almost popped out of his throat.

in the base arsenal. Stores a large amount of arms that he bought with all his savings. That was all the possessions he had acquired from the tip of the knife for most of his life.

He stuck his head out of the jeep in the middle of the convoy and looked, his face full of flesh shaking violently in the firelight. There was a brief calm after the three explosions. The flames of the explosion were flying in the air with the broken limbs of soldiers and the broken wood of buildings. But the continuous huge explosion of the explosion of the ammunition depot. It didn't sound in succession.

The beating heart that was pounding into his throat finally fell. He rubbed his heart hard: the three bombs detonated by the opponent. It did not break through the solid arsenal built up by boulders. His home is still there.

Aomo happily raised his hand and wiped his face. But suddenly felt wet hands. It turned out to be unknowingly. There was a layer of cold sweat on his face and palms.

Just when he was secretly rejoicing. Two huge explosions followed from behind the grinding convoy. Followed by a group of dazzling fire soaring into the sky. The entire forest was shaking violently. The blast of fire illuminated the dark forest as bright as day.

Ao Mo suddenly screamed with this huge explosion. He jumped out of the seat suddenly. "Boom". The huge head slammed into the roof of the moving car. Follow with eyes closed. He fell suddenly on the seat. The huge head tilted on the shoulders of the woman beside him. A stream of white foam came out of his mouth.

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