Panther Commando

Chapter 1429: rage grind

The adjutant who was driving heard the sound from the back seat, and was shocked, thinking that his vehicle was hit, and hurriedly stomped on the brake pedal. &

The jeep, which was bumping on the road with the huge explosion, slammed into the roadside forest, and immediately stopped on the side of the road.

The adjutant broke out in a cold sweat. If the car did not stop and rushed into the forest, it would immediately detonate the landmines buried on the side of the road. A few cars behind saw the jeep in front suddenly stop, and they rushed to the emergency brake and stopped behind. The guards on the road and the guards on the defensive road checkpoints hurried over to the jeep of Aomo, raised their guns and aimed at the forest, thinking that the boss's vehicle was attacked.

The adjutant turned his head, only to see Aomo's fainting appearance, and hurriedly shouted in panic: "Boss, boss!" The guard beside Aomo also quickly stretched out his fingers and quickly pressed the person under Aomo's nose. On the middle acupoint, press hard for first aid.

Seeing the appearance of Aomo being paralyzed and fainting, the woman who was Aomo started to cry out loudly, holding Aomo's arm tightly with both hands and shaking it vigorously.

Several people were scrambling to rescue the suffering of sudden fainting. After a while, Ao Mo suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, then opened his two blood-red eyes, his chubby face shook violently, and pushed away the guard who was still pressing under his nose. He tried his best to yellow his big fat head, and shouted hoarsely to the adjutant in the driver's seat: "Drive... drive, drive! Be sure to leave these **** behind, and never let them escape!"

He shouted, turned his face suddenly and shouted at the woman who was still crying beside him: "What are you screaming? I'm not dead yet!"

With the hoarse shouts of the grinding, the team quickly started and rushed out of the forest. When they were about to rush to the edge of the forest, the front jeep suddenly turned over into the forest by the roadside with a loud bang.

Several figures in the car were thrown into the air by the explosion, and the car body was thrown out of the car, screaming and flying into the forest by the roadside, and then there were several violent explosions in the forest. Obviously, when the figures that were thrown out landed, they detonated the mines buried in the forest.

The explosion of the vehicle in front was still alive, and a huge explosion sounded immediately at the second jeep behind it. The jeep rolled over and flew towards the roadside with the flame of the explosion, hitting the edge of the forest with a bang. on a big tree, and then fell heavily in the middle of the road.

When the following cars saw this, they immediately stopped on the path in the forest, and more than 20 figures jumped out of the car. They surrounded the jeeps that Aomo was riding in, and they raised their guns and swept away frantically.

The sound of violent gunshots echoed in the dark forest, but there was no sound of explosions or gunshots in the surrounding area. The adjutant leaned on the steering wheel and listened nervously for a while, then pushed open the door and jumped out.

He hid behind the open car door and observed the surrounding movement, and immediately judged that the two vehicles in front had touched the explosives set by the other side, and there were no enemies around.

He quickly ordered the guards to push aside the blown up car on the road, and ordered the convoy to continue driving out of the forest. At this time, his face was already pale. The dense forest on both sides of the road was a minefield that he personally directed and laid. It was originally used to prevent the enemy from attacking, but he did not expect to encounter an attack here.

Once there is a battle on this narrow forest path, the group of oneself is no different from being put into a long and narrow cloth belt, there is no way to go, and they can only sit and wait.

When they rushed to the edge of the forest in a hurry, they were greeted by a scene of sorrow and grief. The two defensive positions on the edge of the forest had been completely destroyed by the violent explosion. There was fire and plumes of black smoke in the middle.

Surrounded by the guards, Ao Mo jumped out of the car, saw the miserable scene in front of him at a glance, and immediately discovered that the machine guns on the top of the mountain outside the forest were shooting violently at the positions on both sides of him.

He shouted with red eyes, and quickly instructed his men to set up a temporary position in the forest. The light and heavy machine guns and four mortars he brought out immediately launched a ferocious attack on the top of the mountain outside the forest.

At this time, the mountain on the opposite side had already turned into a sea of ​​fire under the bombardment of mortar shells. The large trees on the top of the mountain were continuously hit by flying fragments of artillery shells and machine gun bullets, and clusters of dazzling fire had already appeared on the stumps and leaves on the trees.

Aomo waved a pistol in his hand and frantically ordered his subordinates to pour ammunition to the top of the mountain. The adjutant on the side held a telescope and hid behind a tree, observing the movement on the top of the mountain. At this time, he saw that there was no sound of counterattacks on the top of the mountain, so he quickly ran to Aomo and shouted loudly, "Boss, the enemy may have already run away!"

Having been dazed by his anger, Ao Mo turned his head to look at the adjutant, shook his big head vigorously, stared at his red eyes and cursed loudly: "Don't you **** speak louder?" His ears had been shelled violently. The sound made a "humming" sound, and I couldn't hear what the adjutant was saying?

The adjutant hurriedly leaned into his ear and shouted again. Only then did he understand what the adjutant meant, he angrily grabbed the telescope from the adjutant's hand and looked towards the top of the mountain.

There was a fire on the top of the mountain, and there was indeed no one figure in sight, and there was no fire from the muzzle of the counterattack. The opponent had obviously escaped from the back mountain.

Aomo angrily shoved the binoculars into the, turned around and snatched an assault rifle from a guard, shouting, "Run away? Damn it, if you blow up Lao Tzu's arsenal, you'll be fine. If you want to run, it's not that easy! Even if you run to the horizon, I will catch you all back! Charge them all, and bring back the opponent's head for a gold tael!" With the shouting, he raised his foot and walked towards the outside of the forest. rush away.

At this time, the reinforcements on the mountain ridges on both sides had seen their own people rushing out of the forest by the firelight on the top of the mountain, and they also shouted and ran from both sides to the top of the middle.

Aomo ran up to the top of the mountain with a group of his men, immediately grabbed the adjutant's night vision binoculars, and looked towards the mountains ahead.

In the distance, a few figures are looming in the rolling hills. Enemies meet, especially jealous! As he looked at the figure of his opponent in the distance, blood seemed to drip from his eyes.

He turned his head to look around, and saw more than a dozen people running over each of the two wings of the mountain. Forty or fifty subordinates had gathered around him, and in the distance, his subordinates followed the mountain beam and the path under the mountain one after another. Come here.

His courage suddenly grew stronger, and he immediately shouted hoarsely: "Damn, we must not let these **** escape. Inform the brothers, take back one head and reward one or two gold! All the **** chase after me! "

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