Panther Commando

Chapter 1430: chasing after

Boiled and shouted. With the gun in hand, he ran down the hill in front of him. The surrounding men looked at each other. Immediately shouted happily and rushed out. A gold or two. For those of you who serve as soldiers under arms dealers. That's a huge amount of money. A group of people rushed down the dark mountain like crazy. As he ran, he shot into the distance.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru covered their teammates and retreated from the top of the mountain. Immediately got up and ran to the back of the mountain. He had already caught up with Zhang Wa and a few others halfway up the mountain.

Wan Lin rushed to a place more than ten meters behind several people. More faster chapters to come. Sharp eyes have swept over several teammates. Zhang Wa was running down the mountain with Xiaoya on his back; Dali was carrying a heavy machine gun captured on the top of the mountain with one hand. The other hand supported Lingling. There are several heavy machine gun magazines hanging from his waist. The light machine gun he originally carried had already been thrown on the top of the mountain; Wu Xueying supported Wen Meng, who was limping.

at this time. Xiaoya's head rested on Zhang Wa's shoulder, motionless. Lingling and Wen Meng had bandages wrapped around their shoulders and legs. Feet are moving down with difficulty. Xiaobai followed Zhang Wa's feet with red light in his eyes. The head is not worriedly looking at Xiaoya on Zhang Wa's back.

Wan Lin's heart sank. Three players were injured at this time. Especially Xiaoya's injury is unknown. seem particularly serious. This made him feel nervous for a while. The speed of the retreat has now been affected. If the opponent is chasing from behind. It would be very dangerous to update the situation immediately.

at this time. Huge explosions continued to sound from the top of the mountain behind several people. The flames of the explosion turned the hillside into a dark red.

Wan Lin's eyes turned red in the firelight. He quickly ran to Zhang Wa's side. He shouted loudly: "After the break. The rest of the team members speed up and evacuate." He grabbed Xiaoya from Zhang Wa's back. He hugged her to his chest and ran down the mountain.

at this time. The first update Cheng Ru flew over from the side. He carried Lingling, who was limp, on his shoulders. He shouted to Dali next to him, "Take care of Wen Meng." Carrying Lingling, he jumped down; Dali saw that Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were already chasing after him. Holding a machine gun in the right hand. One step over to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying. With his left hand, Wen Meng was also carried on his shoulders. She shouted to Wu Xueying next to her, "Follow Zhang Wa to break the back." He lifted his foot and rushed down the mountain.

Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying immediately turned to look at the top of the mountain. The first update is that there is still a fire on the top of the mountain. The enemy's pursuers haven't caught up yet. Zhang Wa immediately shouted at Wu Xueying. The two immediately squatted on the hillside and worked a few times. Immediately, they chased the Wan Lin group at the foot of the mountain.

not long time. Wan Lin and the others had already rushed down the hillside quickly. Running fast in the dark hills at the foot of the mountain. And this time. A group of dark shadows have appeared on the top of the mountain. The sound of gunshots resounded densely from the top of the mountain. For the first time, the bullets swept into the hills ahead.

Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying had already caught up with the people in front from behind. Zhang Wa ran to Dali and took Wen Meng from his left shoulder and carried it on his shoulder. Vigorously twisted and rushed to the top of the hill next to him. The left hand lifts the bracket on the barrel of the machine gun. Put the machine gun on the top of the hill and lie down behind the gun. He swept out the crowd behind him who were rushing down the hillside.

With the fire of a powerful heavy machine gun. "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" on the dark mountainside behind the update for the first time... A series of explosions sounded one after another. Dali knew that this was when Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying broke up just now. The booby trap placed on the **** was stepped on by the enemy.

He swept away a shuttle of bullets. With a lift of the left hand, a new magazine was quickly replaced. By the explosive flames that kept rising from the hillside. Carrying a gun, he drilled into the hills behind.

The gunfire in the mountains continued. For the first time, a bunch of fire lights flickered in the dark mountains. He was chasing after him with his subordinates like he was going crazy. Forty or fifty of his subordinates were stimulated by the boss's high bounty. He was chasing after him desperately as if he had been hit with drugs.

But they don't know. At this time, the grinder has gone bankrupt. Among the large quantities of ammunition in the base's arsenal. A considerable part was obtained on credit from international arms dealers. He is relying on the honest relationships he has built over the years with arms dealers. Millions of dollars in arms came on credit.

In the past, when he worked under the hands of drug dealer Ao Kun. Just take advantage of the opportunity to be in charge of logistics. Established good business relationship with arms dealers. At that time, he monopolized the power of one party through the drug lord Ao Kun. With the intricate variety of local forces in the mountains. They have quietly established arms sales relationships. Secretly selling arms to them.

Later, drug lord Ao Kun was killed. Update for the first time that he broke away from the drug cartel to start an arms company. Take advantage of your relationship now. They wantonly sell arms to various local forces in the mountains. Business is booming. To this end, he ambitiously hoarded a large number of arms. part of it. He got it on credit by virtue of the reputation he had built up over the years with international arms dealers.

But after the demise of the big drug lord Ao Kun. After a short period of time, the various drug dealers in the mountains re-divided their territory. Suddenly fell into a delicate balance. The original demand for arms fell into a trough. This made the thriving arms business plummet. So he had to increase his strength. Vigorously carry out arms smuggling business in neighboring countries.

When he received this big business from a neighboring terrorist organization. It looked like he had been given a shot of cardiotonic. Immediately, a cross-border tunnel was dug secretly near the border. And set up two arsenals in the mountains on the opposite side. Desperately trying to smuggle arms to the opposite country.

These have spent all his He is now relying on advance payments from terrorist organizations to make money. Now where is the money to reward these brothers who worked hard for him.

But the soldiers under him didn't know that. They are desperately chasing forward. I didn't even think about it at all. He has been carried away by hatred. I was thinking about revenge.

at this time. Boiled face flushed. The fat body was supported by two guards. Followed closely behind a group of soldiers. He held a pistol tightly in his hand.

Running wildly in the mountains. His fat face was already covered with beads of sweat. His feet had begun to stumble. He was gasping for breath in his mouth "wheezing, whistling". The assault rifle that had been snatched from the guard had long since been taken back by the guard.

He ran hard. Looking at the rolling hills in the distance. He was born in the military. He once led thousands of drug lord soldiers under the drug lord's grind. There is a lot of military knowledge stored in the mind. at this time. He stopped suddenly. He shouted to the adjutant next to him: "Order the brothers in front to divide into three groups. The left, center, and right flank the opponent. They must not be allowed to escape."

The adjutant answered loudly. He raised his walkie-talkie. "You're **** stupid. Didn't you get blocked? Run to notify." Aomo shouted in exasperation.

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