Panther Commando

Chapter 1432: light mortar

Seeing Xiaoya recover, Wan Lin immediately turned over and stood up, looking around from the side of the rock. Cheng Ru and several people were already hiding behind the surrounding rocks and trees, with their guns facing the back, Lingling and Wen Meng were both sitting behind the tree and leaning against the tree.

Wan Lin immediately stretched out the sniper rifle from the side of the rock, and quickly moved the muzzle to observe the enemy situation in the mountains behind. In the mountains two or three kilometers away, a group of figures are running fast forward. Gunshots are heard from time to time in the undulating figures, and bullets fly from the top of the hill.

Just as Wan Lin raised his gun to observe the chasing soldiers behind him, Zhang Wa's voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, the number of chasing soldiers behind him is decreasing!"

Wan Lin was shocked when he heard the words. Just now, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying were the ones who were behind. They were the closest to the enemy and knew the number of chasing troops.

He quickly turned the gun to the side. Under the dim starlight, the rolling hills blocked the vision in the distance, and the scene in the distance could not be seen at all. He secretly thought: Although the opponent's chasing troops from the top of the mountain have decreased, judging from the speed of their running, they have not slowed down the speed of their pursuit, which shows that the enemy is likely to divide their troops to outflank from the two wings.

It seems that the enemy is preparing to surround himself in this hill! The guide Wan Lin was here, he immediately bent down and pointed to the sides of Xiaohua and Xiaobai, and said in a low voice, "Spot it," Xiaohua shook his tail and ran out to the left, while Xiaobai ran to Xiaoya and leaned back. The head looked at Xiaoya, the red light flashed in her eyes, showing a worried look.

Xiaoya bent over and touched its head, pointed to the right side, and said in a low voice, "I'm fine, let's go." Xiaobai then wagged his tail and ran out to the right. Xiaoya looked at Xiaobai's back with emotion, and a warm feeling rose in her heart.

At this moment, Wan Lin bent down and ran in front of her, took her hand gently and asked in a low voice, "Are you recovering? I've run the infuriating energy a few times, and now it's all right, who else is injured? I'll go and see. Look," Xiaoya replied softly with light flashing in her eyes.

"Go and see Lingling and Wen Meng. Like you, they were injured by the fragments of the percussion shell," Wan Lin said softly. Xiaoya immediately withdrew her hand from Wan Lin's hand, then took off her first aid kit from Wan Lin's shoulder, bent over and ran to the side.

Wan Lin stared at Xiaoya's running figure, and seeing that her movements had returned to her usual flexible posture, she lifted her wrist to check the time with confidence. It is already four o'clock in the morning. According to the climate of this place, the sky should be bright at around five o'clock. Once the sky brightens, it will be more difficult for a few people to retreat.

Wan Lin immediately raised his sniper rifle and looked towards the retreating direction. In the night, the hills ahead rose and fell, and there was a hazy mountain shadow five or six kilometers away.

He stared at the dark shadow of the mountain in the distance, and said in his heart: "It seems that this hilly area is directly connected to the foot of the mountain in front. As long as you cross this hill and rush into the mountain, a few of you will not be caught in the sea. In the mountains, a few of them can find favorable terrain to block the enemy, and quickly get rid of the chasing troops behind them. Now as long as Xiaohua and Xiaobai find out the enemy's deployment, they can quickly choose the direction of retreat."

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head and looked sideways. In the distance, a small black figure was rapidly rising and falling between the hills. Wan Lin's heart moved: Xiaohua came back so soon, must have found something?

Sure enough, Xiaohua ran to him quickly, stood up and gestured to the side, her eyes flashing blue light. Wan Lin's heart sank as he watched Xiao Hua's actions, knowing that the enemy had already appeared on the flank, and looking at Xiao Hua's gestures, there were still quite a few enemies.

At this moment, Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly turned to the right, Wan Lin quickly turned his head to follow Xiao Hua's eyes, and saw Xiao Bai's figure flying back on the hills in the distance.

Wan Lin hurriedly raised his sniper rifle and looked around, the enemy still could not be seen in the dark hills in the distance, the originally flickering starlight in the air was gradually receding, and a faint white was faintly revealed in the far east.

Xiaobai quickly came to Wanli, stood up and reported the situation. Wan Lin looked at Xiao Bai's actions, and his face immediately became cold. The enemy really came over from the flanks, and there were so many!

Wan Lin raised his eyes and looked around, feeling a little surprised: Why are there so many enemies all at once? According to the reports of Xiaohua and Xiaobai, there were three or forty people on the two flanks of the enemy. It seemed that Aomo had already mobilized the surrounding enemies. Now you must hurry up and get out of the hills and into the mountains quickly!

"Everyone's attention, the enemy is flanking us from both flanks. After vigorously cutting me off, the rest of the staff will cover the wounded and retreat!" Wan Lin said hurriedly into the microphone, and then issued an order to retreat.

When the people around heard the Leopard Head's order, Cheng Ru hugged Lingling in his arms, and Zhang Wa, who was next to him, quickly bent down and picked up Wen Meng, Xiaoya and Wu Xueying immediately ran in front of them. Wu Xueying hurriedly asked Xiaoya as she ran, "How are you now?"

Xiaoya quickly replied: "It's alright, I was stunned by shrapnel just now, and it has recovered. Pay attention to the two wings." She raised her feet and ran to Chengru's left, Wu Xueying immediately ran to the hill on the right.

Wan Lin and Dali were lying on the hill, their eyes constantly looking to the back and the wings. In the night vision goggles, the enemy chasing directly from the top of the mountain was already about a thousand meters away from them, but the enemy was not found on both wings.

Wan Lin looked at the pitch-black undulating hills on both Suddenly, an ominous premonition floated in his heart. He raised his gun and pointed at the figure chasing behind him. Three shots were fired, and the powerful heavy machine gun also burst into flames at this time, and a string of bullets "bang bang bang" swept towards the hills behind.

A few shadows in the distance fell headfirst into the mountains, followed by a group of shadows that quickly lay down in the mountains, and the flames of several machine guns swept forward immediately.

"Retreat!" Wan Lin shouted to Dali next to him. He bent over and ran behind the hill with a sniper rifle. The sound of Dali's machine gun stopped suddenly, and followed Wan Lin and ran back.

The two ran for more than 100 meters, and there was the sound of mortar shells exploding behind them. Wan Lin turned his head to look back as he ran, and a few flames were rising in the air where they were just now.

"Bastard, you even brought the mortar! Be careful to hide!" Wan Lin scolded in a low voice, shaking his body vigorously to shake off the dirt that fell on him.

He had already judged from the sound of the cannons that just now, the enemy attacked the mortars on the top of the mountain at the edge of the forest. These were small-caliber light mortars carried by infantrymen. The ammunition is a very threatening individual weapon.

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