Panther Commando

Chapter 1433: Escape is blocked

Wan Lin knew that this kind of light mortar is suitable for individual soldiers to carry, the length is generally about one meter, the firing angle is large, usually 45°-85°, the trajectory is curved, the initial velocity is small, the minimum range is short, and the longest range is more than 2,000. It has a good killing effect on unprotected targets, and is suitable for shooting at targets behind shields and targets on reverse slopes.

He quickly moved the muzzle of the gun to search for the place where the flames were emerging in the distance. From time to time, the flames of the cannonballs burst out from behind the hills, and there was no enemy artillery figure at all. His heart sank, the enemy's mortar positions were hidden behind the hills, and they were launched using the principle of parabola, and he couldn't stop the enemy's artillery fire at all.

He knew in his heart that a mortar is a curved-firing artillery that uses the seat plate to withstand recoil to launch projectiles. It is characterized by small size, light weight, simple structure and extremely convenient operation. When firing, the recoil energy of the barrel is absorbed by the ground through the seat plate. When marching, the barrel and seat can be decomposed, which is very easy to carry, especially suitable for mountain warfare and trench warfare. Because it uses the principle of upward flight parabola, there is almost no dead angle in shooting, which is especially suitable for dealing with shelters. The target in the rear has great lethality to skirmishers. Wan Lin never expected that his personal armed forces would be equipped with such weapons that regular troops would only be equipped with. This had to make him feel a deep feeling in his heart. 's concerns.

Fortunately, Chengru and several people have been in battle for a long time, have rich battlefield experience, and are extremely fast and flexible. Rolling hills, implement effective avoidance.

Although Wen Meng and Wu Xueying are two new recruits, they will not be in too much danger under the close protection of Cheng Ru and a few others. With the explosion of fire behind Wan Lin, the air followed by "woo", "Woo", "Woo" sound. "Watch out for the bombardment!" Wan Lin shouted into the microphone, and with a sniper rifle, he rushed to the side and rushed back.

The surrounding hills immediately burst into flames. Wan Lin was lying under the hill to avoid the explosive fragments flying in the air, and immediately held the falling gravel, and immediately stretched out the sniper rifle from the top of the hill. A group of enemies were using the cover of artillery fire to bend The waist rushed towards him.

Wan Lin immediately fired two shots at the swaying figure in the distance, followed by a string of flames on the hill where Dali was located, and a string of heavy machine gun bullets roared back. Go, followed by two people with guns and retreated behind.

Wan Lin and Dali stopped and stopped behind, covering the teammates who were quickly evacuating behind them. The enemy gunners hid behind the hills in the distance, firing shell after shell in front of them from time to time. The hills were full of bursts of fire, and the gravel and soil hit by the explosion "cracked" from the air.

Gradually, the sound of the guns gradually faded away. Wan Lin was lying on the back of the hill, pressing the sniper rifle tightly against his shoulder and extending the barrel from the side of the hill. He quickly glanced at the hills on both sides through the sniper scope, and then aimed the muzzle at the chaser behind him. soldier. The enemies behind had been pulled away by a distance of about two kilometers under their effective blocking.

At this time, the enemies behind were carefully shuttled under the rolling hills. He stared coldly at the figure of the enemy in the distance, and speculated: Just now, when they attacked the top of the mountain, they had fired a lot of shells. Now It fired again, and the shells should have been exhausted. The enemy chased it out in a hurry this time, and it was impossible to carry sufficient ammunition supplies. Moreover, the enemy's arsenal had been bombed, and there was no source of supplies at all.

He thought of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then turned his head to look in the direction of retreat. Not far away is the shadowy mountain shadow I saw just now, which was clearly displayed in his sniper scope at this time. The mountain shadow that looked steep in front of him actually had a huge wedge-shaped gap right in front of them, as if It was a sharp axe that fell from the sky, and an axe split the mountain in half.

He was overjoyed. It turned out that the direction of his retreat was at the foot of the mountain where the two big mountains intersected. As long as they crossed this gap, they would immediately enter the rolling mountains ahead. At that time, a few of them could use their rich experience of survival in the mountains to quickly get rid of these relentless pursuers.

He then lowered the muzzle and looked into the hills ahead. Hundreds of meters ahead, Cheng Ru and several people were quickly rolling up and down the hills, and they were approaching the foot of the mountain in front of them, but the enemies flanking on both sides showed no signs.

Wan Lin's heart relaxed. As long as they leave this hilly area and enter the steep mountains ahead, their chances of getting rid of the pursuers will be greatly increased. At that time, as long as they took advantage of the different terrains in the mountains, they could attack and defend, and no matter how many enemies were behind them, as long as they took advantage of the terrain, they would not be afraid of them chasing after them.

He then turned his head and glanced at Dali on the hills beside him, and saw that he was lying behind the long heavy machine gun slowly moving the muzzle, monitoring the pursuers behind. He opened his mouth to order him to retreat quickly.

But at this moment, there was a burst of intense gunshots suddenly coming from the front. Wan Lin and Dali were startled, and they both turned to look at the same time. Six or seven hundred meters ahead, on the right hillside, there was a sudden sound of fierce gunfire, and clusters of fire from the muzzle were sweeping down the hills with a rain of bullets. Come; followed by a string of flames on the hillside on the left. On the hill where Cheng Ru and the others were, there was immediately a little bit of fire.

The expressions of Wan Lin and Dali both changed: they were about to rush through the mountain pass and enter the safety zone, why did the enemy suddenly appear on the hillside in front of them? If you completely cut off the escape route of several of your own people, the situation will become extremely critical!

At this time, Wan Lin could see the mountain in front of him more clearly through the fire from the muzzle of the enemy on both sides of the hillside. Just now, I looked at the wedge-shaped gap that was convenient for my group to safely evacuate into the mountain, but now it seems to be the open mouth of a giant beast. eat.

Wan Lin's heart trembled: the escape route was blocked, and his few people were bound to be tightly suppressed by the enemy in this hill of hundreds of square meters! At that time, I am afraid that a few of them have wings, and it is difficult for them to fly out of this undulating hilly area under the hail of bullets from the enemy!

He quickly moved the muzzle to the dark hills on the side and carefully observed the undulating hills on both sides. If there are enemies on the two wings at this time, the enemy's encirclement has been formed, and the few of them are completely surrounded by this narrow and long hilly area, and there is no way to retreat!

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