Panther Commando

Chapter 1434: trapped

Wan Lin glanced nervously at the rolling hills on both sides. A doubt suddenly rose in my heart: where did the enemy on the hillside in front of him come from?

Several of them have deep inner skills. Although there are wounded. The speed of action is still very fast. Well-trained soldiers. It is impossible to keep up with the speed of the others. And in front of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals. It is even more impossible to run in front of a few of them.

The enemies on the mountain pass in front of them are absolutely impossible to be pursuers behind... Then where did they come from? If the enemy has other reinforcements. Then the situation of the few of them was even more worrying.

Wan Lin thought quickly in his mind. There was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. He moved the muzzle quickly to search for the enemy's figure. The hills on both sides were still dark. Neither can see the shadow of the enemy. There was no fire from the enemy's muzzle.

Be sure to fight a **** path before the enemy forms a siege. Wan Lin bit his teeth... Suddenly he shouted into the microphone: "Dali. Go. Be sure to take down the hill in front before the enemy on both flanks arrives." He didn't finish his voice. With the gun in hand, he jumped out from the top of the hill.

I can't wait. There must be a **** way out. Now the enemy on the hillside ahead. They all focused their firepower on the hills where the Chengru people were. He and Dali are two freshmen. They must grab the enemy before the two flanks arrive to form a siege. Rush over to support Chengru and a few people. Form a joint force to fight a **** path together. Rush into the mountain pass ahead.

The two got up and rushed forward with their guns in hand. The leopard beside the two also stood up suddenly. A gust of wind surpassed Wan Lin and Dali. Quickly ran to the hills on both sides.

Mountain king hunting naturally has their own unique way. The two leopards did not follow Wan Lin to the hillside in front of them. Instead, he got into the dark hills on both sides.

Just now. For the first time, Cheng Ru and several people were running forward with Lingling and Wen Meng on their backs. Wu Xueying, who had already run to Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa as a scout. Suddenly found the foot of the mountain several hundred meters ahead. A group of dark shadows are running fast towards the hillside.

Wu Xueying was shocked. He hurriedly shouted into the microphone: "Hide." He got up and rushed behind the hills on the side.

A few people behind Cheng Ru were shocked. Immediately threw himself behind the hills beside him. Several people hid behind the hills and just extended their guns forward. The first update was a blast of bullets that swept toward the hills on their side. The rain of bullets hit their invisible hills and sparks emerged. There was a rain of bullets whizzing past several people's heads.

Several people immediately lay down on the bottom of the hill. Looking sideways forward. On the hillside to the right of the front notch. A fire is being sprayed.

Several people were hiding at the bottom of the hill with guns in their hands. Take advantage of the tall hills in front of you. Blocking the rain of bullets flying in... Everyone's hearts are filled with cold air.

Obviously. The enemy that suddenly appeared in front of him has occupied the high point of the hillside in front of him. And found their fast jumping figures on the hillside. Immediately condescending to attack them. Thanks to Wu Xueying for discovering the enemy in time. Otherwise, several people will definitely suffer casualties in this rain of bullets.

at this time. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa have put Lingling and Wen Meng on the ground behind the hill. Lingling and Wen Meng were only scratched by shrapnel on their arms and legs... The injuries were not serious. But the wound on the leg affects the speed of their movement. Therefore, the Cheng Confucian talents are retreating rapidly. Pick them up and quickly evacuate.

Several people are aware of the danger now. All crawled to the side of the hill. Quietly waiting for the opportunity to stick his head out and fight back. But the gunshots in the front right have not stopped. The voice of Wu Xueying from the hills ahead came from the headphones of several people: "Report. There is an enemy on the hillside in front of the left."

Cheng Ru quickly shouted into the microphone: "Be careful to hide. More chapters come sooner." Then he listened to the gunshots in front of him. Suddenly, he stuck his head out from the side of the hill and looked sideways forward.

really. A group of shadowy figures are running quickly to the left hillside. The number of people looks like twenty people. Cheng Ru's heart sank. Immediately tumble behind the hills. Leaning on the soil slope, he reported to Wan Lin, who was broken, "Leopard head. The left and right hillsides in front of him suddenly appeared to block the enemy. There were about 30 to 40 people." More faster chapters to come.

"Hidden. Dali and I are coming. Prepare to attack." Wan Lin hurriedly replied. at this time. There was a sudden scream from the pitch-black hills on both sides. Immediately following the two-winged hills, gunshots rang out. A burst of screams echoed between the hills immediately along with the gunshots.

follow closely. Between the rolling hills on both sides, a beam of blue and bright red light emerged respectively. A loud leopard roar sounded immediately.

The leopard found the enemy on both wings. For the first time, Wan Lin's heart seemed to fall into the ice cellar. The front hillside appears to block the enemy. The enemy flanking both flanks has also arrived. Now the two leopards suddenly attacked when the enemy was caught off guard. These are two leopards who are taking risks to block the enemy and inform themselves. Risking death slows the speed of the enemy's encirclement.

Now. Several of them have been surrounded by enemies in this hilly area. At the foot of Wan Lin, he dashed forward quickly under the hill. The current situation has been judged in his mind. The enemy on both flanks must not be approached now.

Wan Lin suddenly shouted while running fast: "Dali. You are in charge of the right flank. Never let the enemy approach." He turned around and ran towards the hills on the left.

Wan Lin and Dali bent down and ran like lightning under the respectively approached the two-winged hills where the screams were heard. Wan Lin let out a loud whistle as he ran. Now the two leopards must be attacking from left to right in the enemy group. The situation is very dangerous. He hurriedly whistled and ordered them back.

With the whistle issued by Wan Lin. A roar sounded from the left and right wings of about a kilometer. The screams and gunshots from the two wings suddenly disappeared. Obviously. The two leopards heard Wan Lin's order. Suddenly disappeared from the enemy group.

Just now. Two leopards suddenly appeared in the flank of the enemy group. It even injured a few people. The panicked enemies around shot in self-defense in a panic. But their muzzles did not dare to shoot at the lightning-like figure of the leopard. Avoid accidentally hurting surrounding companions. They all shoot up with their guns raised.

Face ferocious critters that move like lightning. A group of people can only panic and draw guns and daggers in self-defense. Only the leopard, who flickered left and right, swooped in where no one was. Only dared to fire a few shots at the rapidly moving back of the small animal.

Just when they were helpless against this terrifying little animal. The small animals that jumped out suddenly disappeared among the pitch-black hills. A group of people watched nervously with guns in their hands. No one dared to chase. After confirming that this terrifying little animal has indeed disappeared. Only then did he run to his companion, who was covered in blood and fell on the grass. Quickly bend over to help.

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