Panther Commando

Chapter 1435: Adjutant's exclamation

The two groups of enemies flanked by the side bent over to rescue the wounded, while watching the surrounding pitch-black hills closely, lest the life-threatening critters reappear. This unknown little animal moved like lightning, and someone was injured under their sharp claws, and it was fleeting, and it was simply beyond the ability of human beings to resist, which made every enemy present fearful.

The sound of gunfire in the hills on the two wings suddenly stopped, and the violent sound of gunfire on the hillside in front also suddenly stopped. Obviously, the enemy has found the figure of the lost target in the hills, and they have released their trigger finger and searched for the opponent's trail.

At this moment, Ao Mo, who led the team to pursue closely behind him, was overjoyed. There were gunshots coming from the front and both flanks, which showed that his tactics had worked.

And the men who suddenly appeared in Yamaguchi to stop the opponent's retreat were a group of men who escorted the arms to the mountain to deliver arms to a drug dealer armed with more than 30 men. I didn't expect them to return and just arrived at this area. At the critical moment, it happened to be sealed. Block the opponent's passage into the mountain!

Just now, he suddenly heard the voice of the leaders of the **** team from the walkie-talkie, and asked what happened to the gunshots here? He was so excited that he almost jumped up from the hills, and he said in his heart: God help me too! Quickly order them to seize the high point of the hill in front to block the opponent.

Now, when he heard the gunshots that suddenly stopped, he immediately judged that the opponent had been suppressed in the hilly area in front of him, and the encirclement had been formed!

With the support of the two guards by his side, he walked quickly to a hill in front of him and stopped, lying on the back of a rock on the top of the hill, raising his binoculars to observe the front.

He observed the rolling hills in front of him for a while, suddenly put down the telescope, and shouted to the adjutant beside him with red light in his eyes: "Ask the two wings, what happened just now? Why are you so panic?"

The adjutant hurriedly raised the walkie-talkie to inquire about the situation just now, crouched behind the rock and reported to Ao Mo: "Boss, the brothers on the two wings have approached the enemy's location. A small cat-shaped animal rushed out from the hills on both sides just now. , was extremely ferocious, and after injuring four or five of our brothers respectively, they fled."

"Leopard, this is a leopard! How can it be the size of a cat? I didn't expect this kind of leopard to be such a small animal, how can there be such a small leopard in the world? It's evil!" Ao Mo asked himself. murmured in reply.

He raised his binoculars and observed the pitch-black hills ahead for a while, then raised his head to look at the sky, and ordered fiercely: "Immediately notify the brothers on the two wings and the mountains in front of him, don't launch an attack now, just surround the enemy tightly to prevent The opponent escaped. The sky will be bright soon. After dawn, we will launch a general attack. I think where can these **** run?! Damn, dare to go to Lao Tzu's territory and run wild, I will let you bury here at dawn. Katayama!"

The adjutant heard the boss's order, and immediately looked up at the eastern sky, a hazy white has appeared on the eastern mountaintop. He was overjoyed: it won't be long before the sky will be bright!

He hurriedly raised his phone to convey the order of Ai Mo, and he couldn't help but secretly admire this boss. He didn't expect that this unassuming boss would really be able to fight twice. Boss two times.

This adjutant was originally a combat staff officer in the government army. He had a good family status and had studied in a famous military academy abroad. He originally had the motive of "heroes in troubled times" and went to China to apply for the military academy.

But when he came back, he found that the reality in China was not what he thought. Local forces are entrenched in the country, and drug dealers and arms smugglers are rampant, but the officers in the government army in his unit are habitual. Some officers collude with local forces such as drug dealers.

His fantasy of using his professional knowledge to stand out in a turbulent world was shattered. He only took up the vacant position of captain's staff after three years in the army, and his knowledge was completely useless.

Just when he was completely disappointed, the arms dealer Aomo personally approached him, hired him as his adjutant, and promised him a very generous treatment, allowing him to set up his own arms company's base and armament.

The adjutant was moved. In the government army, he can't be reused, and his knowledge is useless. I didn't expect an arms dealer to value himself so much. After weighing it, he gritted his teeth and agreed, and personally led the team to inspect the terrain in the mountains in detail, established a base in the dense forest, and used the military knowledge he had learned to recruit and train soldiers, and deployed strict protective measures around the base.

Aomo didn't break his promise. He really got Aomo's reuse, but in his heart he looked down on this arms dealer, thinking he was just a businessman and didn't know how to fight.

But today, Ao Mo's every move made him secretly surprised. This chubby-looking boss can quickly judge the enemy's movements when he encounters an accident, and he can adjust his pursuit strategy in a timely manner when he is in a rage. Surrounded by this hilly area, it showed extremely high military literacy and actual combat experience.

At this time, his always arrogant adjutant finally understood in his heart that a drug lord or arms dealer who can dominate the chaotic world is not a mediocrity. If there is no extraordinary ability, it is indeed difficult to occupy a place in this mountain where the army is chaotic and the local forces are divided!

In front of him, he sensed danger in time in the base, and made a decisive decision. He quickly left the base with himself and the guards, and let his group escape the fate of flying into the sky with the arsenal, saving his own life. On this point, it is by no means what he, an adjutant who claims to be full of military knowledge, can do.

The adjutant raised his eyes in a complicated mood and looked at the hazy hills. The hills were still shrouded in darkness. The dead grass that had been hit by the bullet just now lit up with sparks, but he couldn't see the other side at all.

Looking at everything in front of him, he couldn't help sighing inwardly at the bravery of the attackers. To be able to detonate the arsenal close to the base in the tight defense he arranged like a net, this is by no means a task that ordinary special forces can accomplish.

In the past, he just listened to the people around him talking about how powerful the Hua Leopards were. Even the famous Black Hawk mercenary group and the Yamaguchi security guard, two prestigious mercenary groups, were defeated by them. After listening to it, he was always dissatisfied.

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