Panther Commando

Chapter 1436: 1 move here

The adjutant is in a foreign military academy. Specialized in special operations theory. Has studied the combat characteristics of various well-known special forces in the world. He is confident that the base defense line he has set up is foolproof. There will never be any special forces. Can secretly infiltrate the vicinity of the base. Not to mention going deep into the base and detonating a solid arsenal.

Available today. He finally saw this legendary special forces unit. They used the strength of just a few people in front of them. It even destroyed the city and pulled out the village, seized the hilltop position, and detonated the arsenal. In one fell swoop, they put their arms company into a doomed situation.

Fortunately, the person in front of him is currently surrounded by this hilly area. If you don't wipe them out. He was an adjutant who had spent a lot of money and had returned from studying abroad. Really shameless to face this boss. In the future, there will be no face to survive in this troubled world.

He thought of this. Immediately face the microphone and order his subordinates to closely monitor the opponent's every move. The first update will slowly tighten the encirclement. He must not let this group of enemies who have been pocketed leave this place.

at this time. Wan Lin and Dali were under the cover of the hills ahead. Running fast forward. Just now. Two leopards suddenly attacked between the two flanking hills. It slowed the approach of the enemy on both sides. Let the two of them move forward quickly.

The two ran to a place more than 100 meters behind Cheng Ru and several others. Suddenly fell down on the hill. More faster chapters to come. The front is the area covered by the enemy's bullet just now. It is mainly concentrated near the hidden hills of Chengru and several people. Obviously. The enemy had already spotted their fast-moving figures just now.

It can be seen from this. The enemy's attention must still be in the area where Chengru and a few people are lurking. He and Dali are now a surprise force. The enemy must not easily find the whereabouts of the two. In order to prepare for the unexpected hit the enemy when attacking. Cover the front teammates to break out of the encirclement. More faster chapters to come.

Wan Lin turned his head and saw that Dali had already set up a heavy machine gun on the top of the flanking hills. He immediately asked into the microphone: "Chengru. Report the situation."

"Report. The enemy suddenly occupied the slopes of the two mountains in front. The direction of our retreat has been blocked. There are also enemies approaching on both flanks. In this wave of enemy attacks, there were no casualties," Cheng Ru replied anxiously.

Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's report. More faster chapters to come. Knowing that no teammates were injured or killed. My mind was a little calmer. He turned his head to look around. I suddenly remembered the doubts I had just now: the enemy split up so quickly to form an encirclement. Moreover, the hillside in front blocked the retreat of his group. Where did these enemies come from?

How could the enemy overtake them suddenly appearing on the front hillside. Although they are carrying a few wounded. But the speed of the enemy can never exceed a few of them. Could it be that the enemy is recruiting reinforcements from the surrounding area... but the radio is blocking the signal in this place. How to mobilize reinforcements. Know yourself. Be sure to understand the enemy's dynamics before taking action.

He looked suspiciously at the hillside in the distance. Commanded into the microphone: "Lingling. Continue to block the enemy's radio signals." "Report. The electronic countermeasure box has been destroyed by enemy artillery fire on the top of the mountain." Lingling reported quickly. There was deep frustration in his tone.

Wan Lin's heart sank. No wonder the enemy formed an encirclement so quickly. It turned out that the enemy had long since restored radio communications. And the enemy suddenly appeared on the hillside in front. It must be the reinforcements transferred from other places.

The situation is getting worse. Wan Lin's face became extremely cold. he knows. The sudden appearance of enemy reinforcements. The battlefield situation has been completely changed. A few of them have been trapped in a deep siege.

He turned his head to look at the flanks and the enemy behind him. The first update saw that the enemies in several directions were silent. Neither can see the enemy continue to approach. No enemy gunfire was heard either. He then looked to the east sky. There was a faint white halo on the top of the mountain in the distance.

Wan Lin was stunned when he looked at the faintly white sky in the east. Suddenly understood the enemy's intentions. Aomo must have seen that several of his own people have been surrounded by this hill. Now it is waiting for Tianming to launch a general attack. More faster chapters to come.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the hazy hills. I saw two leopards running from the hills on both sides as if flying.

Be sure to rush out of the enemy's siege before the sun rises. He lifted the sniper rifle to his chest. He commanded sharply into the microphone: "Brothers. We have reached the point of life and death. Remember. We are only senior brothers and sisters of the Wan family. We all have them. Prepare for the final battle. Update Chengru and Zhangwa as soon as possible. Seize the front hillside. Xiaoya, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying block the enemy on both flanks. I and I will vigorously suppress the firepower of the enemy at the mountain pass. It must be before dawn. Capture the front hillside and enter the mountain. "

There were several low-pitched responses in his earphones. The voices responded with the inner strength of Wanjia. All with determination. It made his eardrums "buzz".

Wan Lin listened to the deafening response. The cold heart suddenly felt a hint of warmth. These are all my brothers and sisters. They are answering their own orders with the skill of Wanjia; they are using the tone of determination. It expresses the rising tide of the leopard team members who are looking at death.

Now. Every apprentice and brother understood the situation at this time. Everyone knows that this is the moment of life and death. Although it is now under siege. But there is still a hazy night covering a few of them.

Wan Lin raised his eyes and looked into the air The roots of his teeth clenched together: Now is the time to make a decision. Once it gets brighter. A few of them want to evacuate into the mountains. It can only be exposed to the hail of bullets from the enemy. At that time, I wanted to break out of the siege. Simply overwhelming. I brought my brothers and sisters here by myself. is to die. Must also bring the brothers out of this Jedi.

He thought of this and took a deep breath. A strong inner force suddenly poured out of him. The sniper rifle quickly emerges from behind the hill. Immediately aimed at a dark shadow on the distant hillside. Suddenly facing the microphone, he ordered decisively: "Remember. Success or failure is at one stroke. The rest of the staff will cover. Cheng Ru. Zhang Wa. Act."

with his voice. The figures of Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa suddenly appeared behind the hills in front. Dodge quickly to the hills ahead. The two moved very fast. In an instant, he was already under the rolling hills. Flying forward three or forty meters.

at this time. "Da da da" A gunshot sounded. There was a flash of fire on the hillside ahead. The condescending rain of bullets shot on the hills around Chengru and the two. A piece of dust and sparks immediately enveloped the two of them.

"Hit." Wan Lin roared in a low voice. Fingers clasped lightly. A bullet immediately flew towards a fire at a distance of a thousand meters. "Bang bang bang..." The heavy machine gun on the side also roared.

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