Panther Commando

Chapter 1437: 1 must be calm

Vigorously dense heavy machine gun bullets and Wan Lin accurate sniping. The firepower of the enemy in front of Yamaguchi was suppressed at once. Sparks shot by heavy machine gun bullets on the hillside ahead splashed on the hillside. Several black shadows rolled down the mountainside.

This sudden burst of ferocious firepower. It was quiet on the hillside. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa took the opportunity to suddenly come out from behind the hill. He rushed forward like black smoke.

at this time. "Da da da", "da da da" The gunshots in the mountains suddenly rang out. The first time to update the two-wing hills and the enemies behind. He suddenly raised his gun and swept towards the middle of the hills. Pieces of bullet rain immediately enveloped the hills. Pieces of debris immediately flew from the hills around Wan Lin and Dali. Strings of sparks splattered over the hills.

In a rain of bullets. Wan Lin and Dali immediately retreated behind the hill with their guns in their hands. In front of Xiaoya, Wen Meng, Lingling, and Wu Xueying, there were also gunshots that counterattacked immediately. Clusters of sporadic firelight erupted from the hills of Xiao Yaji. Each cluster of firelight is rapidly changing its position.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa quickly ran forward. Hiding and appearing under the desperate cover of his teammates. they know. The two of them shoulder the hopes of all their teammates.

Several people are in a hurry now. The eyes were shining brightly. But right now. The gunshots on the hillside ahead rang out again. The enemy on both flanks relies on superiority in force. Immediately, a dense rain of bullets was fired into the middle of the hill where Wan Lin and several others were.

There was a dense rain of bullets on the flanks of the hills and on the slopes ahead. An intertwined net of fire formed over the hill; Wan Lin and the others were immediately suppressed under the hill by the woven bullet rain. The surrounding hills were filled with flames. Projectiles and rubble flew.

Wan Lin's bright eyes reflected the red gunfire in the distance. He was lying on the hill and made a gesture to the side force. The two then rolled to the bottom of the hill and crawled to the bottom of the hills on both sides.

at this time. Xiaobai has already run from the bottom of the hill to Xiaoya's side in front. Xiaohua ran directly back to Wan Lin from the side. It was following him under the hill and moving quickly to the left hill.

Bullets roared over the hills where Wan Lin and Dali were. The two were at the bottom of the surrounding high uplifted hills. He twisted his body as fast as a snake. Soon they climbed out dozens of meters to both sides. Dodged the fire point just exposed. Then climbed up the hills.

Wan Lin climbed to the top of a hill that was seven or eight meters high. He stopped in the middle of the two rocks. Look quietly. The deafening gunshot resounded through the hills and mountains. Firelights were flashing from behind the hillside ahead and the hills on either side. But it was still pitch black behind him. Neither can see the shadow of a single enemy. The fire from the enemy's muzzle could not be heard.

Wan Lin leaned down and turned to look at the dark hills behind. I was really surprised. A sense of danger crept into my mind.

Amid the intense gunfire around. It was so quiet behind him. Not a single enemy in sight. Such darkness and silence. It's the most terrifying. Update the first time because you don't know those hidden enemies. It will suddenly appear beside you at any time.

"Vigorously. Pay attention to the enemy behind you," Wan Lin whispered into the microphone. Then he turned his face and looked to the left: the hills flanked by the two dozen guns were spraying with fire; then he looked to the right again. There are also one or twenty guns on the top of the hill that are shooting towards him.

The flames spewed from the muzzles of several machine guns on the hills on both sides. It stands out in the hazy night. A rain of bullets swept from the hillside ahead and the hills on both sides. A crossed rain of bullets formed over the hills where his group was. The action lines of Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa in front of them have been tightly sealed.

Wan Lin's eyes lit up. Lying on the top of the hill, I quickly checked the distance of several enemies. At present, they are less than a kilometer away from the foot of the mountain in front of them. The enemies on both sides are also eight or nine hundred meters away. More faster chapters to come. The cascading hills behind him blocked his view. No trace of the enemy could be seen. It can be estimated that it should be around kilometers. He looked at the battlefield situation in front of him. My heart sank into the ice cellar.

Several of them have been tightly surrounded by the enemy in the hills of more than 1,000 square meters. The situation is very dire. If the sky is bright. The hidden figures of several of them will be immediately exposed to the muzzle of the enemy. Now we have to figure out a way to stand out.

He looked nervously at the surrounding enemies. His eyes suddenly locked on a pretty figure lying on the back of the distant hills. Sparks from the rain of bullets on the surrounding hills were flying around. Wan Lin's sharp eyes saw it at a glance. This is the girl he loves.

He looked at Xiaoya's figure surrounded by bullet rain. A complex mood suddenly came to my mind: I am a seven-foot boy. Even the woman he loves can't be protected in danger. What qualifications do I have to love this beautiful girl.

He thought of this. Instantly flushed. A burning sensation rushed to his mind. He gripped the sniper rifle tightly. A gust of energy rose under his feet. Get up and jump up from the hills.

"Calm down. Be calm. As a battlefield commander. The more dangerous the moment, the more calm you need to be." The words of the old captain Li Li Dongsheng suddenly echoed in Wan Lin's mind.

"Calm. Calm. Must be calm." He muttered these words silently. Quickly took a deep breath. Quickly infuriated in the body for a few weeks. Forced to suppress his chaotic thoughts.

gradually. The pounding heart in his body finally calmed He raised his eyes and looked at the eastern sky. A ray of dawn has gradually risen from behind the distant mountain.

sky. It will light up soon. Wan Lin's heart suddenly jumped wildly. It has to be all-or-nothing now.

"Vigorously. Cover. Xiaohua. Go." Wan Lin whispered into the microphone. The tone suddenly became cold. It's like a piece of ice slamming on a powerful eardrum through radio waves.

Vigorously startled. He turned his head sharply to watch. See Leopard head is looking left hand. Quickly pull out the bow on the back. Step on the grass. The body has been thrown out from the hills like black smoke with small flowers. He plunged headlong into the misty hills ahead.

Vigorously understood in an instant: Leopard Head was ready to fight to the death. His two big eyes suddenly widened. A sudden roar in my heart: Come on. He suddenly pulled out a spare magazine from his waist and put it by his side. Leaning over, he pressed the **** of the gun tightly against his shoulder. The muzzle of the dark heavy machine gun immediately aimed at the side hills in front of Wan Lin. Fingers squeezed the trigger.

Between the hills, two groups of black shadows, one large and one small, were as fast as lightning. The hills spewing flames to the left quickly rushed over. "Bang bang bang" Wan Lin suddenly sounded violent heavy machine gunfire behind him. A rain of bullets was accompanied by a gust of wind. Sweep forward over the heads of him and Xiaohua.

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