Panther Commando

Chapter 1438: Extraordinary Induction

The sudden explosion of heavy machine gunfire made the sound of gunfire in front of Wan Lin much quieter. However, the strong fire from his muzzle and the ear-piercing sound of heavy machine guns immediately attracted the attention of the enemy on the right side and the hillside in the distance. Sweep the hills.

At this time, Wan Lin had already brought up his whole body skills, and his body was covered with a pale pink color. The undulating grass was lightly lit under his feet, like a black smoke flowing rapidly in the flickering firelight, among the hills. swirling.

The sound of gunfire in the hills was deafening. The strong gunshots behind Wan Lin were intermittent, and the position of the gunshots was constantly changing. At this time, the gunshots of Chengru and several people were also heard at the foot of the mountain, and a string of bullets swept out from the hills in front and flew straight to the flanking hills and the hillside in front.

The ear-piercing gunshots that sounded at Dali's location had attracted some of the enemy's firepower, so Cheng Ru and the others finally found the opportunity to stick out their guns from the hidden hills and swept the surroundings.

At this time, Wan Lin, who was running wildly, seemed to be burned by a raging flame. From the intermittent sound of machine guns behind him, he had already judged: Dali must be rolling in the enemy's bullet rain with the machine gun in his arms, pulling the trigger while rolling. This is risking his own life to cover his actions!

A faint circle of light had already appeared on Wan Lin's body, and in the hazy hills, it seemed like a mass of air was flying in the air, rushing to the side against the undulating grass at the bottom of the hills.

Six hundred meters, five hundred meters, four hundred and fifty meters...! Wan Lin silently talked about the distance between himself and the enemy, 400 meters!

Wan Lin's flying figure suddenly stopped behind a hill, his left hand suddenly raised into the air, his right hand suddenly pulled back, "whoosh" three short arrows flew into the air, and drilled into the hazy night like lightning. . He shot the short arrow without stopping, and immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of Dali like a fly.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", three huge sounds suddenly exploded in the hills. The whole hill shook violently with the sound of the explosion, and three huge flames rose into the air. Sweep across the rolling hills in an instant.

In the hills, the wind blows violently, and the flying stones and the sand! The sound of the gunshots suddenly disappeared with the deafening explosion, and everyone clung to the hills and hugged their heads.

In this gust of wind, two black figures, one big and one small, rushed towards the hills behind like lightning! In the dust of the sky, countless gravel banged on Wan Lin's back with a "crack" sound. The two sleeves and trouser legs had been cut by sharp flying stones. The arms and legs that had been exposed to the air had long been There were bloodstains drawn by the whistling gravel, and the broken combat uniform fluttered in the wind with his flying figure.

Wan Lin's eyes widened in anger, and his blood-red eyes seemed to be shooting a dazzling beam of light. A dozen meters in front of him, a group of azure-blue light was flying in the wind at the bottom of the hill.

"Ow!" With Xiao Hua's loud roar, Wan Lin had already dashed to the side of the hill in front of him in the dust and mist, and bent down sharply in the mist and picked up a black shadow lying on the hill, Like lightning, he rushed towards the hills where Chengru and the others were in front of him.

Just as the dawn was approaching, in the courtyard of Liu Hongxin's house in the provincial capital, the old man who was closing his eyes and exercising was suddenly shaken, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and two rays of light suddenly appeared. Shoot out the window! Qiuqiu, who was sleeping soundly at the head of the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a beam of blue light shot directly into the night sky outside the window.

The old man's heart suddenly jumped wildly, he jumped off the bed with a bang, pushed open the door and strode into the courtyard, his eyes suddenly raised to look into the air. The small ball had already jumped onto the shoulder of the old man like a projectile, and the blue beam of light shot directly into the dark night sky in the west.

At the same time, "Boom", the door of the next room was also pushed open, and Li Dongsheng suddenly jumped out of the room. When he saw the old man and Qiuqiu staring at the west night sky, his expression suddenly changed! Turning around and stepping over to the side door, he slapped the door frame with a palm, and suddenly shouted, "Yu Jing!"

"Bang", the door was immediately opened, and a slender figure jumped out of the house like lightning, followed by Yu Jing in pajamas and pajamas!

"Check Wan Lin's location immediately!" Li Dongsheng roared in a hurry! Yu Jing turned around and jumped back into the house, picking up her phone.

Just now, Li Dongsheng suddenly woke up in his sleep, and a strong heart palpitations came from his heart! He sat up from the bed with a "wheeze", his eyes immediately looked out the window, and he was sweating coldly. He shook his head vigorously, rolled over and jumped off the bed, not bothering to put on his shoes, and jumped out as soon as he opened the door.

After many years of life and death, he has formed an unreasonable feeling with Wan Lin, the brothers who have walked through the hail of bullets. He knew: the brothers must be in danger!

When he jumped out the door, he saw the eyes of the old man Wanjia bursting out, looking at the night sky in the west. His heart jumped into his throat at once, he knew that since he felt this way, the old man, as the head of the Wan family with a unique skill in his own family, should have such a strong feeling, that is a group of Wan family disciples who share life and death!

A strong ominous premonition rushed to Li Dongsheng's head. He turned around and called out Yu Jing. He knew that Wan Lin was carrying a positioning device invented by Yu Jing.

He didn't stop roaring at Yu Jing, turned around and jumped into his room again, picked up the phone next to the pillow, and then connected to Major General Gao Li of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department.

Li Dongsheng answered Gao Li's call and immediately said loudly: "Get me a helicopter immediately, Wan Lin and the others are in distress! Quickly send me to the border! Prepare me field equipment! Understand! You immediately rush to the apron of the military compound. "Gorley answered cleanly without asking why.

At this moment, Yu Jing panicked and ran out holding the phone: "Leopard's head, the orientation is fixed! It's in the mountainous area of ​​MD." She was extremely nervous, and unconsciously called out the name of "Leopard Head" used on the battlefield. .

"What? Say it again!" Li Dongsheng was shocked! "They are in the mountainous area of ​​MD" Yu Jing's voice was full of nervousness and panic, and she quickly repeated it!

Li Dongsheng's eyes suddenly shot a gleam of light, and a murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body! Wan Lin and the others were seconded by the national security system to carry out the mission, and they completely obeyed Wang Molin's command. He did not know the detailed action plan of Wan Lin and his party.

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