Panther Commando

Chapter 1452: late night clearance

The border guard second lieutenant of the country md turned his head to look at the van parked in the back, raised his foot and took two steps in front of the car. The hairs of Wan Lin and the others in the car stood up. Although they changed their clothes, the smell of gunpowder smoke all over their bodies and the dark appearance on their faces made it look like they had come down from the battlefield.

At this moment, the national security intelligence officer under the car had already raised his foot and walked to the second lieutenant's side. With a flick of his finger, he stuffed a piece of unknown object into the second lieutenant's trousers pocket.

There seemed to be an imperceptible smile on the second lieutenant's face, and then he stopped, turned around and waved to the men around him, and the railing in front of him suddenly stood up. Old Liu turned his head to see Wan Lin staring out the window, and said softly, "I have already greeted them at the upper level, and this is a temporary check on the people below. Don't worry, there is no problem."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in admiration, knowing that Lao Liu had established an extensive network of relationships here, and he had already made various preparations for this trivial matter of customs clearance.

The van slowly passed by the checkpoint. After crossing the border, a man in plain clothes was standing in front of our checkpoint waving, and the vehicle stopped immediately.

When the person got into the car, he said hello to Lao Liu, then turned his head to look inside the car, and saw people with dark faces, staring at him with bright eyes, and the car was full of thick gunpowder smoke.

His eyes suddenly turned red. He was the person sent by Guoan to welcome him into the customs. He didn't know who was returning in the car? But when he saw everything in front of him, he immediately understood that this was a group of warriors who had just returned from a battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, and a group of heroes who fought **** battles for the peace of the motherland! He stood in a daze for a while, then suddenly raised his hand to salute, and then said softly, "I'm home! Brothers, the motherland welcomes you home!"

The eyes of Wan Lin and the others stared at the dark earth in the distance, and their eyes suddenly became wet. The sound of "Go home!" made them, the wanderers who had just set foot on the land of the motherland, suddenly felt a heat flow through their hearts.

The ten thousand brothers and sisters in the car were silent, and no one got up. Suddenly returning to their homeland from the fierce battlefield, this day and night was like a dream, everyone stared at the dark earth outside the car in a daze.

Wan Lin tasted the taste of going home quietly for a while, and said softly, "We're home, brothers and sisters, get off the bus!"

He gently picked up the sleeping Xiaohua and put it into Xiaoya's arms, then got up and stood up, bent over and gently picked up Dali, who was covered in scars on the seat next to him, and walked up to the car.

Lao Liu jumped out of the car from the passenger seat and said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm going back right away, and I'll take you here." Then he suddenly opened his arms and surrounded Wan Lin and Dali. He got up, hugged lightly, and then walked to Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa who were holding Lingling and Wen Meng, hugged them lightly with both arms, then jumped into the car, turned the front of the car and drove abroad.

"Salute!" Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, all the commandos raised their arms to their foreheads, looking at Lao Liu's vehicle with complicated eyes, and slowly drove into the night of the opposite country.

I'm home by myself! But these national security soldiers who were fighting overseas just walked around the door of their homes, returned to their combat posts, and returned to the turbulent intelligence battlefield. Such national security soldiers are not heroes, how can they not let these soldiers who returned from the battlefield present their military salutes!

"Complete the ceremony," Wan Lin commanded softly, and then slowly turned his head with a strong force. At this time, two figures suddenly flashed out of the shadows in front of them. Wan Lin was shocked when he looked at it. Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing appeared in front of them fully armed, and behind them stood more than a dozen fully armed special forces team members. .

He didn't expect that Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing would come directly to the border port to pick them up, and what he was most afraid of at this time was seeing Li Dongsheng, his immediate boss. He was leading a team to leave the country without authorization, so he was naturally apprehensive when he saw this direct supervisor.

Wan Lin shouted in a low voice with panic: "Salute!" Li Dongsheng strode up in front of them, looked at the wounded that Wan Lin and several others were holding, and scolded in a low voice, "You stinky boy, I still respect you. What kind of gift? Hurry up and go back to me!"

Li Dongsheng waved his hand as he spoke, and several fully-armed special forces members immediately ran out of the shadows, all of them holding stretchers in their hands, and two military doctors in white coats also ran over.

Several people heard Li Dongsheng's scolding, and their hearts suddenly relaxed, they knew that this dignified boss didn't mean to blame them. Xiaoya and Wu Xueying both covered their mouths and giggled, while Lingling and Wen Meng, who were hugged by Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, also grinned and giggled.

A few people followed Li Dongsheng and walked a few steps forward. In the shadows, two emergency vehicles and two jeeps of the border police were parked. Li Dongsheng ordered the special forces he brought to take the wounded into the ambulance, and then turned around and asked the boy. Ya: "Do the three of them need first aid nearby?"

Xiaoya pondered for a while, then waved her hand and said, "It's okay, just go back to the provincial capital, where the medical conditions are better." Then she turned around and explained the injuries of the wounded to the two military doctors, and specially asked them to pay attention to the injuries on the strong legs. Injuries, avoid strenuous exercise that may worsen the injury.

Li Dongsheng saw Xiaoya's instructions, then waved to the crowd, raised his feet and stepped into the jeep in front. The vehicle started quickly got into the dark night, and then turned to the side of an asphalt road.

Not long after, a row of scattered barracks suddenly appeared in front of the headlights. Wan Lin understood, this should be the barracks of the border troops.

Several cars, with their bright headlights on, roared into the barracks compound. Wan Lin immediately saw two grass-green military helicopters parked quietly in a huge open space ahead. In front of an office building in the camp, a lieutenant colonel and several majors stood in front of the building waiting for them.

The ambulance and jeep did not stop in front of the office building, but whizzed past and stopped directly next to the two helicopters. A group of officers in front of the office building behind them seemed to be stunned for a moment when they saw the vehicle driving past, and quickly raised their feet and ran to the side of the helicopter.

Li Dongsheng jumped out of the car and immediately ordered to Wan Lin: "Board!" Then he turned around and strode towards a group of officers of the border guards who were running, and then whispered something to them? A group of soldiers immediately saluted Li Dongsheng, Li Dongsheng raised his hand in return, and turned around with Yu Jing and ran towards the helicopter that had already turned the propeller...

The helicopter took Wan Lin and the others back to the compound of the Southwest Military Region in the provincial capital overnight. As soon as the plane stopped, three ambulances roared over, and Major General Qi Zhijun also strode to the gangway of the helicopter.

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