Panther Commando

Chapter 1453: apprehension

Before the helicopter could stop, the hatch was pulled open with a bang, and Wan Lin and several others appeared at the hatch one after another. Qi Zhijun saw a few people with black smoke hanging from their faces, and suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed their arms. Several people were taken to an ambulance.

Looking at the major general's actions, Wan Lin and the others felt warm in their hearts: I'm home, and I've finally returned to my army!

Xiaoya, Wu Xueying, and Yu Jing finally jumped out of the helicopter. They hurriedly raised their hands to salute Qi Zhijun and Li Dongsheng, and then got into the ambulance respectively. The two leopards saw Xiaoya and the others get into the vehicle with the flashing blue warning lights, and they rushed in after Xiaoya. I don't know why? The two leopards have always been full of intense curiosity about things that sparkle.

Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, and Zhang Wa watched as the ambulance whizzed away, then turned around and saluted Qi Zhijun. Qi Zhijun quietly looked at the dark faces of the three of them, slowly raised his hand in return, then quickly put it down, and stretched his arms to hug the three of them.

After a long time, Qi Zhijun gently released a few people, looked at them carefully, turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "Go to the guest house to take a bath and have a rest, they will make Mr. Wan worry when they go back like this. I want to go back to the commander. Let the officers report the situation, and you can take them there." Li Dongsheng nodded silently, and then jumped into the jeep next to him with a few people.

Wan Lin and the others opened two rooms in the guest house, one room for Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin, and another room for Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa. Wan Lin entered the room and got into the bathroom to take a quick shower, then wiped his head with a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Li Dongsheng got up from the bed with a smile, and handed him a colonel's uniform that Qi Zhijun ordered. Wan Lin put on his underwear and underwear with a smile, and then his face suddenly became a little nervous. He sat by the bed with his head lowered and rubbed hard holding two big hands.

Li Dongsheng leaned on the bed next to him, quietly watching his embarrassed and uneasy appearance, without saying a word. Wan Lin was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and stood up abruptly, looking at Li Dongsheng with a flushed face and said, "Report!"

Li Dongsheng suddenly smiled on his calm face. He waved his hand to Wan Lin and said, "Sit down, I already know. You are here under Deputy Director Wang Molin, who ordered you to cross the border to destroy the arms dealer's arsenal."

There was a sly look in his eyes. When he rushed to the border in the helicopter, he suddenly understood: Wan Lin must have led a team out of the country without permission to destroy the arms dealer's arsenal. Otherwise, when he called Wang Molin, the chief director would not be so nervous. Wang Molin must have guessed that they had privately crossed the border and went straight to the enemy's lair, so he immediately took the responsibility on himself!

Now that he saw Wan Lin's nervous appearance, he immediately verified his speculation, so he immediately stopped Wan Lin from continuing to speak, and quickly revealed Wang Molin's words. Once this matter pierces this layer of window paper, it will be difficult to deal with. Now pretending not to know is the best choice. He is reluctant to send his brothers who were born and died to a military court.

Wan Lin was stunned when he heard Li Dongsheng's words, but he didn't expect Wang Molin to take all the responsibilities alone. His originally pale face immediately turned red, he quickly raised his eyes to see Li Dongsheng's face, then sat down on the bed with relief, pulled the quilt over him and lay down, muttering in a low voice: "I Mother, you scared me to death!" Before he finished speaking, heavy eyelids had already covered his eyes.

Li Dongsheng saw Wan Lin's brain is fast, he immediately understood what he and Wang Molin meant, and leaned on the bed comfortably.

He leaned against the head of the bed comfortably and turned his face to ask about the specific battle situation? Only then did he realize that there was a sound of "huhu" sleeping on Wan Lin's bed.

Li Dongsheng looked at his old comrade-in-arms son with a wry smile, and shook his head gently: They are too tired and need a rest! He stood up and carefully picked up Wan Lin's exposed arm and put it into the bed.

At this time, Xiaoya and several others have followed the ambulance to the Southwest Military Region Hospital. On the way, Xiaoya has introduced the injuries of several people in detail to the doctor on the ambulance. The ambulance drove directly to the door of the emergency building and stopped. Several medical staff who had been waiting at the door for a long time rushed forward and pushed the three people directly into the operating room.

Xiaoya, Yu Jing, and Wu Xueying trot all the way to the door of the operating room. The doctors and nurses on the side glanced at Xiaoya and the others whose faces were covered with gunpowder and dust in astonishment, and then hurried into the operating room.

The door of the operating room closed immediately, and the "operating" indicator light on the door frame immediately turned on. Xiaoya gave Dali three people an emergency treatment for their wounds on the battlefield. Now that they are back at the hospital, they will have to perform more detailed operations on them again.

In addition, there is a bullet in the strong thigh, which stays in the muscle against the femoral artery, which also needs to be surgically removed in a specialized hospital.

At this moment, Yu Jing saw that Dali and several people had entered the operating room safely, and finally let down half of the hanging heart. Then she turned to look at Xiaoya Wu Xueying, who was staring at the door of the operating room, and suddenly laughed. stand up.

Xiaoya and Wu Xueying stared at Yu Jing who was covering her mouth and laughing in big eyes flashing, wondering what she was laughing at? Yu Jing saw the dark faces of the two of them, with two big eyes flashing strange lights on them, and laughed even more, her whole body was shaking, covering her mouth to try not to let the sound come out. This is the hospital, and she doesn't dare to laugh out loud.

Xiaoya and Wu Xueying looked at each other blankly when they saw her appearance. When they looked at each other, their eyes were wide open at the same time, and then they raised their fingers and pointed at each other's big face and covered their mouths, and then they realized that the other's face was a mirror of themselves, and they both exclaimed at the same time: "I Damn it!" He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

No one paid attention to each other's faces on the battlefield. Even after returning to China, it was still late at night, and everyone's mood was not completely relieved from the hail of bullets. At this time, after Yu Jing reminded them, they suddenly noticed the expressions on each other's faces. gunpowder.

At this moment, Yu Jing's eyes suddenly saw the two leopards who were still lying on the bench outside the operating room. They suddenly jumped down from the chairs, tilted their head and turned their heads to look around. Running to the corridor behind, Yu Jing hurriedly shouted, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, come back quickly!"

If these two little ancestors ran out alone, what would happen to them? Xiaoya quickly raised her head when she heard the shout, and immediately jumped out to stop the two leopards.

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