Panther Commando

Chapter 1454: excellent fighter

As soon as Xiaoya saw the sneaky appearance of the two leopards, she understood that it must be Xiaobai, who loves cleanliness, seeing her dirty fur, and pulling Xiaohua to find a place to take a bath.

Last time in the hospital, these two little ancestors silently got into the nurse's bathroom while they were not paying attention, grinned and drove the two naked nurses out, occupying the bathroom by themselves Comfortable whitening up.

Seeing Xiaoya stop him, Xiaobai immediately stood up, pointed at the dirt covered by Xiaohua next to him, and then dangled his claws on his face to wash his face, indicating that he should clean up.

Wu Xueying also ran over with a smile, and the two quickly bent down and picked up the two leopards. At this time, several doctors in white coats hurriedly walked from the corridor. Xiaoya raised her face and saw that the first one was Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Tao, a military doctor she knew. Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying picked it up.

She hurried up to meet her and shouted in a low voice, "Doctor Zhang", Zhang Tao stopped and glanced at Xiaoya, whose face was full of smoke, in surprise, Xiaoya smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly said, "I'm Wan Xiaoya!" Then he pointed to Xiaobai in his arms.

When Zhang Tao saw the leopard, he recognized that the person on the opposite side with a face full of gunpowder was Xiaoya, and quickly reached out to her. Xiaoya smiled, then raised her dark right hand and said, "Hurry up and find us a bathroom."

Zhang Tao looked at Xiaoya and Wu Xueying next to him and smiled, then turned around and said to a young female doctor behind him: "Take them there, and notify the war department of the military region to send them two sets of military uniforms, that is, the people of the leopards need them. "I then waved to Xiaoya and led her to the operating room in a hurry.

Zhang Tao brought a few doctors to the door of the operating room in a hurry. He glanced at Yu Jing, who was fully armed, and was really surprised: How come there are so many beautiful women in this leopard team? Then he pushed open the door of the operating room and walked in.

More than half an hour later, Xiaoya and Wu Xueying wore brand new military uniforms and walked back with Xiaohua and Xiaobai who had been washed cleanly. The two wiped their still wet hair as they walked, and the two pairs were wrapped in long eyelashes. His big eyes were bloodshot.

When Yu Jing saw the two approaching, she quickly stood up from the seat beside the corridor, looked at the two of them carefully, put them in her arms and sat on the bench in distress, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and rest. Okay." He said, taking Xiaohua and Xiaobai from their arms.

Xiaoya and Wu Xueying glanced at the big sister moved, and then turned to the operating room. The door to the operating room was tightly shut, and there was nothing to see inside.

At this time, several figures suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor. Yu Jing and the three quickly turned their heads to look, and saw Major General Qi Zhijun, director of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department, and Ye Feng, director of the Provincial National Security Bureau, hurriedly accompanying Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin.

The three of Yu Jing quickly stood up, Qi Zhijun and Ye Feng walked up to the three of them, and waved to Xiaoya and Wu Xueying who were about to raise their hands to salute, then glanced at the closed door of the operating room, and Gao Li asked Xiaoya in a low voice : "How are the wounded?"

Xiaoya quickly stood at attention and replied: "Yang Xiaoling and Wen Meng were only scratched by shell fragments on their arms and legs, and there is no danger. Wang Dali's injuries are more serious. He has eight wounds on his body, four bullet wounds, and three bullet penetrating wounds. I have treated these seven wounds on the battlefield, and there is no danger."

She hesitated for a while, and then said: "The eighth injury of Vigor is more troublesome. A bullet stayed between the thigh bone and the aorta. The medical conditions in the battlefield are limited, so I did not dare to deal with it. Once the treatment is not in place, it may cause The aorta ruptured, causing massive bleeding, and there wasn't that much spare plasma around at the time. So..."

When Xiaoya said this, she turned her eyes to the operating room. Qi Zhijun and several people were injured in eight places when they heard the force, and their eyes widened! Even Wan Lin and Wu Xueying widened their eyes in surprise.

Wan Lin knew that Dali was covered in scars, but they didn't know that there was still a bullet left on Dali's leg that could kill him at any time.

Next to the aorta, that's where life and death matter! Once the aorta ruptures, it may directly kill him. No wonder Xiaoya didn't dare to perform surgery directly at that time. Once the aorta ruptures and there is not enough plasma around her, Dali's little life will be over.

No wonder Xiaoya has been taking care of Dali all the time. At that time, Xiaoya never dared to tell Dali's injury, because she was afraid that everyone would be worried, and at the same time, she was afraid that Dali himself would have a psychological burden.

Qi Zhijun and the others were even more silent, and their hearts twitched violently. From the injuries all over their bodies, they have already deduced how tragic the battle was at that time, but this machine gunner risked his life! Otherwise, this veteran special soldier who is battle-hardened and agile would not have so many bullet marks on his body! Before their eyes, they seemed to have seen this group of fearless warriors fighting **** battles in the enemy group!

The scene was silent for a while, and Ye Feng, the provincial director of national security, suddenly took a step forward, grabbed Wu Xueying's hands, looked up and down, and shouted with trembling lips: "Okay, okay, okay!" He called out in succession. Three "good" words. His eyes were full of relief, full of pride.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng are the backup force of their national security system and their future successors. This is a group of veteran Leopard team members trained by themselves from the **** battlefield!

Like these leopard team members, they have excellent skills, tenacious fighting spirit, determination and courage to shed blood for the country! Ye Feng, an old soldier on the national security front, is excited for such an outstanding soldier to emerge in his team.

Wu Xueying's delicate face was flushed with excitement, and the fragrance of shampoo was still on her wet hair just after washing. Her long eyelashes trembled, and her two large, beautiful eyes were filled with sparkling water.

From the excited look of the chief, she felt a kind of recognition she had never seen before! For a long time, she and many of Wen Meng's teammates believed in their hearts that they joined the elite backup team of the National Security System by relying on the brilliant halo of their grandparents and fathers. 's children.

But now, relying on their bravery and fearlessness, they are fighting **** battles for the country together with their brothers and sisters and their Huabao instructors, and together they have created brilliant achievements one by one!

They have used their actions and military exploits to prove their abilities to the chief and everyone in the national security system; they have used the scars left by their **** battles to prove that they are qualified, no, excellent national security. warrior!

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