Panther Commando

Chapter 1465: brotherhood

Everyone in Wan Lin knew about the scar Zhang Wa had hidden deep in his heart, and they understood the unforgettable pain in his heart.

At critical moments, when loved ones need help the most, they are not around and ignore them. Although it was not his fault, although he was fighting **** battles for the country, the reality was so clearly laid out in front of his eyes that he really couldn't forget it.

Through this incident, Zhang Wa realized more clearly that she is a special force, a member of an elite special forces unit who is ready to devote herself to the country at any time. He has been deliberately avoiding Yingying, who deeply loves him, and dare not touch the scar in his heart again, for fear of causing harm to the relatives around him. In the bottom of his heart, he was really afraid that he would hurt this pure, kind, and beautiful girl in front of him again.

But today, the scene of the past reappeared in front of me. He didn't know what happened to Xiaoli's family? But he knew that Dali, a dear and dear girl, had encountered insurmountable difficulties, just like Rongrong back then!

At this moment, he must stand up. He must not let what happened to him reappear in Dali, a life and death brother; he must not let Dali, a comrade-in-arms, leave a scar that is as remorseful as himself. !

But what he didn't expect was that Wu Xueying suddenly stood up, her clear eyes, delicate face, and the pair of jade hands in front of him made his frozen heart suddenly melt, The wounds in the soul were suddenly healed. With such a confidante who knows him, understands him, and loves him, what reason does he have to reject this innocent girl whom everyone loves? !

Perhaps, Zhang Wa herself did not expect that a righteous act that wanted to help a comrade-in-arms, but inadvertently healed the wound in her heart, and inadvertently accepted this little sister who has always loved her deeply in her heart.

Things suddenly took a dramatic turn. There were tears of happiness in Wu Xueying's eyes. She stretched out her arms and wrapped her arms around Zhang Wa's waist tightly. She smiled at Xiaoya and the others as if it had already bloomed.

Everyone laughed when they saw Yingying's bright smile. The heavy stone that had been pressing on everyone's heart was finally removed.

Since the incident with Rongrong, Zhang Wa seemed to be very happy that she had two more sisters, but Wan Lin, his comrades who walked through the **** wind, couldn't see it. The guilt in his heart, how could he not feel the deep scar in his heart.

Today, everyone finally saw Zhang Wa get rid of the burden in his heart, and saw that he finally accepted the lovely Yingying. Everyone's heart is deeply happy for this pair of special soldiers walking together in the flames of fire.

At this moment, Dali suddenly walked in from the door. At a glance, he saw Zhang Wa standing in front of the door with her arms around Yingying. His big cow-bell-like eyes widened, followed by a big mouth, and a palm-sized slap suddenly slapped Zhang Wa's shoulder. Weng Sheng said angrily: "In the public, dare to bully our little Yingying!"

With her back to the door, Zhang Wa hugged Wu Xueying's soft waist and was immersed in happiness. With this unexpected slap, he jumped up in fright and dragged Yingying behind her, her body quickly He turned around and assumed a fighting stance.

When he saw that Dali was staring at him with big eyes, he was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to punch him, but looking at his arm still wrapped in gauze, he grinned and pulled Wu Xueying in front of him. He said happily: "Jealousy? A red flower like ours naturally needs such a green leaf to match."

"Fuck you, do you still have safflower?" Yingying laughed "puchi", then looked at Dali and asked, "Where's Miss Xiaoli?"

Hearing her asking Xiaoli, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes immediately, and then he opened his mouth wide, pretending to be nonchalant, and said, "She fell asleep, she didn't rest well, she fell into bed and fell asleep." But in his tone that is not good at concealing, there is deep regret and a touch of sadness.

Wan Lin's eyes were fixed on Dali's face, and no one said a word. Dali looked at everyone's eyes and smiled awkwardly: "Why are you staring at me? Even though I'm more handsome than a doll, I don't look at me like that, right?" Then he walked to the edge of the sofa.

"Dali, to be honest, did something happen at Xiaoli's house?" Zhang Wa put away the smile on her face and stared at him. "No, no. What could be wrong with her family?" Dali waved his hand quickly.

"Wang Dali!" Wan Lin suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted sharply. "Arrived!" Dali answered loudly when he heard the sound, his chest straight up and he stood upright.

"Tell me, what happened?" Wan Lin asked in a stern tone. ", really!" Dali replied quickly.

Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru suddenly stepped in front of him, their eyes were fixed on his eyes, Zhang Wa said coldly: "If you still think we are brothers who came out of the gunfire, just say it! Otherwise! , let's turn around and leave without your brother!"

Cheng Ru's eyes also revealed an icy light, and his pupils had shrunk to the size of a needle glow, just like observing a sniper target, staring at Dali's eyes, a icy chill pierced into his heart.

Dali was stunned, opened his mouth and stared at the few people in front of him. Those cold eyes made him, a brawny man who was fearless under the enemy's guns, feel an extreme coldness.

His body trembled The muscles on his face shook violently. "Without your brother!" This sentence made him feel a cold breath from the bottom of his heart, he could throw his blood for the brothers and sisters in front of him, and he could give up everything he had! But in this life, he must never lose this brotherhood that was forged with blood and life!

He stared at the eyes of every comrade-in-arms with big cowbell-like eyes. From those cold eyes, he saw the blood-like friendship.

His eyes turned red, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his open mouth shook several times without saying a word. He didn't want to cause trouble to the brothers because of his own affairs.

Xiaoya and Lingling came over and gently pulled his arm, Xiaoya said in a low voice, "Come on, no one here is an outsider! We have all seen Xiaoli's friendship with you, we won't help such a sister, who will help? ? Her business is your business!"

Dali stared deeply at several comrades-in-arms and senior brothers who shared life and death. He didn't speak for a long time, but tears were already flashing in his big cowbell-like eyes.

This is the brothers and sisters who have experienced countless bullets together and emerged from the battlefield where the flames of war are full of fire and smoke. This is the friendship forged with blood and life! What is money, in their flesh and blood congealed affection? !

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