Panther Commando

Chapter 1466: Righteous words

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Dali nodded and nodded, Zhang Wa grabbed Dali's hand and said, "Okay! This is a good brother! I told all my brothers just now that Yingying and I will take care of Xiao Li's affairs this time. Who are we in a hurry with! This is Yingying's bank card, which contains all her savings, and I will handle the rest!"

Zhang Wa said, put Yingying's bank card in Dali's hand, Dali glanced at Yingying in astonishment, then pushed the card to Zhang Wa gently, and said, "How can I ask for Yingying's money? I will never take yours."

Yingying heard Dali's words from the side, her eyes widened immediately, and her shrill voice was full of anger: "What do you mean, look down on my apprentice? The master has something to do with the disciple, and besides, now Zhang Wa's is mine. , mine is Zhang Wa's, and he has put his arms around my waist."

She spoke quickly with a small mouth, and swept towards Dali like a machine gun. The few people next to her listened to her crisp voice, and all secretly watched Zhang Wa cover her mouth and laughed.

Cheng Ru covered his mouth with one hand, poked Zhang Wa quietly with the other, and said in a low voice, "Did you hear me, the little aunt said something, yours is hers, so hurry up and hand over your bank card."

Zhang Wa looked at Yingying with a sad face, and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it right? I didn't say anything, so I hugged Xiaoman's waist, why is that?" up.

Dali also smiled naively, quickly took the bank card back, looked at Yingying with a smile and said, "Yes, yes, yours is his, and his is yours."

Yingying covered her mouth and laughed with a "pochi", and then her face flushed and she said, "Actually, Kanai said it was all my savings, but I didn't have a lot of money. Buy something delicious and put it in your mouth."

"Hahahaha" A few people laughed all at once, Lingling ran over and pulled Yingying into her arms, smiled and pointed at the tip of her nose and said, "No wonder just now, there are only a few big boys in there. , then what are you talking about?"

Zhang Wa looked at Yingying's blushing pretty face in disbelief, and muttered to herself, "I let this little thing figure it out again, how will I live in the future?"

"Aren't you rich? We're both like this, who else is there?" Yingying said playfully with her blushing face up, followed by laughing "giggling" with Lingling in her arms, tears in her eyes The "huahua" flowed outward, and the laughter gradually turned into a "wuwu" cry.

For a long time, the little girl has been chasing Zhang Wa. Whether it is knowing that he has a girlfriend or seeing him struggling on the line of life and death, this little girl is stubbornly chasing the goal in her heart. She buried all the grievances in her heart deeply, but with a bright and bright smile, she showed everyone her strength.

Today, she finally got the recognition of the Prince Charming in her heart, and finally came together side by side with the lover in her heart. Now, she finally laughed out the excitement in her heart, and also cried out the grievances that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time.

Everyone looked at this cute little sister with distress, Xiaoya and Wen Meng hurried over to hug Yingying tightly. They are all unmarried girls. They understand Yingying, a little sister who brings joy to the people around her at any time. She still has her own joys, sorrows and sorrows in her heart, and still has pain and grievance that outsiders don't know.

Zhang Wa looked at Yingying who was crying bitterly, raised her hand and took out a bank card from her pocket, stuffed it into Dali's hand, and said, "Password is my birthday! Stupid thing, look at our Yingying's mess. "Speaking, with a flick of his finger, he pinched the wound on Dali's forearm.

"Ouch!" Dali shouted like a pig, and the people around him turned their heads in astonishment. Seeing that Dali was jumping high with two bank cards, his face was twisted with pain.

Everyone burst into laughter when they saw it, Yingying raised her head with tears all over her face, and when she saw Dali baring her teeth and grinning, she laughed again "giggling".

"What's the matter?" Xiao Li's voice suddenly came from outside the door, and she ran in in a panic. Dali's screams woke her up from her sleep, thinking what happened to Dali? He ran out of the next room quickly.

He swung his big fist vigorously at Zhang Wa, and cursed in his mouth: "Stinky baby, wait, see how I will take care of you when Yingying is not there." Then he turned his face and looked at Xiao Li with a wide-open mouth. Now, he pulled her over and said, "Come here, thank you Doll and Yingying! They sponsored you."

Xiao Li looked at the two bank cards in front of her in astonishment, her eyes turning red. She looked up at what Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying were about to say? Yingying ran over to cover her mouth and said with a smile, "Remember, the money with the most money is mine!" Then she raised her big eyes with blurred tears and gave Zhang Wa a hard look, forbidding him to speak.

Everyone laughed and hurriedly pulled Xiaoli to the sofa. Lingling asked anxiously, "What happened at your house? I'm so anxious."

Xiaoli looked up at the eager eyes around her, tears came out, and she whispered about what happened.

It turned out that Xiaoli's family of four had parents and a younger brother who was going to college. My father's health has always been poor, and the family's farm work is basically handled by my mother alone, so the family has been very difficult.

The younger brother has studied very well since he was a child. He was admitted to a good university the year before last, but his family can't afford his school expenses, so the younger brother's school and living expenses are supported by Xiao Li's salary.

This year's school is on winter His younger brother suddenly caught a cold and fever as soon as he got home. His mother took him to the town's health center to lose some fluids and came back, but he didn't expect that the high fever would not subside for several days in a row. , and then to the town health center infusion did not work, and accompanied by chest tightness and difficulty breathing.

The family was in a hurry, and quickly asked the neighbor to drive a tractor to the county hospital. Upon investigation, it was found that there was serious water accumulation in the chest, and the county hospital immediately arranged for inpatient treatment.

But in the examination, it was found that in addition to pleurisy, he also had heart problems. At this time, the family had used up all their savings, and owed a lot of money to relatives and neighbors. Xiao Li's mother was in desperation, so she called and notified Xiao Li.

Xiao Li narrated in a low voice, and it was only now that everyone knew that Xiao Li's family was so difficult. No wonder she was usually very frugal, and the rest of her salary was used to cover her family and her younger brother.

Xiao Li lowered her head and said slowly with tears in her eyes, "I didn't plan to go home this Spring Festival. First, the hospital really needs someone on duty, and second, I also want to earn more overtime pay. Who would have thought that my brother would suddenly become seriously ill."

Vigorously looking at Xiao Li's pale face, she grabbed her hand distressedly and comforted: "Don't worry, there are so many brothers and sisters here, there is no difficulty to pass." Lingling and others also comforted.

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