Panther Commando

Chapter 1467: Brother

Xiaoya listened to Xiao Li's narration, frowned and looked out the window for a while, then turned her head and asked Xiao Li, "What did the county hospital say about your brother's test results?"

Xiaoli raised her head and looked at Xiaoya, and said in a low voice, "It is said to be pleural effusion caused by acute pleurisy. 2. In addition, the color Doppler echocardiogram showed that his heart ventricular septum is deficient, and he needs surgery as soon as possible, otherwise As we get older, danger can occur at any time. The county hospital is not yet able to perform such an operation, and it needs to be transferred to a large hospital for treatment.”

Xiaoli lowered her head again, and said leisurely, "I immediately called the doctors in our military region hospital to inquire, and they said that the military region hospital can accept it. This kind of operation will cost at least tens of thousands of yuan. But I really don't have any money. , so... so..." She said this and gave Dali a look.

Everyone was silent. Everyone knew that Xiao Li was very poor in the past, but they didn't expect her family's burden to be so heavy. And Dali's family burden is not light. There are younger siblings in the family who need to pay for school, and his monthly salary is basically sent home, so he is very nervous.

Wan Lin was silent for a while, then looked up at Xiaoya and asked, "What kind of disease is this, can it be cured?"

Xiaoya replied: "Acute pleurisy is not a big problem as long as it is treated in time. Ventricular septal defect should be checked in detail to see if it is a mitral or tricuspid valve defect and the degree of the defect. The county hospital's inspection methods are relatively backward, and it is indeed necessary to go to a large hospital for inspection and treatment. This is generally a congenital heart disease that requires surgery, and the cost is really high.”

Xiaoli lowered her head and said quietly: "If I didn't find you, I...I really don't know what to do?".

Xiaoya smiled and said: "No problem, now that medical technology has developed, if the defect is not serious, you just need to perform surgery to repair it. It should not be serious until your brother is so old to find out that he has a heart problem. Your brother You can recover completely, don't worry."

She looked up at Dali and said, "As far as I know, there are very good cardiac surgeons in the Southwest Military Region Hospital, and they are very professional in this kind of cardiac surgery. It's closer to Xiaoli's hometown, so it's better to receive a doctor directly. Come here for treatment, Xiaoli’s current situation is no longer suitable for long-distance travel.”

Xiaoli and Dali immediately raised their heads, Wan Lin quickly stood up and said, "That's great, I'll ask Minister Qi to help me get in touch." Before he could finish his sentence, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Stinky boy, find me. What are you doing?"

Several people hurriedly looked up to the door and saw Qi Zhijun, director of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department, and Ye Feng, director of the Provincial Security Bureau, standing at the door smiling.

Wan Lin and the others quickly stood up and saluted. Qi Zhijun raised his hand and returned the salute, walked in, walked over to the old man with a smile to say hello, then turned to look at Wan Lin and the others standing around, his eyes stopped on Xiao Li in plain clothes, and he turned to ask Wan Lin: "Who is this girl? I don't seem to have seen it before?"

Wan Lin quickly introduced: "This is our good friend and Dali's girlfriend! My name is Xiaoli."

Ye Feng was also looking at Xiao Li at this time. He and Minister Qi heard that they were Dali's girlfriend, so they both turned their heads and glanced at Dali like the black iron tower. Their eyes were stunned when they saw the striking scar on his face. After a while, Ye Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, beauties love heroes. Dali, you are not allowed to bully such a good girl, you are so stupid, black and rough, how can you bully a girl so thin? It's outrageous. ".

Everyone laughed. Xiaoli shyly glanced at Dali and replied in a low voice, "No, he doesn't bully me." Minister Qi looked at Dali and smiled and said, "Blessed brat, I found such a gentle man. beautiful girlfriend".

Minister Qi immediately looked at Wan Lin and said, "What did you just say about looking for me?" Wan Lin quickly told about Xiao Li's brother.

After Qi Zhijun heard it, he turned his head to look at Dali, and then said, "No problem, the cardiac surgery department of the military hospital is indeed very strong. Don't worry, I will contact you."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone neatly, quickly got in touch with the military hospital, told the situation again, and then turned to ask Xiaoli, "Where is your brother?"

Xiao Li quickly stood up and saluted and answered the location of her hometown. Qi Zhijun glanced at Xiao Li in surprise, and then reported the address to the phone.

He finished talking to the phone, put away the phone, turned to look at Xiao Li in civilian clothes and asked, "Are you a soldier? Report to the chief..." Xiao Li hurriedly shouted, and Xiao Ya stood up and hugged her nervously. Xiao Li, who was a little nervous, smiled and said to Qi Zhijun, "Xiao Li is the head nurse of trauma surgery in our military hospital."

"Okay! We should help the family members of the soldiers even more," Qi Zhijun said with a smile, then turned to Dali and said, "You immediately take Xiaoli to the military hospital, the hospital has already dispatched an ambulance, and is now waiting at the gate of the hospital. Follow you. You rush over and lead the way."

"Yes! Thank you, Chief" Dali and Xiaoli shouted excitedly, raising their hands to salute Qi Zhijun and Ye Feng together.

Wan Lin also stood up and saluted Qi Zhijun to express his gratitude, then turned his head to Zhang Wa and Yingying and said, "You guys can drive and follow along, good people will do it to the end."

"Yes, thank you, Chief!" Yingying saluted Wan Lin with a smile, and then saluted Qi Zhijun and Ye Feng, picked up the jeep keys on the table, pulled Zhang Wa, Dali, and Xiao Li and ran out.

The little girl knew that Wan Lin was creating to let him have more contact with Zhang Wa. At this moment, Xiaoya stood up and said, "I'll follow you too, shall I?" Wan Lin turned to look at Xiaoya's slightly pale face, waved his hand and said, "Don't go, the hospital has dispatched professional medical staff. Staff, you have a good rest at home, this time is too tired."

At this time, Lingling and Wen Meng pulled Xiaoya onto the sofa. They all knew that Xiaoya was hit in the head by shrapnel during the battle. Although there were no serious consequences, she woke up and was busy rescuing the wounded and participating in the battle. , She really needs a good rest, the haggard look on her face has said everything.

Grandpa has been quietly observing everything in front of him. He watched Dali and several people walk out of the yard, and then turned to look at the group of disciples and grandchildren who shared life and death. With a gratified smile on his wrinkled face, he nodded and said, "Okay. , This is a group of brothers and sisters, the children of my Wan family."

Ye Feng heard the old man's words and knew that there must be some story in it? He turned his head to look at the old man and asked, "What's the matter? How did Dali's girlfriend find this place?"

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