Panther Commando

Chapter 1472: Expert robbed

Li Dongsheng shook his head and said in a low voice, "No. ∝, ww︽w2 I'll show you the surveillance video at that time. This is the surveillance video that the national security system asked for from the police in the country where it is located." Then he pressed the coffee table. on a projector.

A curtain on the opposite wall slowly descended from the scroll on the roof, and a flowing picture immediately appeared on the white screen.

The picture shows a hotel with a typical Gothic architectural style. Two high spires are erected on the top of the hotel building, like two sharp swords piercing the sky; The hotel itself and the long history of the small town in which it is located.

There are many tall police officers in police uniforms around the hotel, and some people in plainclothes are also roaming the surrounding streets.

In front of the hotel is a spacious street, with some foreign men and women in thick down clothes walking on both sides of the street, and there are several small forks in the distance where they connect with the street. The roofs of all the buildings are covered with thick snow, and steep peaks are faintly revealed in the distance.

Wan Lin stared intently at the footage captured by the surveillance camera, and everything in front of him brought him into a cold and foreign land, and the silent picture played forward quietly with his thoughts.

At this moment, several drive-thru cars with flashing police lights appeared in the picture, followed by several black limousines.

Just as the drive-thru car drove to the hotel gate, five or six black shadows suddenly flashed on the towering roofs of the surrounding buildings. Firelights suddenly spewed out from the roofs, followed by two strong firelights flying out from the roofs of the two wings. .

Anti-tank rockets! Wan Lin's pupils shrank. Two huge flames erupted from the door of the hotel and the rear of the convoy. A police car in front of the road and a police jeep at the back of the convoy rose into the air, spraying flames and black smoke, and slammed to the side of the road; A police car slammed into the hotel wall in a powerful explosion shock wave, and the policemen standing around rolled in the air with the firelight.

At the same time as the explosion and flames erupted, three white off-road vehicles suddenly rushed out from the surrounding fork, and several people with black hoods were shooting violently from both sides of the car window.

Several jeeps rushed to the car and stopped suddenly, followed by a few tall men in black jumping out of the car with assault rifles in their left hands, and suddenly pulled out a few people from the cars with their right hands, twisting around. As soon as he pushed the jeep behind him, he galloped away to the surrounding fork in the road.

During the whole process, the muzzles of the guns on the top of the surrounding buildings have been violently spraying fire, and the surrounding police officers have long been hiding behind various concealed objects, and no one dared to stick their heads out in the rain of bullets.

At the moment when several jeeps disappeared from the surveillance video, the fire on the roof suddenly disappeared, and there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the wide street in front of the hotel. Several police officers covered in blood were crawling on the street. Two four-wheeled cars were blazing, and thick black smoke filled the streets.

At this time, a policeman suddenly rushed out of the hotel with a pistol, waving a pistol. What are you yelling at? Running towards the surrounding police cars, from the appearance, this person should be the police commander of the guard here.

The surrounding hidden police officers heard the shouts, and immediately got out from behind the hidden vehicles and buildings with their weapons in their hands, and also quickly ran to the surrounding police cars, looking at the scene, they were going to board the police cars to chase the robbers.

The police commander shouted and ran to the door of the hotel, when a cloud of fog suddenly appeared above his head, and he fell on his back, followed by a cloud of fog above the heads of the surrounding policemen, one by one fell on their backs. .

Wan Lin's eyes suddenly flashed a light, and he immediately shouted in his heart: Sniper! His eyes quickly looked into the corners on both sides of the screen, just in time to see two black shadows disappearing from the top of the two wings of the building.

At this time, the image on the screen suddenly changed its orientation, and the videos on both sides of the hotel road appeared respectively. The pictures on both sides of the road show several police cars that were destroyed by rockets. The police officers were hiding behind the police cars parked in the road, and they were shooting at the surrounding with their guns. Apparently, this was the scene of an attack on reinforcements of police personnel.

The entire video is a silent black-and-white picture. The pictures in just a few minutes not only depict the surrounding environment of the hotel, but also vividly record the hostage-taking process of the opponent. This is obviously a video edited from multiple surveillance videos. The silent picture in just a few minutes recorded the whole process of the thrilling hijacking at that time, which was very professional.

White snowflakes appeared on the screen. Li Dongsheng raised his hand and turned off the projector. He looked at Wan Lin with a grim expression and said, "This is the whole process of the hijacking of a counter-terrorism expert. The opponent moved extremely quickly. From the beginning to the end of the hijacking, the whole In less than two minutes, 18 people at the scene were killed in the attack, including two security guards of my counterterrorism experts."

Wan Lin's face became very gloomy, staring at the white curtain in front of him for a while without speaking. At this time, Gao Li came over from the map and sat on the sofa opposite Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng.

Wan Lin retracted his gaze from the white curtain and looked at Minister Gao quietly. Gao Li looked at him and said: "Look at the video, the opponent's actions are fierce and fast, and his combat style is definitely not an ordinary robber, this is a special operation mode of action. The opponent's marksmanship is not only extremely accurate, but also extremely standardized; No matter the timing of the attack, hostage taking or fire suppression, UU Reading has undergone careful planning in advance, and it can be said to be seamless."

Wan Lin nodded. From the moment the opponent appeared, he had already judged in his heart that this was a group of highly professionally trained special operators.

Gao Li continued: "The other party's action lasted only one minute and forty-five seconds! In such a short period of time, four anti-terrorism experts from three countries were hijacked. Two of them are well-known anti-terrorism experts in our country's security system."

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, looked at Gao Li and asked in a deep voice: "The rest of the countries are all one person, only the two of us in China, it seems that the other party's main target is my country!"

"Yes, the national security system is also analyzed in this way. From the perspective of the opponent's action process, the target is indeed aimed at our country's vehicles. At the location where the opponent's jeeps were parked, two jeeps parked directly next to the vehicles of our country's representatives, while the other two There is only one vehicle next to the representative of the country, and there are no hijackers next to the vehicle of the representatives of the remaining countries, and the target is extremely targeted." Li Dongsheng replied with a grim expression.

Gao Li took the words and said: "The local security department immediately blocked the whole city and carried out a net-type search, but no vehicle was found at all. After investigation, the other party rushed out of the city after taking the hostages and quickly disappeared in the In the surrounding snow-capped mountains".

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