Panther Commando

Chapter 1473: Hijacking purpose

Gao Li stood up, walked to the desk and picked up a laser pointer, turned to the giant map by the wall and pressed the switch, a red light spot was immediately displayed on the map. ○○ point ○ small ○ said, www※c︾om

Wan Lin quickly stood up and walked to the map, looking up at the place marked by the red dot. Gao Li said: "This is the topographic map of the city where the incident occurred. It belongs to the severe cold zone, surrounded by mountains and mountains, and it is covered with snow in all seasons. It is a small snow-covered city with beautiful scenery."

Wan Lin stared at the topographic map, surrounded by mountains with an altitude of thousands of meters. From the picture, the surrounding mountains are all over a thousand meters and are extremely steep; the small town is located in the mountains, under the cover of lofty mountains and white snow, this is indeed a snowy town with a beautiful environment.

Gao Li continued: "The organizer decided to use it as a meeting place because of the beautiful environment here. I didn't expect to be attacked suddenly. After the incident, the local police and anti-terrorism department immediately organized a large-scale search of the mountain, but here is the There are tens of thousands of square kilometers of high mountains, and the mountains are extremely steep. The planes and ground personnel dispatched conducted a three-dimensional search in the mountains near the small town for half a month, but they found no trace of the other party."

Gao Li waved his hands in frustration when he said this, and then said to Li Dongsheng, "Tell us about the situation after the incident that the national security department notified us." He walked to the sofa and sat down.

Li Dongsheng immediately introduced to Wan Lin a series of actions taken by the national security department after the incident.

The two anti-terrorism experts who were hijacked this time are experts with rich anti-terrorism experience in the national security system and hold high-level domestic anti-terrorism secrets. Therefore, the State Security Administration immediately instructed to rescue the two experts as soon as possible after learning of the situation.

Therefore, the national security system set up a rescue team at the first time, and the team leader was personally served by Wang Molin, deputy director of the State Security Administration. On the day of the incident, he quickly dispatched a five-member team from the elite national security system into the country concerned. While cooperating with the embassy and the local police to actively cooperate in the rescue, he went deep into the incident site to conduct a secret search.

The intelligence departments of the countries concerned immediately cooperated closely with the intelligence departments of the participating countries to summarize the information obtained by the intelligence systems of various countries. Finally, it was analyzed that the robbers were committed by a group of professionally trained special forces, and the specific target was our country. The senior anti-terrorist experts of the two countries hijacked the experts from the other two countries just to hide from the public and use them as bargaining chips in the negotiation under the circumstance of besieged. The purpose of hijacking the experts from our country is unknown.

Wan Lin sat upright on the sofa, quietly listening to Li Dongsheng's introduction. At this time, he suddenly interjected and asked, "Who is the group of five sent by Guoan?"

Li Dongsheng glanced at Gao Li, and sighed in his heart that this kid was quick to react, and he immediately grasped the main point of his words. Gao Li also nodded and said, "The five-member team was personally ordered by Deputy Director Wang. They are all Guoan elites who have undergone special training. They are the five members of Guoan's Falcon Squad. All of them are experienced An elite figure with a hundred battles and unique skills."

Wan Lin's expression changed. He knew that the national security system had several well-known special forces teams. The Falcon Squad was one of them. There were not many people, but each of them possessed unique skills and mainly dealt with domestic and foreign thorny issues related to national security. , whose identity is the same as their leopard commandos, belonging to a very high-density special operations unit, directly under the command of the State Security Bureau.

Now the national security system has notified the military of the incident and recalled several of its own personnel urgently, which means that something must have happened to the five most elite Falcon members of the national security system, otherwise they would not have notified the military of the incident.

Sure enough, Gao Li's voice became a little heavy, and he continued: "After the five-member team entered the country concerned, they immediately contacted my embassy, ​​and immediately put on makeup and went into the mountain to secretly search for the whereabouts of the hostages. After they entered the mountain to search for half a month, they When they were in contact with the country according to the stipulated time, the call was suddenly interrupted, and all their news was immediately lost, and their whereabouts are still unknown!"

When Wan Lin heard this, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes! Obviously, these people have already had an accident, otherwise they will never interrupt their contact with the country. He asked coldly: "Did they mention anything in the report?"

Li Dongsheng's face has become extremely cold, and his voice has become even deeper: "They just reported their location, and then they mentioned the word 'hua leopard' in the call, but the communication was suddenly interrupted at this time, and then the I can't get in touch anymore."

Wan Lin's face sank immediately, and his eyes shot directly into Li Dongsheng's eyes: "Speaking of 'Hua Leopard'? That opponent is obviously coming for us!"

Li Dongsheng's eyes also had a cold light: "Yes! Deputy Director Wang realized this at the time. What information must these five team members have obtained during the reconnaissance? But they were attacked and lost contact. He The mercenary groups that had contact with the Panther Commandos were immediately analyzed, and a special person was organized to analyze the recent activities of these mercenary groups."

Just when several people were concentrating on analyzing the case, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and Wang Molin took his secretary Xiao Li, pushed the door in a hurry and walked in.

Gao Li was startled and quickly stood up and saluted, no one thought that Wang Molin would be here in person at this time. Wang Molin raised his hand in return with a grim expression, then went straight to the sofa and sat He raised his hand to signal for a few people to sit down, his eyes swept across the faces of several people, and he said straight to the point: "We organize Special personnel have conducted a professional analysis of the relevant information. This incident was indeed planned and implemented in collusion inside and outside the terrorist organization! They hired Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Hiring Group at a high price to send people to implement it. This is a response to my country's intensifying anti-terrorism efforts and spending money on you. Panthers, a targeted retaliatory operation."

When Wang Molin said this, his eyes were shining, his eyes were fixed on Wan Lin's face, and he continued: "In the recent period, our national security, the police and you leopards have cooperated to increase the crackdown on terrorist forces. The arsenal established by foreign arms smuggling groups in China and their overseas nests killed dozens of domestic terrorists at the same time, which has dealt a heavy blow to the terrorists.”

He then turned his attention to the faces of Gao Li and Li Dongsheng: "Wan Lin and several people fought **** battles against the terrorist organization this time, and made great contributions! The terrorist organization also suffered huge losses. Therefore, our prevention and control experts and you The Panthers have become a prime target for enemy retaliation."

"According to the information obtained by our intelligence department, the terrorists have not received the huge sum of millions of dollars advanced by the terrorists to the arms group, and they have also lost a group of backbone forces that they have carefully cultivated. This move has caused great international concern. response”.

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