Panther Commando

Chapter 1484: Upright instructor

Wu Xueying did not expect that a small action of hers would cause such a catastrophe. Now Instructor Tian's eyes were closed, his face was ashen, and he had apparently passed out of a coma from a serious injury.

She looked at Xiaoya in horror, and asked in a low voice, "Tian... Instructor Tian, ​​are you... all right?" Xiaoya looked at the arena with a worried look and shook her head, she couldn't figure out what was going on? It stands to reason that Zhang Wa's palm is just a passive defense, and shouldn't cause so much damage to the opponent!

At this time, Feng Dao came over. He looked at Wu Xueying's terrified face, waved his hand and said, "He was not injured by Zhang Wa, don't worry."

He looked at Instructor Tian on the field, frowned and continued: "Instructor Tian's internal skills belong to the Supreme Yang Gong. Once he reaches a certain level, he will hurt himself. From his personality, it can be seen that this kind of rigidity The fierce internal force has already begun to retaliate, and his temperament has become so violent. Otherwise, in a competition that is not an enemy or me, how could it be possible to use such a fierce palm force, if it is not for Zhang Wa's skill is higher than him, the palm just now does not want Zhang. Baby's life!"

Wu Xueying was relieved a little at this time. Just now, she was really worried that Zhang Wa had hurt this instructor Tian, ​​and it was not wrong for others to pursue her, and she was also her instructor.

At this time, Xiaoya also suddenly remembered the situation when Yingying suddenly lost control of her internal skills when she was training in the mountains. At that time, her internal skills seemed to be similar to that of this instructor Tian, ​​she quickly turned her head to look at Yingying and asked, "Remember you. There is such a fierce infuriating in the body, do you have any connection with them?"

Wu Xueying nodded with a gloomy face, and replied, "Yes, I had a bad physique when I was young. It was my grandfather who asked a friend to introduce a master of internal skills to me. At that time, it was the father of this instructor Tian, ​​who used this kind of skill at that time. Adjust my meridians, and input a lot of real air to suppress the hidden diseases in my body at that time."

When she said this, she continued in a low voice: "I don't know where this Instructor Tian came from recently? Knowing that I am also in the national security training team, after coming here this time, I will be looking for me everywhere. Let me befriend him."

Wu Xueying's little face was red, she glanced at Zhang Wa in the arena, and whispered again: "I came to Zhang Wa this time, just to announce to Instructor Tian that Zhang Wa is my boyfriend, who would have thought that he would be in a hurry. Is Instructor Tian in danger?

Feng Dao glanced at Instructor Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and saw that Tie Qing's complexion had gradually turned white during the healing of Wan Lin and the others, his eyelids had begun to tremble slightly, and his originally rigid body had become soft and paralyzed. Sitting on the ground, it was all supported by Wan Lin's three people's arms so that he did not fall down.

Feng Dao shook his head gently and said: "It's hard to say now, my skill is still shallow, and I can't see how much Instructor Tian's internal injuries are. However, with the captain, a master of internal skills, it shouldn't be a problem."

Fengdao whispered that the problem was not a big deal, but Xiaoya and the others had already heard the worry in his words. Feng Dao is one of the people with the highest internal skills in the commando team. He can't see the situation of Instructor Tian now, which shows that it is indeed dangerous now. In addition, Wan Lin called Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa to help with such a high level of skill, which also showed that Instructor Tian's situation was not optimistic.

A worried look appeared on the faces of several people, and they all turned their heads to look into the field. At this time, the turbulent air wave that Wan Lin and the others started to use when they started to exert their power has slowly gathered back, and is now tightly wrapping around Instructor Tian.

Wan Lin's face has turned white, and a cold breath is coming out of his body. The right hand that is touching the top of Instructor Tian's head has turned white, and a faint white mist is slowly rising from his hand. The icy aura was spreading around, and it seemed to be merging with the fiery aura that Instructor Tian hit just now.

While watching Wan Lin's movements, Feng Dao said in a low voice, "The captain has already used the cold art and is suppressing the out-of-control fiery true qi in the body of Instructor Tian. It may detonate the meridians in the body, resulting in internal injury and paralysis, or death in severe cases.”

After more than half an hour, Instructor Tian, ​​who had been in a coma with his head down, suddenly trembled, and then slowly opened his eyes. He looked around blankly, and immediately saw Wan Lin and the three sitting in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that the opponent was trying to heal him.

Wan Lin watched him wake up, slowly withdrew his inner strength, turned his head and nodded at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa. The three of them removed their palms from each other and stood up.

"Wow", a burst of applause suddenly sounded from the surrounding area, and the Guoan training team and Hua Leopard team members gathered around and clapped their hands vigorously. Everyone understands that Instructor Tian has been saved!

Instructor Tian stood up silently with a shy face, his face pale. He turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin, then looked at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa on the side, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!" Then he asked, "Who are you guys? How come you have such a high level of skill."

At this moment, two leopards suddenly jumped out from the side and jumped onto Wan Lin's left and right shoulders. They stared at Instructor Tian with gleaming eyes, grinning in dissatisfaction, as if to say: How can you even connect? We do not know the famous leopard?

At this moment, Wu Xueying finally let go of her She also came over apologetically, smiled at Instructor Tian and said, "Instructor Tian, ​​did you not hurt?"

She didn't wait for the other party to answer, and then said proudly: "You haven't recognized them yet? This is the most famous leopard in the army!"

Instructor Tian's eyes widened, and he quickly glanced at the two leopards on Wan Lin's shoulders, and then suddenly understood, he immediately folded his fists and saluted Wan Lin, and said repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I really don't know. It's you, I am here to apologize!"

Then he turned around and saluted Zhang Wa next to him, and said boldly: "No wonder you have such high skill, admire, admire! Unarmed fighting, I have few opponents in the national security system. You have it in your hands, I didn't say anything, I'm completely convinced!"

When the people around saw Tian Instructor Lei conceding defeat, they all laughed in admiration. Wan Lin and several others nodded, and secretly admired this instructor who had the courage to admit defeat in front of so many people.

Wu Xueying also laughed, grabbed Zhang Wa's arm, and smiled at Instructor Tian, ​​"I'll introduce, this is my senior brother and Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Wa, a member of the Leopard Commando! Of course! It''s also mine...the...that what, hee hee" said, the pretty little face immediately turned red.

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