Panther Commando

Chapter 1485: Secret inside the door

At this time, Zhang Wa took a step forward generously, stretched out her right hand to Instructor Tian, ​​and said with a smile, "I'm Zhang Wa, hello, Instructor Tian."

Instructor Tian looked at Yingying with complicated eyes, then looked at Zhang Wa again, and quickly reached out to hold Zhang Wa's hand. Zhang Wa said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but my hands were a little heavier just now. However, you have practiced your inner strength so fiercely!"

Instructor Tian smiled awkwardly and said, "No, no, I just didn't know the depths. This is my family's internal strength, known for its toughness, but I didn't expect it to be defeated by you. It turns out that you are the most famous in the army. The leopard, let’s not talk about it, I am convinced that I am defeated! Ha ha ha, by the way, what kind of kung fu did you practice? Such pure inner strength.”

Zhang Wa smiled, released Instructor Tian's hand, pointed at Wan Lin and introduced, "This is our captain, Colonel Wan Lin, let him tell you."

When the other party heard Wan Lin's military rank, he was stunned for a moment. He quickly stood at attention and was about to salute. His eyes were fixed on Wan Lin's young face, and his eyes were full of surprise. He did not expect that the captain of the famous Panthers was so young and a colonel.

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and asked, "When Wu Xueying was young, who was the master of internal skills who adjusted her meridians? It's my father." Instructor Tian replied quickly.

"Are you okay now?" Wan Lin stared at him and asked. Instructor Tian's face darkened immediately and hesitantly replied, "No, I'm paralyzed in bed now and live with my brother."

Wan Lin heard that the other's father was paralyzed, and a shadow floated on his face, and then asked, "How many people in your school practice this skill?"

Instructor Tian looked at Wan Lin with a bit of surprise. Martial arts practitioners are generally taboo to ask people from other sects about matters in their own sect. He hesitated before replying in a low voice: "Not much, our kung fu is just a family tradition. It is never passed on, and it is passed on from male to female.”

Wan Lin nodded lightly, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked about this as an outsider. It's just that your kung fu is too tough, and it's easy to hurt yourself when you practice deep, so I just ask." .

Instructor Tian was stunned. He stared blankly at Wan Lin before asking, "How do you know our kung fu weakness? Our kung fu is not easily used outside, even my comrades in arms are very few. I know I can do this."

It turned out that their Tian clan's kung fu was domineering and fierce, and they were extremely powerful against the enemy. But there is a drawback. When the skill is practiced to a high level, there will be a phenomenon of internal force backlash. Their ancestors have suffered from it from generation to generation.

Especially in the fight against the enemy, once this kind of skill is fully raised, it is very easy to cause the backlash of the fierce internal force, and the phenomenon of going crazy immediately occurs.

The descendants of the Tian family have long been aware of the shortcomings of this skill, and they have been looking for a solution, but they have never found a suitable way to avoid this weakness. This kind of skill can only be gathered at the critical time when the opponent or life is at stake.

But this is the case, some people with advanced skills in the door still have the phenomenon of going crazy in the practice. It was in this situation that Instructor Tian's father suddenly became obsessed during the practice. Fortunately, he was only practicing at the time, and he did not gather all the power of the whole body, so he only suffered from hemiplegia, and he did not die on the spot.

Just now, Instructor Tian saw that Wu Xueying, whom he admired, was actually holding the arm of a strange man. At that time, he was really jealous. The irritable character that appeared after his strong skills was immediately revealed, so he immediately shot indiscriminately.

But after fighting a few tricks with his opponent, he immediately found that the opponent's skill was extremely deep.

What he didn't expect was that the opponent was also a master of internal skills. Not only was his skill pure, but he seemed to be higher than himself. During the fight, he was not subject to the force of his own punches, but his moves were not controlled by the opponent's flexible footwork. Restricted everywhere.

He was provoked, and only then did he gather all his strength and strike a deadly palm. Unexpectedly, when his opponent was unable to dodge, he was forced to gather his strength and meet his fierce palm face to face.

But he didn't expect that the opponent didn't use all his strength just now, and now he was forced to improve his skills and meet his right palm. In contrast to the two sides, their fierce palm force was immediately knocked back by the opponent, and the fierce internal force re-entered the meridians of their hands, and quickly went straight to the whole body along the meridians of the arm, immediately forming a torrent that was out of control. His body was surging, and he only felt a "boom" in his brain before he lost consciousness.

When Instructor Tian woke up, he immediately understood that he had already experienced the phenomenon of being infatuated with demons that his sect was most worried about. He also understood that if the opponent hadn't rescued him in time, he would have been hard-pressed to stand up again even if he hadn't died. So he immediately got up and thanked him, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually a member of the most famous Leopard Commando in the army. He knew that he was really convinced that he had lost.

Now, when Instructor Tian heard Wan Lin inquiring about his sect, he was indeed a little surprised, but anyone who practiced martial arts knew that this was a big taboo. But because the opponent just saved him, he still hesitated to say it. His eyes were fixed on the young colonel in front of, wanting to know the other party's motives for inquiring into his secrets.

Wan Lin said casually about the shortcomings of their internal skills. He was really surprised, and he never thought that he would have secret skills that have been passed down from generation to generation, and that outsiders would know about the extremely secretive things of their weaknesses.

He stared at Wan Lin suspiciously with wide eyes. At this time, Wu Xueying smiled and told the story that she almost went into trouble at the time, and finally said: "If our chief instructor didn't save me at that time, I don't know where I am now?"

After Instructor Tian heard this, he stared blankly at Wan Lin for a while without saying a word. They have been practicing for generations, and they have always wanted to find a way to solve their own ills from internal power masters, but the elders of the family have met many internal power masters from generation to generation, but few of them have more power than their own, let alone point them. The inner strength practice method.

Later, the ancestors of the past dynasties finally realized that this kind of thing is unpredictable and can only depend on the fate of their own descendants. Therefore, they just recorded some of the information about the Nei Gong sect that they had learned from the rivers and lakes, and recorded it on the genealogy, hoping that the descendants of their own sect would have the chance to meet the masters in the future and obtain their guidance.

At this moment, Instructor Tian stood there blankly, and the things recorded in these genealogy suddenly appeared in his mind.

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