Panther Commando

Chapter 1486: heavy paper

The ancestors of the Tian family have repeatedly mentioned in the genealogy that there is a sect of internal power that has been secluded from the world for generations. It seems to be called the Wan family. It instructs future generations to continue to look for masters of this sect, and strive to resolve their own sect. The ills of inner strength. n ∈ n ∈ point n ∈ small n ∈ say,

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly looked at Wan Lin and asked, "What's your surname?" Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile, "My surname is Wan, my name is Wan Lin", "Are you from the Wan family?" Instructor Tian's eyes widened, and his face instantly turned pale, looking nervous.

Wan Lin was also stunned for a moment, wondering how he knew about his sect, he nodded and looked at each other. When Instructor Tian heard this, his pale face was flushed with excitement, his knees suddenly bent, and he knelt on the ground with a "pop".

Everyone was shocked, Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand and pulled him up, and hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

Instructor Tian trembled with excitement, grabbed Wan Lin's hand and shook it vigorously, and said incoherently, "But...but...but we have found your Wan family. It's been a dozen generations, and we've been looking for a dozen of you. !"

Wan Lin looked at the excited instructor Tian in surprise, and then turned to look at the teammates around him. Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Wu Xueying also stared at him with wide, surprised eyes, pulling Zhang Wa at a loss.

At this time, Feng Dao came over and held Instructor Tian's hand with a smile. An internal force was passed from his hand, and then he released his hand and looked at Instructor Tian's eyes, and said with a smile, "Are you two? Isn't it true that people from all dynasties are looking for internal power masters in the Wan family, wanting to resolve the ills of your sect's ultimate yang internal power?"

Instructor Tian glanced at the wind knife in astonishment. From the internal force of the wind knife holding his hand, he immediately judged that the opponent's skill was also higher than his own. Only at this time did he know that this leopard team was indeed hiding dragons and crouching tigers. There are so many internal power masters.

He quickly replied: "Yes, yes, our ancestors have long heard that there is a Wan clan in Jianghu, and each of them is a one-time master of internal skills, so our ancestors have been looking for Wan clan masters. We look forward to them being able to resolve the ills in our skills, but they have always been a dragon without a tail, and we have never had the chance to meet each other, so much that we thought it was just a legend of the rivers and lakes, but we didn't expect them to actually appear!"

His face was flushed with excitement, and his whole body was trembling slightly. It was the dream of more than ten generations of them to find a master of internal power from Wanjia to resolve the shortcomings of Tian's internal power!

It was only now that Wan Lin understood what the other party meant. He smiled and said, "You guys have won the prize. However, after I came into contact with this fierce internal force in Wu Xueying's body, I felt that it was a good kung fu, and it was just too much internal force. If it is too strong, the practitioner may suffer from it, but I did think about the method to resolve it at that time.”

He hesitated for a while when he said this, and then continued: "When I met my grandfather later, we analyzed the characteristics of your internal skills together, and my grandfather also said that this martial arts is indeed very powerful, and it can be turbulent in the past. It is very rare to be passed down from generation to generation in the dynasties, and it is also a treasure of our country. So let me pay attention to it in the future, and if I can find it, I will try my best to help you.”

He said this and glanced at the wind knife next to him. Feng Dao immediately understood what Wan Lin meant. Each school of martial arts has its own inheritance, advantages and disadvantages, and they are all secrets. It is very taboo for martial arts people to point out their own martial arts.

Therefore, the general expatriate will not make irresponsible remarks about the kung fu of other sects without authorization. Otherwise, they will be suspected of being disrespectful. Unless people are sincerely asking for advice, and generally, the person in charge of the door will personally come to the door to ask for advice on behalf of the door.

Feng Dao turned his head to look at Instructor Tian's expectant look, nodded to Wan Lin and said, "Just help Instructor Tian in this field. People have been asking for your help in all dynasties, and Instructor Tian is a national security officer. Speaking of which, their national security team members are also our comrades-in-arms, and they should help, so you can impart some righteousness."

"Yes, yes!" Instructor Tian glanced at Feng Dao gratefully, and immediately raised his hands to salute, and then saluted Wan Lin with his fists in both hands, his eyes full of longing.

Wan Lin waved his hand, looked at him and said, "Alright, let's do it, you can find me a pen and a piece of paper, and I'll draw you a diagram of the meridian for qigong exercise. When you practice the qigong, your true qi will follow my path. A few lines, run for a while and try, if there is any problem, we will communicate later."

"Salute!" Instructor Tian raised his hand in a salute excitedly. Like an excited child, he ran towards the equipment room next to him like a gust of wind, followed by a small table and ran out again, facing Wu Xueying as he ran. He shouted, "Yingying, move a chair!"

Everyone laughed when they looked at Instructor Tian who had been violent just now, but now he was as excited as a child. Wan Lin and the others also laughed, knowing that this Instructor Tian had an upright personality, but his temper was just a result of his practice, but he was still very forthright.

Sitting in front of the small table, Wan Lin took the pen and paper, and quickly drew a human-shaped pattern on the paper, then quickly drew a few lines on it, and then quickly marked the name of the acupuncture points that the lines flowed through.

After he marked it, he took a look, then folded it up and handed it to Instructor Tian, ​​and said, "These meridians are extremely secretive, and generally sects of internal strength rarely practice them. After the meridians have been trained, it should be able to ease the Zhiyang True Qi that you have cultivated, and I will give it to you on behalf of the Wan family. However," he glanced at Instructor Tian hesitantly, and then said, "When you first started training, you were trained on your body. I may have to lose some of my Instructor Tian blushed with excitement. He took the note with trembling hands, then put his hands over the top of his head, looked up with tears in his eyes, and murmured eloquently in his mouth. After a few words, it was obvious that they were thanking their gods for their care and comforting their ancestors.

He then solemnly put the note into his pocket, and the movements of his hands seemed unusually slow and heavy. He knew the weight of this little note, but it carried the expectations of their ancestors in all dynasties, and carried the development and glory of Tian's internal skills!

He solemnly put away the note, then raised his eyes to look at Wan Lin, bent his knees and wanted to kneel again, and continued Wan Lin's words, "I understand, I understand, the process of reconciling the yin and yang of true qi must be Lose a part of the infuriating energy we have cultivated! Thank you so much, you are a great benefactor of our sect, and I bow down on behalf of the Tian sect!"

Wan Lin grabbed him and waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't be so polite, we are all soldiers now, so there is no need to worry about it!"

Instructor Tian stared deeply at Wan Lin, then broke free from Wan Lin's hand, first clasped his fists with both hands and gave a martial arts salute, then stood at attention with a "slap", waved his hand in a standard military salute, Wan Lin smiled. He hurriedly handed back the salute, and then raised his hand in return with a military salute.

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