Panther Commando

Chapter 1487: snowy town

Everyone around looked at Wan Lin with admiration. ○ They are all martial arts practitioners and know that each sect has its own unique skills. Especially in the internal power schools, the direction of true qi and the understanding of the meridians vary from one school to another. These are all secrets within the school and are never revealed to outsiders.

Some sects pass on males but not females, even women in the family don't dare to easily inquire about the secrets of practice in these sects, let alone outsiders. But no one thought that the Wan Lin Association, on behalf of the Wan family, would not hesitate to teach such a secret exercise method directly to Instructor Tian.

This not only benefits Instructor Tian himself, but also brings good news to the Tian family, so that their children and grandchildren can avoid the bad luck that may occur at any time after practice. Moreover, this is of great benefit to the improvement of their skills.

At this moment, Instructor Tian gave Wan Lin a deep, grateful look, then turned around to face Wu Xueying and Zhang Wa, a look of regret and frustration suddenly flashed across his face, but then he said solemnly: " Alright, Wu Xueying, I won't chase after you anymore, you're a famous flower now. Oh, I'll take you as a girl in the future, I wish you happiness!"

"Yes, Instructor Tian," Wu Xueying laughed excitedly, called out crisply, and everyone laughed "coax", Lingling smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "What is Instructor Tian? My brother is my brother, and I am also an instructor.”

Zhang Wa took a step forward and grabbed Instructor Tian's hand, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Instructor, for your blessing!" At this time, the surrounding Guoan training team members gathered around, and some of the team members who had been trained at the beginning even pulled flowers. The hands of the Leopard team members asked questions, and just when everyone was chatting happily, the door to the fighting room was opened. Wang Molin's secretary walked in. He looked at the crowd who were having a good time together, and walked up to Wan Lin with a smile and said in a low voice, "Let's go up, the restaurant has prepared the food, you eat early, and we'll set off after eating ".

Wan Lin nodded, turned around and shouted to the surrounding leopard team members, "All leopard team members gather." Cheng Ru and Feng Dao quickly ran from the surrounding area to Wan Lin and formed two rows in front of him. This is when I heard Instructor Tian shouting loudly: "All the training team members gather!"

Following the voice, the training team members also formed a pair, "Salute!" Instructor Tian stared at the neatly arranged Leopard team members and shouted suddenly.

Both the "Shu" training team and the Hua Leopard team raised their arms at the same time, and each one's eyes were fixed on the other's eyes.

"Let's go!" Wan Lin commanded loudly, put down his arms, turned around and strode out of the door, the Leopard team members behind him also quickly put down their arms, turned around and walked out behind him.

Under the leadership of Instructor Tian, ​​all the training team members on the training ground did not put down their arms. They stopped their waists one by one, saluting and watching a group of Leopard instructors walk out, each with a kind of reverence in their eyes. They know that this group of fearless warriors in the army is about to rush to the front line where the artillery fire is flying again!

At five o'clock in the morning that night, the civilian flight that Wang Molin and the commandos took arrived at the small mountain town where the destination was.

The group has long been divided into several groups, as if they do not know each other. Secretary Wang, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying took Cheng Ru and their groups straight out of the gate of the airport, boarded several cars that were picked up by national security personnel, and walked away.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya followed Wang Molin from a distance, like a couple on a trip, holding hands and walking slowly towards the airport gate.

Wang Molin was wearing a fur coat, carrying a suitcase and holding a phone in front of him, what was he talking about as he walked? It looks like a businessman from the outside.

At this moment, two people walked in one after another outside the airport gate. One went directly to Wang Molin to greet him warmly, took the suitcase and walked out. The other person went straight to Wan Lin and Xiaoya, also greeted with a smile, and walked out with the two of them as they walked and talked.

Wan Lin was following the person who came, and when he saw that the person was wearing a thick down jacket and was in his thirties, he exchanged greetings with Wan Lin, watching the movement around him.

A few people walked out of the airport terminal, and the person who came said softly: "I am the cat's eye of the civet cat team, and I am instructed to welcome you." With that, they walked towards the parking lot with the two of them.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked out of the gate of the terminal, and immediately felt a chill blowing towards their faces. The icy chill seemed to be like a handful of ice blades, digging into the cracks of the bones. Both of them shrank their necks unconsciously. .

The cat eye on the side glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "This is a severe cold zone. Now the coldest time has passed, but the temperature at night is still more than minus 30 degrees."

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xiaoya, and saw that the breath exhaled from her nose was all white mist, and said with a smile, "Hehehe, you're a pig's nose with a green onion now." Xiaoya looked at the spray from his nose. Two strands of fog, "pu chi" also laughed.

Maoyan watched the two tease, and said with a smile: "Don't laugh, this is really the case here, the snot flowing out of the nose is like a pig's nose with a green onion, but here is dripping into ice."

Several people were talking and laughing, but their eyes swept around inadvertently, especially paying attention to the direction Wang Molin was walking.

The night sky in the alpine region is dotted with silver-white starlight, and a bright moon hangs diagonally in the night sky. The stars and the moon are embedded in the dark night sky, motionless, as if frozen by the cold temperature. Surrounded by steep peaks in the distance, the snow-covered steep slopes reflect the faint giving a feeling of extreme coldness.

The lights in the airport terminal are brilliant, the roads outside the airport are covered with white snow, and a light pole is neatly arranged by the roadside. Extending, the entire small city is shrouded in the cold and quiet, and there is not a single person on the road.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked to the car with Maoyan, and saw Wang Molin on the other side of the parking lot getting into an off-road vehicle, then drove out with the headlights on, and then followed by another car. small car.

Wan Lin was stunned when he saw a car following Wang Molin's car, then opened the door and sat in the co-pilot's seat, while Xiaoya sat in the back seat of the car.

Maoyan started the car and glanced at Wan Lin, and saw that he was staring at a car that had just driven out of the parking lot. Knowing that he had doubts in his heart, he quickly explained with a smile: "That's the Eagles who are protecting the deputy director." Followed a step on the accelerator and drove out of the parking lot.

Wan Lin's dangling heart was relieved. He turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya in the back seat, and asked in a low voice, "This place is really cold, don't freeze, adjust your breathing." Xiaoya smiled and nodded. A warm current rose from the bottom of her heart, knowing that Wan Lin was reminding her to work hard to resist the cold outside.

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