Panther Commando

Chapter 1488: Snow night attacked

Wan Lin turned his face and looked in front of the car. In the distance, Wang Molin and the guard vehicle were galloping fast in front. The yellow taillights flickered on the undulating mountain road. point

"Are we going with the Deputy Director?" Wan Lin asked in a low voice, looking ahead. "No, we don't live in the same place as the deputy director. We will separate when the road forks ahead." Maoyan replied, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and staring at the road ahead.

Wan Lin's eyes moved to both sides of the road. Under the dim light, the road rises and falls with the mountains, and there are houses on both sides. The roofs are soaring, forming steep arched ridges. Snow, in front of the door are small courtyards surrounded by wooden fences, which are extremely clean and quiet.

Wan Lin looked into the distance, under the starlight, the steep peaks were covered with white snow, and the sharp peaks were like sharp swords shining with cold light, straight into the night sky. He looked at the sharp peaks in the distance, and his heart suddenly shuddered, as if he felt a forcing chill coming from the distant peaks, straight to the bottom of his heart.

His brows twitched violently, and his heart seemed to be stabbed by a sharp peak in the distance. His face changed immediately, he raised his right hand suddenly, pressed it on the window regulator next to the door, and the window glass beside the passenger immediately lowered silently.

"Woo", a piercing cold wind slammed in from the speeding car window. The biting cold wind brought flakes of ice-like snowflakes into the car from the window and hit Wan Lin. face.

The cat's eye driving the car next to him and Xiaoya in the back seat suddenly felt the cold wind hit their faces, all of them were startled and looked up. More than 200 meters ahead is a three-way intersection. They were originally scheduled to split with the vehicle in front of them here, but at this time Wang Molin's car was turning towards the fork on the right.

Before Maoyan and the two could ask questions, Wan Lin suddenly shivered in the cold wind, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, immediately notify Wang Bureau to turn! Overtake the vehicle in front, quick!"

Wan Lin's words were like a thunderclap in the air, and the cat's eyes trembled. He didn't bother to ask the reason. Following Wan Lin's voice, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the engine of the car immediately made a harsh roar. At the same time, Zhong shouted: "Cat head, turn the direction immediately, turn the direction immediately! Quick!"

Following his voice, the car rushed forward with a humming sound, chasing the two cars in front of it at a rapid pace. At the same time, Wang Molin was riding in a jeep and slammed towards the roadside, and followed him with a There was a harsh braking sound and the roar of the engine, and it rotated 360 degrees in place while driving, turned around and rushed towards the left side road.

At this moment, a "boom" suddenly came from the shadows in the distance, and a flash of fire rushed towards the three-car intersection that had just turned the front of the car, tightly rubbing the rear of Wang Molin's car with a "woo" to the roadside. A big tree flew away.

"Anti-tank rockets!" The cat's eyes, who were stepping on the accelerator to accelerate, and Xiaoya's eyes in the back row were all big. No one would have thought that someone would hide in the dark in front, holding a bazooka and waiting for Wang Molin's vehicle!

"Boom", a dazzling fire suddenly exploded on the big tree by the roadside. The tree with a thickness of tens of centimeters was cut off by the middle of the violent explosion, and countless pieces of wood were flying in the air with the fragments of the projectile. , the dark streets are shrouded in dazzling fire, and half of the sky is reflected in a fiery red!

The vehicle in charge of escorting behind Wang Molin's car saw the jeep in front suddenly turn around and immediately realized the danger. He also rushed to the side of the road to let Wang Molin's vehicle pass. Blocked in the back of the jeep, followed by calling out the front of the car and rushing towards the side road.

At this time, half of the big tree that exploded in the air fell from the sky with a "squeak" and slammed into the mountain road not far behind the **** vehicle with a swarm of sparks and sawdust, and countless burning The broken wood "crackled" on the rear and roof of the car.

The car shook violently with the loud noise, and with the burning branches and leaves on the roof, it accelerated to the left side of the road. At this time, the vehicle Wan Lin and the others were riding in also slid on the spot after giving way to Wang Molin's car, turned the front 360 degrees and chased after Wang Molin's car on the side.

In the icy cold wind, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Wan Lin's forehead. Just a second later, Wang Molin's car was already a ball of fire! Fortunately, these Guoan team members reacted very quickly, and their driving skills were also quite good. They turned around in time to avoid the attack ahead.

The violent explosion, the harsh braking sound of the car and the deafening roar of the engine resounded in the sky above the dark town in an instant. A thick plume of blue smoke wafted from the rear of the three cars, and they turned around in an instant, rushing towards the side road.

The roar of the engines of three cars reverberated on the empty and dark streets. A dazzling flame of fire was still rising into the air behind the cars. The sound of sirens also sounded from the small town. Flashing from all roads, the red warning lights on the roof flashed rapidly with the sound of the siren, and the red light reflected the flickering light over the dark town. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Wang Molin's car slid into a dark alley in front of him. After turning around, the headlights of several cars suddenly turned off and drove towards a silent iron gate in front of him. Just as the car approached the iron gate. , the door suddenly opened silently, and a few shadows with assault rifles immediately flashed out of the dark shadows around them, the muzzles facing the dark streets on both sides. The three cars drove through the gate immediately, and the surrounding shadows immediately retreated into the courtyard, and the iron gate closed silently immediately.

Before the car stopped, Wan Lin and the others quickly pushed open the car door and jumped out, and ran to Wang Molin's car. ran to a three-story building. Wan Lin and Xiaoya, as well as the few people who had just jumped out of the **** car, all retreated outwards, quickly covering Wang Molin and getting into the small building in front.

At this moment, Wan Lin stepped back nervously, while sweeping the entire courtyard. There is only the small building in front of the courtyard, and there are no other buildings. It is surrounded by dark high courtyard walls, and there are several buildings in the distance that are dark and can't see any light.

Obviously, this is a very secret and quiet single-family house carefully selected by the national security personnel. The courtyard is very spacious, surrounded by high courtyard walls, and the entire courtyard is dark. Two national security team members stood on the ladders on both sides of the courtyard gate, and were leaning on the courtyard wall with guns and staring at both sides of the road outside the courtyard.

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