Panther Commando

Chapter 1492: suspicious vehicle

Maoyan held the binoculars to observe for a while, and said, "Our car, Catpaw brought the rest of your leopard team members to observe the terrain." Then he put down the binoculars. ⊥,

Xiaoya immediately put down the binoculars and said with a smile: "The names of your civet cats are so funny. Your captain is called Maotou, you are called Maoyan, and there is another one called Catpaw, giggling."

Maoyan replied with a smile: "Actually, our captain is called Owl, and everyone calls him Maotou in order to save trouble. Don't you see his eyes? They are very bright, they are usually squinted, but if they stare , just like the night eye of an owl, very sharp. Our captain is a master of internal skills, and Qinggong is very good." His words carried a proud tone.

Xiaoya nodded, turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin next to her, and saw that he was still looking down the mountain with his binoculars raised, his brows slightly raised. Xiaoya's heart sank, and she quickly raised her telescope to look down the mountain. Maoyan also noticed Wan Lin's abnormality at this time, and quickly turned around and raised the telescope.

Halfway up the mountain, the vehicle of the Hua Leopard team members was still driving up the mountain unhurriedly. At this moment, a white off-road vehicle turned up at the foot of the mountain and was slowly moving up the mountain. The speed was very slow. In the white snow, it's really not easy to find if you don't pay attention.

Maoyan stared at it for a while, then took out the phone and dialed it out, and said in a low voice, "Catpaw, pay attention to a white off-road vehicle behind you, change your speed and test it."

Following his voice, the van on the mountainside suddenly increased its speed and rushed towards the mountain. Wan Lin looked around, then pointed to Maoyan and Xiaoya at the tall rocks on the edge of the observation deck. He quickly took a few steps behind one of the rocks, then crouched behind the rocks and held up his binoculars to observe. Jeep in the back.

At this time, riding the commando's van, accelerating along the mountain road to a fork in the middle of the mountain, the roar of the motor echoed in the silent mountain.

Wan Lin stared intently at the movement of the white jeep behind him. When they got up in the car just now, they happened to pass this fork. At the fork, one is the uphill road that leads directly to the top of the mountain, and the other is the winding road that goes around the mountainside of the mountain and circles around the surrounding mountains.

On the side of the mountain near the fork road, there are just a few boulders erected high. Once the van drives over the boulders, the front fork road cannot be seen from the bottom of the mountain. Which direction to go. Therefore, if there is an opponent's tracking vehicle behind, it must accelerate and chase forward to avoid losing the tracked target.

Sure enough, with the acceleration of the van in front, the jeep behind also accelerated to the hill. Wan Lin and the others stared at the two cars below, which were accelerating upward, and their brows furrowed.

The van accelerated and drove upwards for a while, and when it was approaching the fork, it suddenly slowed down again and slowly moved towards the side of the road. At the same time, the Jeep behind also slowed down.

Seeing all this, Maoyan held up the phone and said immediately: "The situation is not right, the car behind is following you, pay attention to safety!"

Wan Lin also frowned at this time. In the car below were all the team members who were riding in his leopard. If an accident happened on this steep and rugged mountain road, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, the van on the mountainside suddenly stopped at a relatively gentle place on the mountain road, and a dozen people walked down the car, scattered on both sides of the road in front of the car and behind the car, looking towards the distant mountains in twos and threes. .

Wan Lin and the three immediately understood when they saw this scene. Cheng Ru and his party in the car had already spotted the suspicious vehicle behind and realized the danger. At this time, the purpose of parking is to avoid being attacked in the car. Now, pretending to stop to enjoy the surrounding snow scene, in fact, to escape from the narrow and dangerous space in the car, while monitoring the reaction of the vehicles behind.

Wan Lin stared at the off-road vehicle behind him. The other party saw that the vehicle in front suddenly stopped, and a group of people had already run off the vehicle and scattered on the side of the road to watch the scene. They seemed to hesitate for a while, and then stepped up the accelerator and drove up from below.

Wan Lin's heart lifted, and he immediately bent over to the back of his car, opened the trunk, quickly took out his sniper rifle from the long canvas bag, and then went back to the next stone to squat down, slowly Moved the muzzle to aim at the cab of the jeep below, and then gently pulled the gun bolt. Once the person in the jeep below was conspiring to do something wrong, he would decisively cut the gun.

Maoyan's heart lifted, he quickly moved to Wan Lin's side, and asked nervously, "Are you telling me to hide below!"

Wan Lin quickly judged the next move of the jeep behind him. He moved the muzzle to observe the positions of the team members standing on the sides of the mountains, and then pointed the muzzle at the jeep slowly driving below, and said decisively: "No, my team members have already dispersed according to the battle formation. If it is an opponent, they will never make a move at this time. Once they make a move, it is impossible for them to attack such a dispersed crowd at the same time. Moreover, they themselves cannot get through such a narrow mountain road at all. Get out of your body!"

When Maoyan heard this, he held up his binoculars and carefully observed the leopard team members halfway up the mountain. He saw that they were very scattered on both sides of the road, and the cold protection clothes of several people standing in the front of the car had been unbuttoned, and their hands were clasped together. On the chest, apparently full of weapons inside.

The rest of the team members had their right hands in their pockets, and some clasped their hands on their chests. Obviously, they all turned their backs to the bottom of the mountain and were ready to The jeeps at the bottom of the mountain were accelerating towards the mountain. If there is an opponent in the car, once they park in the back, they will reveal their intention to monitor. Now they can only bite the bullet and overtake the van parked on the side of the road, pretending to be a passing vehicle and driving towards the mountain from the scattered crowd. .

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes were fixed on the scope on the sniper rifle, his fingers were lightly on the trigger, and he kept monitoring the jeep driving past Cheng Ru and his party.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle slowly until he saw the jeep driving across the fork and heading straight for the top of the mountain where he was. He quickly turned off the safety of the gun, turned to Maoyan and Xiaoya and said, "If there are those mercenaries in the jeep, they should be able to tell from the position and posture of Chengru and the others that they are fighters who have undergone special training. You take out your self-defense weapons, if it is an opponent, they will definitely stay here to observe or ambush, and we are ready for battle!"

He said and stood up quickly, carried the sniper rifle and walked to the car parked next to him, quickly opened the trunk and stuffed the sniper rifle in.

Maoyan and Xiaoya were all shocked when they heard Wan Lin's words. If their opponents plotted badly, the top of the mountain where they are now is indeed the best place to ambush.

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