Panther Commando

Chapter 1493: handsome man

Maoyan and Xiaoya quickly got up and walked to the back of the car, and quickly took out the pistol from their backpack. ○ At this time, Wan Lin had already put the pistol on top of the bullet and said in a low voice, "If it is an enemy, try not to shoot to avoid attracting the attention of the police."

The two of Xiaoya nodded, knowing that this was the top of the mountain. Once they fired undisguisedly, the sound of gunfire would be heard for dozens of miles in the mountains.

Cat's Eye immediately took out the muffler and twisted it on the muzzle, then took out a camera from the bag and hung it around her neck; Xiaoya pulled the pistol's bolt with a "clatter", inserted the pistol into the pocket of the cold jacket, and then took out her own The mp5 submachine gun put the bullet on top, put it in the trunk, and then gently closed the trunk lid of the car.

At this time, it was noon, and there were a few satin-like white clouds floating in the blue sky. The steep and towering mountainside in the distance surrounded the white clouds and mists. Crystal clear feeling.

At this time, the off-road vehicle at the bottom of the mountain had already crossed the crowd on the mountainside and was accelerating towards the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin turned around and embraced Xiaoya by his side. The two leaned against the back of the car affectionately and looked at the white snow in the distant mountains. The beautiful scene of snow-capped mountains in front of them really made them feel relaxed and happy. It is estimated that both of them have been fascinated by the beauty in front of them.

Maoyan stood far away, leaning on a rock to take out a cigarette and lighting it, holding the cigarette in one hand and holding the camera on his chest in the other.

He looked at the pair of beautiful people in front of him quietly, and thought to himself: handsome man and beautiful woman, I don't know what is the relationship between these two people? If they are really a pair of lovers, they should really take a photo as a souvenir. Such a beautiful beauty should really be a photo.

But he didn't dare to take pictures. He knew that the identities of these Hua Leopard team members were the same as those of his own national security team members.

The three stood on the top of the mountain, a pair of lovers leaning against each other, and a man with a camera standing not far away. From a distance, it seems like a couple of lovers came here to rent a car for a tour. They are watching the beautiful snow-capped mountain scenery on the top of the mountain. Wanlin and Xiaoya are intimate, like a picture in the white snow and golden sunshine. Cozy picture.

The off-road vehicle under the mountain quickly turned out of the curve below the top of the mountain, and the slight braking sound made a harsh side-slip sound on the slippery mountain road. The vehicle quickly turned the corner, and at a glance, he saw the three people and the sedan on the top of the mountain in front.

Several people in Wanlin understood that this mountain road was winding up the mountain, and the people in the car below could not see the scene on the top of the mountain. Maybe seeing the situation on the top of the mountain where they were, the off-road vehicle slowly pushed up, Wan Lin and Xiaoya still stared at the cascading mountains in the distance, as if immersed in the beauty in front of them, they didn't pay attention to the vehicles behind them. . At this time, Maoyan raised the camera and seemed to be taking pictures of the two of Wan Lin.

The off-road vehicle drove along the road to the top of the mountain, and then slowly approached Wan Lin's car. Before the car could stop, the doors on both sides of the off-road vehicle were suddenly pushed open. Three young Asian men in white down jackets The people jumped out of the car suddenly, carrying a pistol with a silencer in their hands, and quickly walked towards the three of them.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Xiaoya, who was leaning against Wan Lin's side, seemed to have just heard the sound of the car door behind her, and suddenly turned her head and screamed in Chinese. Wan Lin also turned around quickly, his eyes seemed to be full of astonishment, and he stared at the three fierce people.

The three people who came with guns saw the handsome man and the beautiful woman who had just turned their heads, their eyes flashed, and the guns in their hands lowered their muzzles in disbelief.

At this time, another person came down from the off-road vehicle behind, with a rocket launcher in his hand. Looking at Wan Lin and the three of them coldly, he said in R language: "Huaxia people, kill them!"

Following the other party's voice, the three men in white immediately raised their pistols with silencers. At this moment, Xiaoya pushed Wan Lin with her left hand, her right hand lifted like lightning, and a few cold light suddenly flew out from her wrist.

At the same time, a cold light suddenly flashed from Wan Lin's location, and at the same time, the camera in Lao Liu's hand made a low sound.

When the three men with gloomy faces heard the order, their eyes flashed and their right shoulders shrugged slightly. As soon as the muzzle of the gun was about to be raised, they fell back with a muffled groan. A stream of red blood came out, and the four fell to the ground almost at the same time.

At the same time, Wan Lin was already holding a pistol and stomping on the ground, his body leaped towards the off-road vehicle like lightning, and the black muzzle in his hand was already aimed at the inside of the carriage.

Wan Lin glanced coldly inside the car, and there was no one in the car. He turned around and glanced around, then glanced at the four people on the ground, then glanced at the person with blood on his forehead with a look of astonishment, and then turned to look at the cat's eye.

He originally wanted to leave the last person with the bazooka for questioning. Judging from the situation just now, this person should be the leader of these people, and this person did not hold a gun at him at the time, so he shot and threw the steel. Acupuncture didn't take care of this person. I didn't expect that the cat next to him was merciless and killed this person in one fell swoop.

There was a sneer at the corner of the cat's eyes The camera lens in his hand was a black hole and a small round hole, and smoke was bubbling out. It was only at this moment that Wan Lin realized that the camera in his hand was also a killer. No wonder he shot so quickly. If he had taken a gun from his body at that time, it would have been too late.

Wan Lin saw that the four had been killed, so he didn't say anything. He raised his hand and gave Maoyan a thumbs up and said, "Notice that it's safe below, let them come up." The corpse on the ground was pulled up and stuffed into the carriage.

At this time, Xiaoya and Maoyan also quickly searched the opponent's body, and there was nothing on the opponent's body to prove their identity. Maoyan glanced at a few people while searching, and saw that the necks and faces of all three were covered with shiny needle tails. Only then did they know that the three were killed by Wan Lin and the two using hidden weapons. .

He took a careful look at the steel needles on the three corpses, and saw that the roots were all deep into the skulls, and he couldn't help being stunned. How much internal force was needed to pass the thin steel needles through the hard skulls! He didn't know that Xiaoya shot the steel needle with the launcher on her wrist, and thought it was also shot with her hands.

The three quickly picked up the opponent's weapons and stuffed them into their trunks. They also found several automatic rifles from the car. The three of them just stuffed the captured weapons into the trunk of their car. The commando below. The van in which he was riding also roared up from the side hillside.

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