Panther Commando

Chapter 1499: sudden affair

The expressions of Maotou, Xiaoya, and Lingling changed immediately. From this position, you can observe the surrounding walls and gates of the target's residential compound. Unexpectedly, the opponent parked the car here, obviously observing the surrounding movements to prevent The target has an accident. ∮,

The hearts of the three were lifted! In front is the drain under the courtyard wall, where Leopard Head sneaked in and exited as planned. Unexpectedly, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared at this time, and the car was parked in this excellent surveillance position. Once the leopard head withdraws, the opponent can observe the scene here.

The sudden change made Maotou a little overwhelmed, he turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya, and asked in a low voice, "The situation is not right, did the other party realize that the target is in danger, why would they suddenly send someone to follow?"

Xiaoya also frowned, her eyes fixed on the vehicle across the street. At this time, the suspect vehicle suddenly opened the door, a person got out of the car, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then turned his head to look around, then glanced at the car of Xiaoya and several people across the street, raised his right hand to hit The lighter ignites the cigarette.

At this moment, Xiaoya suddenly raised the binoculars and looked towards the opposite side. By the light of the other party's cigarette lighting, she could clearly see a face with distinctive ethnic characteristics. At this time, Maotou and Lingling were also looking at each other's face. , although it is not certain that this person is a terrorist, the possibility of him tracking the target and staying here has greatly increased.

At this moment, Xiaoya suddenly found her opponent holding a cigarette and walking towards her vehicle. Several people's hearts sank, Lingling quickly closed the electronic countermeasure box on her legs, bent over and placed it under her feet, then turned her head to look at Xiaoya, then pushed the door and stepped out of the car, closing the door.

The expression on Maotou's face changed. He didn't expect Lingling to get out of the car to meet her opponent. He turned around and pushed open the door on the other side. Xiaoya leaned forward abruptly in the back seat, grabbed his arm, and shook her head gently. The cat head was stunned for a moment, then quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist and quickly twisted the silencer.

At this moment, Lingling smiled at the person walking by, and said affectionately in the local language, "Handsome guy, are you lonely?"

The person who came to the car just wanted to check if there was anyone in the car? At this time, seeing an oriental beauty suddenly come out of the car, he was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect such an affair, and now seeing the slender body of the other party leaning towards him, a lewd smile appeared on his face, and he hurriedly threw it away He dropped the cigarette in his hand and raised his hand to hug the beautiful woman who was approaching.

But just when he was about to touch the other person's tender and tender body, the beautiful woman in front of him suddenly let out a crisp laugh, and nimbly flashed away from him, followed by grabbing his arm and twisting it. Facing the inside of the car behind him, he shouted angrily, "Second sister, come on."

At this moment, Maotou and Xiaoya in the car had already seen through the window glass. When Lingling approached her opponent, her hands quickly brushed her waist. Now she turned around and called Xiaoya. She must have found that the other party had a weapon on her body and determined the other party's identity. This must be a terrorist who was monitoring the target.

Following Lingling's cry, Xiaoya opened the car door with a smile and walked down, stretched out her hand to grab the other arm, and said with a smile, "Let's go".

Maotou stared nervously and was a little overwhelmed. He didn't expect that two beautiful women who seemed to be delicate, would act so resolutely and decisively. He knew that he must not get out of the car at this time. Once he got out of the car, it would arouse the other party's vigilance and destroy the action plan of the two of Xiaoya.

At this moment, the two beauties were already grabbing one of the opponent's arms and walking towards the black car opposite him.

At this time, the street was hazy. Cars with their headlights passed by on the road in front of the compound wall from time to time. However, the fork in the road here is very narrow. There is not a driving car or a pedestrian, only the street. On both sides stand quietly one after another with white flowers and snow covered trees and neatly arranged lamp posts.

At this moment, an off-road vehicle suddenly turned from the front road, and the bright headlights illuminated the fork. Maoyan was startled, and quickly turned his head to look at the black car on the opposite side. With the bright headlights of the off-road vehicle, he suddenly saw a black shadow sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

At this time, the off-road vehicle slowly passed by the fork, the window opened to reveal a head, and suddenly whistled at the three Xiaoya who were passing by.

Maotou became nervous in the car. If the car is an accomplice of the other party, once there is a conflict, it will be troublesome, and it is very likely to alert the security personnel in the compound. I am afraid that the area will be under martial law immediately. The movement of the head in the hospital will be immediately blocked, and I am afraid that even safe evacuation will be a problem.

When Maotou thought of this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The gun in his hand was immediately raised and aimed at the slowly driving jeep, and he hurriedly ordered to the microphone: "The surveillance personnel immediately move closer to my location." At this moment, he suddenly found that Xiaoya turned her head and raised her arms towards the off-road vehicle behind her, with a bright smile on her face.

Maotou immediately understood that there must be a leopard in the car, who just used bright headlights to shine into the other's car, letting Xiaoya and the two observe the situation in the other's car. He let out a long breath, quickly lowered the muzzle, and then quickly ordered his subordinates to return to their original positions. . The off-road vehicle slowly drove past Xiaoya and the three of them, Xiaoya and Lingling laughingly surrounded the people who came to the car.

The cat's expression became tense, and the muzzle in his hand was raised unconsciously, aiming at the black car.

At this moment, Lingling opened the car door with a smile, and a man sitting in the cab was looking at the three people outside the car with a wicked smile. Xiaoya outside the car.

At this moment, Lingling's arm suddenly raised and wrapped around the neck of the target outside the car, and Xiaoya's right hand also stretched into the car. Immediately afterwards, the person in the car was shocked, and the body immediately leaned back, and the body of the person outside the car immediately slumped to the ground.

Maotou was taken aback. He didn't expect these two eldest young ladies, who were looking at Jiao Didi, to take action so quickly, and they solved the two opponents in one fell swoop! Then I saw Xiaoya pull back from the car, and together with Lingling, put the person outside the car into the car, and then straightened up and looked around.

The surroundings were still quiet, and the jeep that had driven was slowly moving forward in the fork. Lingling lowered her head to the microphone hidden in her hat and said, "Maotou, send someone to drive the car away!" After saying that, she gently closed the car door, pulled Xiaoya and turned around with a smile and walked towards Maotou.

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