Panther Commando

Chapter 1500: barking police dog

Maotou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly notified the surrounding men to deal with the opponent's vehicle, then turned his head and glanced to the side, and saw that the jeep of Huabao was slowly driving away. ○

Xiaoya and Lingling returned to the car, Lingling quickly picked up the electronic countermeasure box under her feet and put it on her lap to open it, and stared at the display screen on the box intently, as if nothing had happened.

Maoyan nodded secretly and turned to look at Xiaoya in the back seat. Xiaoya still held Xiaohua in her arms, smiled and explained to the cat's head: "Lingling just found out that the other party has a pistol hidden in her waist, and in the conversation, she said that they are from China, and the identity of the other party has been determined. Now I will bring it to the door. Now, it can only be sorted out.”

The cat nodded, turned around and continued to monitor the high courtyard wall in front of him. He knew in his heart that the other two must have come to monitor the actions of the insider to prevent him from being followed by the police.

It is estimated that they entered the compound by following the inside line along the way. They wanted to take a look at the surrounding movement here, and carefully check whether there are any opponent's tracking vehicles or personnel nearby. Unexpectedly, this happened to hinder the action of Leopard Head, and the two little aunts could only do it, making them immersed in romantic fantasies forever.

Just now, Wan Lin, under the cover of a few civet cat team members, jumped out of the car like lightning, and leaped towards the drainage outlet under the outer wall. At the moment of landing, the figure suddenly became thin and soft, like a long white snake twisting on the snow a few times, passing through the narrow drain like lightning, and quickly melting with the surrounding thick snow. .

The few civet cat team members who were covering around only felt that their eyes were blurred, and they didn't wait for them to see what was going on? The leopard's head had disappeared inside the courtyard wall, leaving only a shallow scratch on the snow below the courtyard wall. A few people didn't think much about it, and quickly gathered around everything and walked forward with laughter.

Wan Lin used the bone-shrinking technique to quickly shrink the bones of his body and slide into the fence. He took a deep breath and restored his body to its original state. He lay down in the snow in the drainage ditch and observed the surrounding environment.

The drainage ditch under him stretched along the front lawn to the courtyard, surrounded by thirty or forty centimeters of snow, covered in white. At this time, Xiaobai had stood up forty or fifty meters in front of him and was looking around.

In the dim light, people walking off work were walking on the road in the distance, hurriedly walking towards different small courtyards around them. Cars drove in from the direction of the gate with their lights on. They were on the main road in the courtyard. Go up slowly and turn to different forks around, the beams of light from the road lights sweep across the surrounding white snow from time to time.

Wan Lin was overjoyed. The scene in front of him was exactly what he expected. The people in the hospital came and went frequently, and it was the darkest time, which was just right for him to take cover and move forward. He immediately took a long breath, gathered all his strength, and quickly twisted in the gutter, like a white snake, twisting and sliding forward on the snow, leaving only a faint trail behind him. .

Pedestrians in the courtyard were rushing towards their small courtyard, and no one paid any attention to the scene in the surrounding lawns. The cold climate makes people return to their hearts like arrows, and no one wants to stay in this cold air for a while.

Several uniformed patrols are dragging police dogs and patrolling the streets of the courtyard with live ammunition, their eyes closely watching the fast walking people around.

At this time, the light was getting darker and darker, and in the haze, Wan Lin quickly climbed to a thick tree on the edge of the snow, looked up to check the surrounding movement, then stood up against the trunk, and quickly dragged from behind him. He took out a gray winter jacket and put it on his body, then took off the white mask covering his face and stuffed it into his pocket, and then pulled the hat on his winter jacket to his head to prevent anyone from seeing his face directly.

He quickly dressed himself up as a pedestrian, and was just about to lift his feet to walk towards the target's house. "Wow, bark", a burst of fierce dog barking suddenly came from a small road in front of him, followed by sound in all directions in the distance. Intense barking, followed by police dogs and patrols, barked wildly and ran towards Wanlin from different directions.

At this moment, all the hairs on Wan Lin's body stood up, and his whereabouts had been discovered by the sensitive police dog! At this moment, Xiaobai next to him stood up suddenly, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he was about to let out a roar when he opened his mouth.

Wan Lin was startled, and hurriedly bent down and picked it up, his sleeves quickly covered its reddened eyes. If Xiaobai made a roar at such a close distance, he would definitely alert all the guards and pedestrians on the road. At that time, he was almost unable to escape in the compound where the police gathered.

Just when Wan Lin was anxiously thinking about how to get out, "Ow...", a loud roar suddenly sounded from outside the hospital, and several police dogs who were dragging the dog handler towards the side heard the roar and stopped immediately. , a panicked look appeared in Jingliang's eyes immediately, and he turned his head and dragged the dog handler to the back.

The patrolling police around don't know what happened? They all glanced at the place where the roar came from outside the hospital, and then they were dragged by the strong police dog and ran back, yelling at the police dog as they ran.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, knowing that Xiao Hua outside heard the barking of the dogs in the yard, and immediately roared to support, scaring the police dogs in the yard to run around.

He quickly looked around, and saw that the pedestrians in the distance seemed to be shocked by the barking of the police dog just They all stopped in place and glanced in the direction where several patrols were running, then shook their heads again. Get up and walk. And several pedestrians are also walking from the road to the fork where he is. Wan Lin hurriedly walked out from under the tree holding Xiaobai and strode along the fork in front of him.

At this moment, the rows of street lamps in the courtyard suddenly emitted a dim yellow light, and the roads of different widths in the courtyard were instantly shrouded in a pale yellow light.

Wan Lin walked with big strides, his eyes quickly checking the moving figures in the distance and the surrounding small buildings, and then quickly walked to a side road.

Wan Lin's sharp eyes carefully discerned the location of the target's home by the light from the dim street lamps on the side of the road. Soon, according to the schematic diagram drawn by the cat head in his mind, he quickly determined the location of the target's residence in the vertical and horizontal forks.

He raised his true qi and vigilantly inspected the surrounding movement, holding Xiaobai and approaching the small building where the target was located. Soon, a small courtyard surrounded by wooden fences appeared in his field of vision.

A three-story building stands in the courtyard. The yard is very spacious. A red car is parked in the yard. The curtained windows in the building are faintly revealing lights. The two door lamps in front of the building door illuminate the scenery in the yard.

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