Panther Commando

Chapter 1701: Conversation between sects

Wan Lin sat cross-legged on the ground and raised his palms lightly, his palms slowly raised and lowered at a distance of 20 to 30 centimeters in front of the cat's head. A faint warm air flow followed his palms in the spacious hall. Flow slowly.

The napkins on the two coffee tables suddenly fluttered into the air, floating in the air with Wan Lin's up-and-down gestures, like two huge white butterflies dancing in the hall.

Lao Miao and the others were shocked when they saw this. Under the surging air flow from Wan Lin, they unconsciously stepped back a few steps, and all of them moved away from Wan Lin and the others. Everyone was stunned at the miraculous scene in front of them. None of them thought that this young team leader Wan was already so talented in internal strength that he could actually force his true qi out of his body!

At this time, Xiao Hu and several people in the courtyard also stopped practicing after hearing the news, and all gathered around the window to look at the hall. Everyone stared at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

Quiet in the living room. Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru had already stood up and were placed two meters away from Wan Lin's side, with their backs facing them to protect them, lest people around them would disturb the two of them in their practice.

Half an hour later, Wan Lin suddenly stopped and stood up, took a step back and quietly stared at the cat's head, the paper towel that had been fluttering in the air, also slowly fell to the coffee table next to him, the warmth circulating in the room. The breath gradually stopped.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the cat head slowly took a few breaths, and then slowly exhaled it, then slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes.

He looked up at Wan Lin, who was standing in front of him, and watched for a few seconds. Suddenly, he pressed the ground lightly with both hands, and his body floated up slightly. As his body rose, his knees suddenly became kneeling. The posture, the knees just landed, the upper body was lying on the ground.

"This can't be done!" Wan Lin's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and he quickly shouted, followed by raising his hands up in the air, a strong wind rushed out of his hands, and the body with the cat's head lying down rose up into the air again. Wan Lin quickly took a step forward, grabbed his arm and made him stand on the ground.

Maotou's hands were separated from Wan Lin's palm, and he took a big step back lightly, his feet were shoulder-to-shoulder, his hands clasped his fists, his body bent 90 degrees, and he shouted loudly: "Ling The Xumen disciple Mao Yufeng, on behalf of this sect, would like to thank the Wan clan for their great help!"

His originally dark face was now as white as a piece of white paper with excitement, and his breathing became rapid.

Wan Lin's eyes swiftly swept across his brother, and then bowed in return with his hands clasped together. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa in the hall, as well as Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying who were standing outside the door, saw Wan Lin's gaze and movements, and immediately differentiated their feet, looked at the cat head, raised their hands and folded their fists and bowed in return.

Maotou reported his sect to thank the Wan clan, so the Wan clan disciples present must bow and bow in return, and now two famous martial arts sects are in dialogue.

Wan Lin raised his hands and clasped his fists in return, followed by walking forward to support the cat's upper body with its head bent at a 90-degree angle. He glanced at his eyes intently, and asked in surprise, "Are you from the Lingxu Sect?" The head nodded solemnly.

Wan Lin thought for a while and said, "I'm not familiar with martial arts schools, but I just heard my grandfather talk about a few very characteristic schools, among which I introduced you Lingxu School."

He turned around and glanced at Chengru and the others, and introduced: "My grandfather introduced me to it. According to legend, there was once a martial art school in martial arts called Lingxumen. It is said that in martial arts hundreds of years ago, It used to be the most popular school of Qinggong at that time, and it was unique in Qinggong. But my grandfather said at the time that in the past 100 or 200 years, this school has never been heard of in martial arts, and this kungfu may have been lost. ".

He turned to look at the cat's head, and continued with a look of surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect that your kung fu is still circulating in China. It's great! This is the essence left by the ancestors, I didn't expect it to be true Keep it!" Saying that, he waved to the Chengru people who were clasping their fists, pulled the cat's head to the sofa and sat down.

With an extremely excited look on Maotou's face, he sat down and said, "You are right. Since modern times, our sect has strictly ordered its disciples to join the WTO, so news of our sect is rarely heard in martial arts. The reason is that our kung fu , there is the fatal weakness you just mentioned, that is, the light skills are excellent, but the martial arts and fighting skills are very weak."

He said here to look at Wan Lin and the others, and then said: "This is because our ancestral internal skills have never been able to practice the skills to the whole body, and we can only focus on the practice of kung fu on the legs. Therefore, our sect has always been a Known for his light work."

"Everyone has practiced martial arts. Naturally, we know that in the cold weapon era in the past, people in martial arts relied on their real kung fu to live and live. And our faction is weak in combat ability, so in fierce battlefield fights gradually People wither."

"So, in order to keep our kung fu, the head of the sect at that time strictly prohibited the disciples from showing martial arts outside, and gradually withdrew from the arena. I estimate that many sects gradually disappeared in the martial arts because of this reason. Since there is no ability to settle down in the rivers and lakes, Why bother to mix in the rivers and lakes?"

He smiled bitterly when he said this, and then said: "Hehe, speaking of it, I also violated the will of the ancestors, and revealed the kung fu of our Lingxu I am ashamed. More than two hundred years. Come on, the masters of our sect have been practicing hard behind closed doors, but they still haven't found a way to improve their skills. I've been working with you these past few days, and you masters of internal skills must have seen it."

Wan Lin smiled, looked up at Cheng Ru and Lao Miao and said, "Actually, each school doesn't need to be entangled in their own skills. It is because this Kung Fu has its own value and advantages, so there is no need to be humble. Besides, there is no Kung Fu that is invincible in the world. Even the Kung Fu of our Wan family has its own weaknesses.”

He said and glanced at Xiaoya and the others. He suddenly remembered what his grandfather said that his Wan family gradually withered away because a hidden meridian related to fertility was blocked during the practice. Fortunately, after Grandpa improved his skills, he has found a solution.

When Xiaoya and the others saw Wan Lin's gaze, they immediately understood what he was thinking, her face flushed, and then she covered her mouth and snickered.

Maotou didn't understand what Wan Lin was thinking? After listening to Wan Lin's words, he nodded vigorously, stood up and clasped his fists in a salute, and said sincerely, "Wan's family has always been the most mysterious internal martial arts school since ancient times. We have heard of it in our school for a long time, but we have never been able to meet each other. See, let alone get your advice."

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