Panther Commando

Chapter 1702: Practice to the next 3 way

Maotou went on to say: "I really didn't expect that in this mission, I would have the predestined chance to meet a few of you from thousands of families and fight side by side for the country. It's really fate! Now I can get your great help, and finally It is a great blessing for this sect to find a way to solve the weak points of this sect’s skills.”

As he spoke, he suddenly clasped his fists with both hands and said with hope in his eyes: "Team Leader Wan, I now implore you to agree to teach me the exercise method you taught me after I go back to my fellow brothers, so that our spirits will be enhanced. The lintel of the virtual door, I wonder if it is feasible?"

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "Our schools are different, so I naturally have no right to interfere in your affairs. I just follow the way your infuriating qi operates, and help you get through a few important meridians where infuriating qi operates. , not enough to hang on."

When he said this, his face suddenly became serious, and then he said: "However, our kung fu is all left by our ancestors, and they are all treasures of China. They must not be passed on to Xiao Xiao! Once these stunts fall into their hands, They will become their accomplices in endangering society, which is not only a blasphemy to our ancestors, but also the sin of those of us who spread the practice!"

Wan Lin glanced sharply at the people present, and everyone stood up silently, nodding with a serious expression.

Maotou looked at Wan Lin with sincerity, and replied in a firm tone: "Don't worry! Our school has long been taught by our ancestors. Anyone who finds that they use this school's kung fu to bully the weak and harm the other party will definitely take back what they have learned and punish them severely. No mercy!"

Wan Lin smiled, stood up and said: "Then I have nothing to say, you can do it yourself. It can make the things of the ancestors flourish and win glory for the country. This is also for those of us who hold these Chinese treasures. Duties!"

A look of ecstasy immediately appeared on Maotou's face. In the process of his luck, Wan Lin not only helped him open up a few meridians that were insurmountable in the past, but also pointed out the order of their internal skills in the movement. It solved the problem that their Spirit Void Sect had not solved for hundreds of years.

Now, as long as the disciples of their Lingxu Sect practice according to the order of exercise instructed by Wan Lin, they will break through the bottleneck in the practice and train their skills to the whole body in one fell swoop. It will also magnify the status of their Lingxu Sect in the martial arts. This is indeed an unreturnable gift from the Wan family!

At this moment, Lao Miao looked at Maotou's excited look, and smiled and came over and patted Maotou's shoulder: "Hehe, this is indeed the gospel of your Lingxu Sect! Leader Wan is not an outsider, so you don't need to be so polite. Now, everyone is a soldier fighting for the country, and a brother who is dying in everything, so this is what it should be!"

He looked at Maotou's two slender legs, and said with a smile, "However, the successors of your kung fu do have to be carefully selected. Once there is an unscrupulous person, then he will run away with light work, it will be tired. Even the police who are chasing them can't catch up."

"Hahaha", everyone laughed when they heard the words, Zhang Wa came over and patted the cat's head and shoulders, and said with a smile: "That's right, they are all brothers, so don't be so polite. After you practice for a while, let's have a good discussion. Well. Otherwise, I will be depressed if I can't find my opponent! Didn't the ancients say: the heights are too cold, I am lonely, I am lonely!" He pretended to look up to the sky, pretending to be an old-fashioned master look.

"Hahaha", everyone laughed. A group of girls outside the door opened the door and ran in. Wu Xueying ran to Zhang Wa and pushed Zhang Wa hard: "Stinky virtue, are you the only one who is a master?"

Maotou also turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, I don't dare to compete with you. I won't be able to keep up with you in this life, but it's still necessary to learn from each other. We can learn from each other's strengths."

Zhang Wa turned her face to look at him and said seriously: "By the way, I really admire your Qinggong. Your movements are extremely light and erratic, and you are indeed a rare master of Qinggong."

The black and dry face of the cat raised his face, and replied seriously: "Of course, our Lingxu Sect's skills are flawed. In the past, we practiced all our skills to the next three ways..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the hall, and Xiaoya and the others all covered their mouths and laughed "giggling".

Xiao Hu walked over and looked at Maotou, his two big eyes flickered and stared at the lower body of Maotou, and he muttered in surprise: "What do you mean by training to the next three roads? Except your legs are thinner, I don't see anything. change."

When everyone heard this, they were even more laughing. The cat head quickly brought his legs together, his slightly black face immediately turned red, and he quickly explained: "It's the skill, it's the skill that has been practiced on the legs, you little girl, don't you? Understand".

Lingling also quickly pulled the innocent little Hu over, "giggle" and said with a smile, "Big Brother Cat's Qinggong is indeed a must, can you teach us too?"

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also came over. They grabbed one arm of the cat's head respectively, and begged with a smile, "That's right, help us too."

Several of Lao Miao's subordinates also hurriedly gathered around, begging Maotou to teach him some Qinggong skills. They were not familiar with Wan Lin, so they were embarrassed to ask for advice, but they all knew that Maotou was one of the famous experts in the national security system. At this time, the opportunity is rare, so naturally you urge Maotou to teach some secrets.

The cat head looked at Wan Lin and the said cheerfully: "Okay, Team Leader Wan has such a high level of kung fu regardless of the sect and is willing to give me advice. What can I hide for my little kung fu? What? It's rare for everyone to get together today, so let's have a martial arts meeting, hold a martial arts conference, and use this to celebrate the completion of the mission. I'll save Lao Miao from digging, I'm afraid we'll miss his little wine!"

"Hahaha" Everyone laughed immediately, Lao Miao raised his hand and slapped the cat on the head, and said with a smile, "You old cat, why did you take me with you?"

Maotou turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the others, and said with a smile, "Team Leader Wan, then I'll be on duty! Let's go to the spacious place in the yard, and we'll all communicate with each other." Crowded and walked out the door.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru smiled and looked at each other with admiration on their faces. They know that each sect and faction has their own unique skills to press the bottom of the box, and that is a secret book that is absolutely not easy to show, and Qinggong is the stunt of the cat head Lingxumen, and now he has not hesitated to share it with everyone. Experience, this mind is indeed extraordinary.

Everyone followed the cat head to the courtyard. The warm sunshine is shining in the courtyard. The spacious and tidy courtyard is just suitable for everyone to exercise. Everyone automatically forms a circle in the courtyard, leaving a field of several hundred square meters for the cat head.

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