Panther Commando

Chapter 1703: Thrilling exchange

Although the coldest season in this area has passed, the temperature of minus six or seven degrees Celsius still makes people feel cold, but the gentle breeze has lost the icy chill of winter.

Maotou walked into the courtyard, pulled out his stance and performed a set of ancestral exercises. Wan Lin and the others watched intently, nodding their heads as they watched.

Xiao Hu and a few companions stood beside Xiaoya and the others, staring at the arena with wide eyes. At this moment, the feet of the cat head swayed in the field like a gust of wind, and the two slender legs were lowered to the left and right like a ghost, and the field seemed to be full of cat heads shaking.

Xiao Hu and the others were extremely weak, and just seeing the figures everywhere in the arena, they couldn't tell which figure was his real body at all. And the plackets of several of them were already fluttering with the strong wind brought by the field, and several of them opened their mouths in astonishment.

Wan Lin and the others also stared at every movement of the cat's head, and couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts: "Lingxumen's Qinggong is really extraordinary, its movements are coherent and fast, and its movements alternate between the virtual and the real, and it is erratic. It is indeed rare to see it. The light energy and body method!"

Not long after, the erratic figure with the cat's head on the field suddenly jumped into the air, and with the sound of his right fist hitting his left palm, his body stood firmly on the spot like a nail. After such an intense action, his expression did not change, showing a very profound foundation of Qinggong.

"Okay!" The crowd shouted and clapped vigorously, Lao Miao walked into the arena clapping and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, it's rare to see so many martial arts masters today, and I, Miao Miao, also came here to show my shame. I hope you can teach me!"

He said and took a deep breath, opened his legs slightly and slowly made a starting gesture, followed by a slow movement with his body under his feet.

Xiaoya and the others watched for a while, then turned to look at Wan Lin with a surprised look in their eyes. Although everyone has never practiced Tai Chi, they all know this kung fu. There are many Chinese people who practice this kung fu. Lao Miao's movements were obviously different from what they had seen before.

Seeing several people looking at him, Wan Lin shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not very familiar with the characteristics of various schools of Kung Fu, Lao Cheng was born in Shaolin, and has been exposed to various Kung Fu schools in China, so he should have some knowledge of Tai Chi. "Speaking, he turned his eyes to Cheng Ru, who was on the side.

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's voice, but still stared at Lao Miao's movements in the field, and replied in a low voice: "Tai Chi is divided into many sects, Lao Miao may be a branch, I have never seen him like this. However, Tai Chi all started from Wuji, divided into two ceremonies, and then divided into three talents from two ceremonies.

"It is based on the theory of yin and yang and the meridian theory of the "Book of Changes", and gradually formed a boxing technique with yin and yang qualities that conforms to the human body structure and the laws of nature's operation. It is indeed an excellent set of kung fu."

He said here and watched Lao Miao's movements for a while, and then whispered: "Lao Miao's Tai Chi is indeed different from other styles of Tai Chi. The movements are very different and have a strong practicality."

Wan Lin also stared at the arena at this time, with a glint of light flashing in his eyes. Lao Miao's movements seem to be slow, but in each movement there is an extremely strong force, which is indeed different from the Taijiquan techniques that he has seen before.

At this moment, Zhang Wa, who had been staring at the arena, suddenly clapped her hands and shouted, "Okay, Lao Miao, I'll come and learn from you!" Before he finished speaking, he rushed into the arena and slapped Lao Miao with his right hand. Miao's chest was hit, and old Miao's eyes flashed, his body turned slightly sideways, and his left hand quickly put his left hand on Zhang Wa's right wrist.

Zhang Wa's right shoulder sank, her left arm slammed upwards, her body was slightly sideways, her left foot suddenly flew up, and kicked Lao Miao's left hip with the sound of the wind.

"Okay!" Lao Miao suddenly shouted, his body was slightly sideways, his left leg took a half step forward, and passed over Zhang Wa's left leg like a gust of wind, but before he could make a move, Zhang Wa's left leg was already He put it down like lightning, and the sound of the wind cut to Lao Miao's neck with his right palm.

Lao Miao's expression changed, his body shrank down, his left arm was raised like a snake, and his palm was like a snake's head towards the wrist that was struck. Zhang Wa's right arm suddenly retracted like a snake, and her left leg kicked up again, kicking Lao Miao's waist again with a "woo".

"Haha!" Lao Miao laughed, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his two small eyes, his right hand grabbed Zhang Wa's flying calf like lightning, and raised his hand to throw him forward.

The movements of the two were as fast as the wind, and a few movements dazzled everyone. Just when everyone saw Lao Miao grabbed Zhang Wa's calf and was about to send it away, Zhang Wa's body had already taken advantage of the momentum to rise into the air, and his right leg kicked Lao Miao's head like lightning.

"Ah...!" Just as Xiao Hu and the others screamed, Zhang Wa's right leg had passed around Lao Miao's head and was firmly wrapped around his shoulder.

The scene immediately quieted down, and Xiao Hu and the others stared at the field with wide eyes and covering their mouths in astonishment. Although the two were fighting each other, their movements were like fighting for their lives on the battlefield, all with fierce wind noises.

At this time, Lao Miao was holding Zhang Wa's left calf firmly with both hands, while Zhang Wa's right leg had already wrapped around Lao Miao's neck, his left hand was protecting his chest and his right palm was stretched out on top of Lao Miao's head, and his body was standing on Lao Miao's head. Miao's shoulders. The shape of the two people stacked together is extremely peculiar, like a strangely shaped human sculpture, motionless.

When Xiao Hu and the others were shocked, "Hahaha", Lao Miao and Zhang Wa laughed at the same time, Lao Miao raised Zhang Wa's left leg gently with both hands, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Zhang Wa took advantage of the situation to release the right leg that was entangled in Lao Miao's head, and jumped high and left Lao Miao's body.

The two clasped their fists and saluted face to face, Lao Miao said with a smile: "What a quick change, if you kick my head with this leg, my old fate will be explained. !"

Zhang Wa said with a smile, "You are being modest. If this were on the battlefield, my leg would be useless." He knew that Lao Miao was merciful. The old Miao's hands, which were filled with internal strength, were broken.

Everyone laughed when they saw the scene on the field, knowing that the two were just discussing each other, and they kept a great deal of measure in their hands. Cheng Ru walked over with a smile and said, "Lao Miao, you are so strange about Tai Chi, why have you never seen it before? It's very practical, and it's a great skill!"

Lao Miao waved his hands and glanced at Cheng Ru and Wan Lin, and replied: "Our kung fu is indeed a branch of Tai Chi, but it is different from most Tai Chi kung fu in that it pays more attention to actual combat, especially in the way of exerting force. , the reality and reality change rapidly.”

Wan Lin nodded in admiration and said, "We have been living in seclusion in the mountains, and we don't know much about other martial arts, but your martial arts are indeed very practical, and the movements are unpredictable and extraordinary!"

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