Panther Commando

Chapter 1708: old daddy

After a while, Wang Molin saw that everyone had something in their stomachs, and then he greeted Gao Li and the others with wine glasses to stand up and walked to the table where the Hua Leopard team members gathered.

A few people walked over and looked around at the people at the table, and at a glance they saw Yu Jing. I don't know when? Already alone, he quietly ran to their table and sat down.

At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying were surrounded by Yu Jing. Several girls were holding wine glasses in their left hands, and their right sleeves were rolled up on their forearms, exposing their forearms as white and tender as lotus roots. Yu Jing swayed back and forth in front of her eyes, and there was a sad expression on her face. The surrounding Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa all covered their mouths and snickered.

Wang Molin glanced at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng next to him in amazement. Seeing that both of them were staring at the pretty girls in front of them for no reason, they wondered what they were doing with their sad faces. Only what happened to Wan Lin and Maotou Caritas who were following behind, they both covered their mouths and laughed secretly.

Wang Molin raised his feet and walked over, looked at Yu Jing in surprise and asked: "My great scientist, why did you provoke us cute girls? Look at the faces of these girls, how come they have become bitter and hated. ?"

Yu Jing's delicate face was drinking red, and she became more and more charming. When she saw Wang Molin approaching, she quickly pushed aside the jade arms that dazzled her, "giggling" and shouted with a smile, "My Director Wang, you are here! If you don't come, these stinky people The girl must have eaten me!"

Wang Molin, Gao Li, and Li Dongsheng laughed. Wang Molin turned his head to look at his daughter and asked, "Wen Meng, what's going on? Why are you bullying your sister Yu?" Wen Meng's face was also flushed red, and she stood up and swayed with a smile. With her pink right arm, she said, "Look, our baby is gone! Who are you looking for if you don't look for our big sister Yu?"

Wang Molin, Gao Li, and Li Dongsheng were stunned for a moment, and quickly looked at the arms of Xiaoya and the others, and saw that their wrists were indeed bare and empty. A few people were shocked, it was a deadly weapon, how could it be lost all at once? If these bracelets fall into the hands of outlaws, what kind of disaster will they cause? !

Wang Molin's face sank immediately, and he asked Wen Meng seriously, "Where are your bracelets?" Lingling stood up from the side with a sad face and said, "It's not that your Guoan treasures pretend to be pitiful, and let Xiaohu and the others take our treasures. cheated!"

Wang Molin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that their hidden weapon bracelets were robbed by a few little girls under Lao Miao! He laughed "haha": "Xiao Hu? Is it the little girl of the ghost and elf under Lao Miao?"

"That's right, it's her! It's her!" Xiaoya and the others nodded their heads vigorously and shouted in unison, with a look of laughter and tears on their faces.

"Hahahaha" Wang Molin suddenly burst out laughing, pointing at Lingling and the others and laughing: "You ghosts, how did you let a little girl trick your baby away? Hahahaha".

He followed and laughed again: "It's good to cheat, it's good to cheat! I've always been worried that they don't have the ability to protect themselves!"

Lingling cried and said with a sad face: "What? You stingy old seedling has been cooperating with that ghost girl, pretending to be so pitiful, and even let them deceive the ancestral grappling hand of the Leopard Tou family! It's beautiful! Its name is 'Wulin Conference'".

"Hahaha" Wang Molin, Gao Li, and Li Dongsheng all laughed, and Wang Molin smiled happily: "Okay, Xiaohu, this ghost girl, comes back, I must reward her! Hahahaha, how did that old Miao become stingy again? Are you old?"

At this time, the surrounding civet cats and the members of the falcon team also gathered around. Many of them were not there at the time, but now seeing how lively this place is, they all gathered around and stretched their necks to join in the fun.

When Wu Xueying heard Wang Molin's question, she immediately stretched her head out and told me the glorious deeds of Lao Miao's stingy door in a quick and eloquent manner, and the people around laughed after hearing the "Boom".

Lingling pointed at Wang Molin who was laughing, and said with a sad face: "You are still laughing, they all learned from your cunning leader." Gao Li and Li Dongsheng immediately pointed at Wang Molin and laughed "haha", Gao Li shot He smiled on Wang Molin's shoulder and said, "Hahaha, you sly and cunning Director Wang, this time your reputation is out!"

Wang Molin raised his wine glass with a big laugh, raised his head and poured a full glass of white wine into his mouth, followed by laughing: "Hahahaha, the good ones are all good ones, they deserve to be my subordinates! Hahahaha".

Seeing how proud he was, everyone burst into laughter. After Wang Molin smiled, he looked at Yu Jing and smiled silently.

Yu Jing hurriedly moved the chair back and said vigilantly, "Don't, don't, don't, you old cunning and sly looking at me like this, why do I feel so nervous?"

Wen Meng laughed "giggling" beside him, turned his face to look at his father and said, "Dad, let Sister Yu make a bracelet for each of us?"

Wang Molin was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and slapped his daughter gently: "Stinky girl, why did I become an old traitor?"

Everyone laughed again, Yu Jing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and pulled Wen Meng to her side and said, "Don't beg your old traitor, my sister will make a new one for you!"

Xiaoya and the others were overjoyed, her mourning face burst into laughter, and she immediately surrounded Yu Jing, her arms around Yu Jing was a series of sweet words, which seemed so affectionate.

Everyone looked at a few girls like flowers and jade embracing everything, and the whole restaurant recalled their crisp laughter and words. Everyone's faces showed a gratifying smile, and they took their wine glasses and sipped happily.

The next morning Li Dongsheng informed Wan Lin to go to Minister Gao's office. Wan Lin hurried to the door of Minister Gao's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door, then pushed open the door and walked in.

Indoor Wang Molin, Gao Li, and Li Dongsheng were all sitting on the sofa next to him. Wan Lin quickly raised his hand to salute, and Gao Li waved his hand and said, "Come and sit."

Seeing Wan Lin sitting down, Li Dongsheng immediately said, "You should report to Deputy Director Wang and Director Gao in detail what happened after the battery disappeared."

"Yes!" Wan Lin replied quickly, knowing that they were also worried about the battery information being exposed.

After listening to the report, Wang Molin pondered for a while with a dignified expression on his face and said, "From the analysis of the current situation, Wan Lin and the others responded very quickly. After discovering the change in the mountain, they immediately rushed to kill the captured little devil. But we It is still unclear how much information about the battery was leaked by this mercenary after he was captured?"

He glanced at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng as he spoke, and saw that both of them nodded solemnly, and then continued: "Therefore, we must not take it lightly! We must strengthen the security of Yu Jing and her research institute to prevent Suffering from the future".

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