Panther Commando

Chapter 1709: special reward

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng nodded, and Li Dongsheng said, "Yes, no matter whether the news is leaked or not, you should be on guard. Should I transfer a team from the original special operations brigade of the military region?" He said and turned to look at Gao Li.

Wan Lin was stunned when Li Dongsheng said "the original special operations brigade", and then remembered the original special operations brigade of the military region. Hong Tao and Qidong, the Hua Leopard team members, also held important positions there.

Gao Li nodded and turned his head to look at Wang Molin for his opinion. Wang Molin immediately said: "Okay, Yu Jing's research institute itself is affiliated to your military region, you mainly take care of internal security and Yu Jing's own security. When I was abroad, I had ordered the Provincial National Security Bureau to strengthen your research institute. Surrounding Security".

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng nodded in admiration, knowing that Wang Molin had long considered the possibility of information leakage and ordered his subordinates to strengthen the security protection of Yu Jinghe Institute.

At this moment, Wan Lin looked at several chiefs and said, "Are we sending a few people there too?" Gao Li waved his hand and said with a smile, "No, you have been fighting for a long time, and now you must rest. There is nothing important recently. Take a break and adjust your mental and physical state."

As he said that, he looked at Li Dongsheng and said helplessly: "The soldiers are either going out to perform tasks or training hard. We can't give them any special treatment, and we have no right to give them any special treatment. Should we give them a month's vacation?"

Li Dongsheng smiled and said, "Okay, okay, this is the best reward for them! A few wounded team members will be recuperated in the military hospital first, and they will make up time off after they recover. We cannot let these injured brothers suffer."

"Hahaha" Several people laughed, and Gao Li said repeatedly: "Of course, after they are healed, you can arrange it directly. Those who are willing to go home to visit relatives go home to visit relatives, and those who are willing to travel, go to play, all expenses are covered by the military region. It's gone!"

Wan Lin jumped up excitedly, the bowl of tea in his hand spilled all over, and everyone around laughed, Wang Molin pointed at Wan Lin and smiled at Gao Li and the two: "Look at this kid! You two ministers If you are so generous, then I will add more fire. Our national security agencies are all over the country, unlike your military region, which only has one-third of an acre of land. If you want to go there and tell me, I will let the local branch receive you and give it to you. Be a guide. Of course, the cost over there is naturally mine.”

"Hahaha", Gao Li and Li Dongsheng both laughed, Wan Lin quickly stood at attention and saluted, with a blossoming smile on his face, his face flushed with excitement, and his mouth was open, not knowing how to thank him.

Seeing Wan Lin's excitement, Li Dongsheng didn't know what to say. He stood up and smiled at Wang Molin: "Okay, I thank the Deputy Director for the special treatment for these little brothers!"

He turned around and said to Wan Lin, "Go back and discuss with the brothers. I'll prepare a few cars for you here, no matter where you go? It's not convenient for you to take a leopard by car or by plane, so go by car, the rest of the people If you are willing to drive, I will give you all local license plates, you can go back and inform the brothers now.”

"Hey hey, then I'll go first!" Wan Lin raised his hand to salute the chiefs, quickly got out from the sofa, opened the door and disappeared.

"Hahaha, this stinky boy can run faster than a rabbit!" Wang Molin looked at his back and laughed. Several people immediately stopped their laughter, quietly looking at the closed door silently, a complex expression appeared on their faces.

After a long time, Wang Molin sighed and said, "Alas! What good boys and girls. Just a few days of vacation made them so excited. Seeing them like this, my veteran feels distressed!"

He turned his face to look at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng, and continued: "Speaking of Wan Lin and the others, when they were on their mission, they had already visited many places with beautiful scenery, and many places used to be tourist attractions. The one they just left. The two countries used to be two famous ice and snow tourist resorts with picturesque scenery, but they spent the thrilling and **** days and nights there, and after completing the task, they were ordered to return immediately, saying We are ashamed to wake up."

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng nodded silently, Gao Li said in a low tone: "This is a soldier! Whoever made us all soldiers to defend the family and the country, we have a lot of courage on our shoulders." He turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and asked: "By the way, how are you preparing for the formation of your special operations brigade?"

Li Dongsheng replied immediately: "The prototype and basic structure have been established, and most of the soldiers and equipment are in place. It's just that the soldiers of the special battalion affiliated to the brigade have not yet been selected, mainly because we have stricter requirements and are selected from various units in the military region. Yes, Hong Tao is in charge of this work."

Gao Li nodded, and Wang Molin interjected next to him: "Hehehe, Hong Tao, the instructor of the old special team, is in charge of selection, then your spy battalion will be open early, this kid's vision is now the standard of the leopard, in the year of the monkey your A spy battalion cannot be formed.”

"Hahahaha" Gao Li and Li Dongsheng both laughed, making Hong Tao, the old Hua Leopard player select really difficult for him. How many martial arts masters with profound internal skills like Wan Lin and the others are there in the world?

Wan Lin excitedly ran back to the military area guest house, and immediately greeted Xiaoya and the others, and announced the order for vacation in front of everyone. A group of people jumped up immediately after hearing this, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa looked at Dali, Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng who were on the side, Cheng Ru said with an ugly expression: "Lao Feng, Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu are still in the hospital, what if we On vacation, are you sorry for the brothers?"

Wan Lin laughed and said, "Let's go see them in a while. The chief said that they will make up for it after their injuries are healed!" Only then did a few people feel relieved, otherwise they would be really uneasy in their hearts. Cheng Ru immediately pulled a few people to stand up and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Go, go to the hospital."

A few people drove to the military hospital, and as soon as they walked into the door of Bao Ya and Fengdao's ward, they heard Bao Ya shouting from inside: "Aunt Xiaoli, you have to be careful, my old Bao's little **** is only a few ounces. Meat, unlike your big butt, which can kill an elephant with one butt, you have to be careful." The crisp laughter of Xiao Li's "giggling" and the honest and honest voice of the wind knife were heard from the room.

Wan Lin, who had just walked to the door, covered their mouths and laughed. They pushed open the door with big eyes and broke in: "Stinky thing, dare to bully my family Xiaoli? Xiaoli, give me a large needle, I'll take care of him!"

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