Panther Commando

Chapter 1719: Resisting arrest with a gun

With that said, Vice-Captain Li took a careful look at Wan Lin, and saw that the sportswear he was wearing was already covered with stains, and the sleeves and trouser legs were torn in several pieces during the violent tumbling when he landed just now. He hurriedly asked, "Would you like to go to the hospital for a check?"

Wan Lin looked down at his body, waved his hand, and replied, "It's okay, I just rubbed it while rolling, and I didn't hurt my flesh. What kind of hospital did I go to!"

Deputy Captain Li said apologetically, "In order to save our people, I damaged all your clothes. I will ask someone to find you a set of clothes." After saying this, he turned his head and was about to call someone back to get the clothes. Wan Lin quickly He grabbed him and said boldly: "No, no. I have spare clothes in the car, isn't it just a set of clothes, your people are fine."

Captain Li turned around and nodded, his eyes flashing with surprise, and said, "Young man, you are really good at kung fu! You must be practicing martial arts, right? This skill is incredible! By the way, what unit are you in? We must come to the door afterwards. thank!"

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya, smiled and waved his hand without answering him directly, then looked at the back lane and said, "No, it's not what it should be, anyone who encounters this kind of thing will reach out. Let's go first, you see my car is blocking all the vehicles behind." After speaking, he turned around and waved to Vice Captain Li, pulled Xiaoya and walked towards his jeep.

The two leopards followed them into the car at this time. Wan Lin started the car and drove past the fast lane that was not covered by the cardboard box.

Xiaoya sat in the co-pilot seat and glanced at Wan Lin next to her, and said with lingering fears, "It's dangerous! If you hadn't caught the policeman just now, he might have flown under the truck!"

After saying that, she turned her head and glanced at the car, and then said: "I heard the police say that a drug dealer's vehicle passed the checkpoint. This group of desperadoes is too rampant, and they dare to go straight to the police!"

Wan Lin slowly drove the car forward, looked up at the rear-view mirror and said, "Drugs are really harmful to people, and the high profits make these drug dealers risk their lives to traffic, harming others and themselves. There must be something in their car. Many drugs know that once they are caught, they will die, so they take the risk to get past the checkpoint!"

The two were discussing what had happened just now, when suddenly a rush of sirens came from behind. Wan Lin hurriedly moved the car to the side of the road and quickly looked into the rearview mirror.

A black car rushed over from the only aisle full of cardboard boxes. The police lights on the police cars behind them flashed rapidly, just blocked by the hill-like cardboard boxes. Only an off-road police car whizzed. Chased after the black car.

At this time, Xiaoya also turned her head to see the scene in front of her, and said in astonishment: "Hey, isn't this the car of the drug dealer who broke the card just now? You see that the mirrors are gone, why did you turn around and come back."

Wan Lin didn't answer, just leaned the car to the slow lane on the far right and drove forward slowly, his eyes fixed on the rushing black car.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the black car in front, and two flames suddenly spewed out from the shadow to the police car behind. The police car behind was also startled, and rushed towards the side lane, followed by a policeman who also leaned out of the car window and shot the black car in front of him twice.

"Drug dealers resist arrest with guns!" Wan Lin and Xiaoya were surprised, Wan Lin sneered: "Hey, the police must have set up roadblocks on the road ahead, and the other party had no choice but to turn around and drive into this lane halfway, look. These guys are driven to a dead end by the police, this is a life-threatening situation. Hehe, let's prepare for battle too!"

As he said, the car leaned towards the center of the road again, driving along the center lane at a slow and unhurried speed. He didn't want to intervene in the police's roundup of drug dealers just now. This is the task of the police, but now several drug dealers have pulled out their pistols, and the police personnel who are chasing are likely to be injured.

Xiaoya reached out and touched her wrist, and then she remembered that she and Lingling's bracelets had been given to Guoan's Xiaohu when they returned to China, and Yu Jing had promised to make them a new pair, but she still needed Wait a while. The two were travelling in casual clothes this time, and neither of them carried guns.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the seat belt that Xiaoya was wearing, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "You don't have to shoot, just hug Xiaohua and Xiaobai! It's Li Tou's car that is probably hanging."

As the two were talking, the black car behind them had already rushed from the innermost lane of the three lanes, heading straight for the toll gate not far in front of them. It seemed they wanted to turn from the fork on the highway to the side road. Escape on. At this time, the boy driving the black car had noticed that the jeep in front was driving in the road, and he honked the horn hard to urge the jeep in front to give way.

Wan Lin stared at the mirror, and turned the steering wheel slightly to the right with his right hand, indicating that he gave way to the right, but at the moment when the black car approached from the side express lane to the rear of his car, three or four meters away, Wan Lin's steering wheel suddenly swayed to the left, and his body slammed into the fast lane where the black sedan was.

The driver of the car behind was startled and turned the steering wheel subconsciously to avoid it. The car slammed into the metal guardrail in the road with a bang, and a dazzling flame rubbed between the body and the guardrail immediately. UU The body also slammed into the rear of Wanlin's jeep very quickly! The side window of the car peeked out at the boy who was shooting at the police car behind him. He suddenly turned his head and saw the jeep in front of him that had been connected end to end. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted into the window.

At this moment, Wan Lin stepped on the accelerator hard, the steering wheel turned to the right, the jeep roared to the right, and returned to the middle lane in a blink of an eye. The moment the two cars collided head-to-head He quickly disengaged again, shouting to Xiaoya in his mouth at the same time: "Be careful to hide!"

The screeching sound of the gangster's car and the steel guardrail echoed on the silent road. The black car gave a crazy look and rubbed the guardrail tightly and ran forward, a black shadow appeared from the side window of the car, cursing and raising a gun at the jeep next to it. "Pop" means two shots.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already lowered their bodies, and the bullets roared from the opening and shot in through the car window, followed by two sounds of "pa" and "pa" and pierced through the front windshield, and fell to the front with a "pa" sound. On the cover of the machine, two bullet holes appeared in the front windshield in front of Xiaoya in an instant, and white glass cracks were densely distributed around the bullet holes.

With the sound of the opponent's gunshots, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light, and his right foot slammed on the brakes. With the harsh friction between the wheels and the road, the jeep quickly slowed down, and instantly collided with the black galloping sideways. The sedans have formed a trend of going hand in hand.

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