Panther Commando

Chapter 1720: Wan Lin's disgust

At this time, the police car that was chasing closely behind also honked its horn vigorously, and the tweeter also sounded a policeman's hurried voice: "The vehicle in front of you immediately pulls over, pull over immediately! The other party is a drug dealer's vehicle, please pull over immediately!"

Wan Lin ignored the warning of the police car behind him. At the moment when the two cars were side by side, Wan Lin's body slammed to one side, and his right hand flung towards the black car next to him like lightning. A silver light flew out of his hand, two cold lights. In an instant, it got into the arm holding the gun in the side window, and most of the silver light got into the two rapidly spinning rubber tires under the opponent's car like lightning.

While Wan Lin threw out the steel needle, his right foot on the brake had already moved to the accelerator, and he stepped on it with one foot. car.

Following Wan Lin's sudden cold light, the shadow at the car's window suddenly let out a scream, the arm sticking out of the window shrank back like an electric shock, and the pistol in his hand fell out of the window.

At the same time, the two wheels on the right side of the car also blew out a white smoke in an instant, and then collapsed with a "puchi" sound, the car body tilted to the right side abruptly, and then the metal guardrail on the side was quickly released. , slanted the body to the two lanes on the right, whistled past the rear of Wanlin's jeep, and charged diagonally to the right lane. .

Wan Lin saw the car slide past his back, so he immediately slowed down, and together with Xiaoya, they stared coldly at the drug dealer's car rushing towards the roadside.

The two leopards also stood up, with one red and one blue beams flashing in their eyes, and stared at the opponent's vehicle that was sliding fast at the side and rear with big mouths.

Originally driving a drug dealer vehicle at high speed, the two tires on the right suddenly lost air pressure during the rapid rotation. The whole body immediately tilted to the right, and the two flat tires were immediately pressed directly on the hard road by the rapidly rotating wheels. Under the violent friction with the asphalt road and the pressure of the heavy body, the thick rubber tires flung around with black smoke, and the air was immediately filled with a pungent rubber smell.

Everything in front of him made the driver of the black sedan panic. He frantically turned the steering wheel, trying to readjust the car's driving line, but the vehicle with a punctured tire was like a ferocious tank, rushing diagonally across the side in an instant. The three lanes of the road slammed into a thick concrete block on the roadside guardrail, and the broken headlights and window glass flew into the air with the white water vapor sprayed from the front cover of the machine.

The violent impact caused the car to tilt upward, and the whole body turned over immediately. With the sound of "Boom", the four wheels were turned upside down. The metal roof made a sharp friction sound against the asphalt road, and it slipped on the slow lane. The dazzling Mars glided forward for 20 to 30 meters, and then stopped on the side of the road with white water vapor.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who were in the SUV in front, saw the tragic state of the car behind them, and quickly turned their heads to look back. They were really afraid that another vehicle would rush over and cause an accident.

Fortunately, the accident of the large truck behind has blocked the moving vehicles. In the driveway in front of the accident scene, in addition to the jeep that Wan Lin and the others were driving and the black sedan that had just rushed over, there were only two SWAT jeeps chasing after them, which did not cause a series of accidents.

Several other police cars also sounded their sirens and chased forward from the fast lane with a few cardboard boxes sprinkled on the side. And all the local vehicles have been stopped behind the accident car by the police officers who assisted in the rescue just now.

Xiaoya sat in the passenger seat, hugging the two leopards with red and blue eyes. Just now, she thought that Wan Lin's car was going to collide violently with the drug dealer's vehicle, so she had lowered her body just now and hugged the two leopards tightly in her arms, fearing that they would fly out and get injured in the violent collision.

At this time, she saw the police car rushing towards the roadside drug dealer's car roaring behind her, she turned her head to Wan Lin "giggling" and said, "Should we run away?"

Wan Lin also laughed: "Yes, run away quickly!" He stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the highway toll gate in front. At this moment, both of them laughed "hehe". If they were stopped by the police, they would definitely be questioned, and they would be delayed for a lot of time.

Just as their car approached the toll gate, there was a piercing siren sound in the opposite lane. The two quickly turned their heads to look back, and saw a police car driving in the wrong direction from the fast lane behind, and then they heard a police car. The loudspeaker on the car shouted: "Stop the off-road vehicle in the opposite lane immediately!" "Stop the off-road vehicle in the opposite lane immediately!"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya next to him with a wry smile: "It's over, we can't run away!" Xiaoya laughed "giggling": "Then stop, otherwise these policemen will treat us as drug dealers too, come here Thousands of miles in pursuit!"

The two leopards also stood up and looked back, their big tails wagging vigorously, and their round eyes were full of excitement, as if they were afraid that the world would not be in chaos. When Wan Lin was fighting with the drug dealer vehicles just now, if Xiaoya hadn't hugged them hard, the two leopards would have rushed out of the car window long ago.

"Hahaha", Wan Lin laughed when he heard Xiaoya's words, then glanced at the excited expressions of the two leopards, immediately slowed down, leaned to the side of the road, stopped, opened the door and jumped out.

The police car on the opposite side flashed red lights and chased across There was a sudden screech of emergency brakes and the car stopped in the fast lane. Two policemen in plainclothes quickly got out of the police car. He crossed the guardrail in the middle of the road, pulled out his pistol at his waist, and ran towards the off-road vehicle. As he ran, he raised his arm and aimed the muzzle at Wan Lin who was standing beside the vehicle, as if he was going to shoot.

Wan Lin jumped out of the car and turned his head to look inside the car. Seeing that Xiaoya was about to get down with two leopards in his arms, he waved his hand and said, "Don't come down, I'll deal with them." Xiaoya nodded and immediately put the two leopards down. The leopard was placed on the back seat, and she made a gesture to the leopard not to go out. She knew that Wan Lin didn't want outsiders to see the florets.

At this moment, the two plainclothes police officers on the opposite side kept their shooting posture and ran over quickly, with their guns pointed at Wan Lin's chest. Wan Lin turned around and saw that the other party held a gun at him, frowned, turned his head to look at the back lane, and saw another police car driving towards him at a rapid pace.

"Raise your hands!" "The people in the car come out!" The two plainclothes police officers who ran over shouted loudly and charged four or five meters in front of Wan Lin with their guns.

Wan Lin leaned against the car body, folded his arms around his chest and did not move, looking at the two of them coldly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart. Years of fighting in a hail of bullets made him very disgusted that someone was holding a gun at him!

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