Panther Commando

Chapter 1722: vicious dog hurts

Xiaoya pondered for a while, then took out her mobile phone and said, "Are we going to report to Li Tou? It is estimated that the police will go to the military region to verify our identity, and at the same time inform the military region about our assistance in subduing the drug dealers."

"Then tell Li Tou, fortunately he didn't destroy Li Tou's car just now, otherwise he would have jumped up again. Hehehe, don't say it, his car's speed-up performance is awesome. The oil just jumped out, otherwise the drug dealer's broken roof will definitely get on the butt." Wan Lin said with a smile, and then stepped on the accelerator to speed up the driving.

"It hasn't been broken yet? Look here, there are already two air vents." Xiaoya smiled and pointed to the two holes on the windshield, followed by dialing Li Dongsheng's phone and pressing the speakerphone button. He used the microphone to report what had just happened.

Sure enough, after listening to Xiaoya's report, Li Dongsheng immediately asked nervously, "How is my car? You won't let that stupid boy hit me again, will you?"

"Giggle giggle" Xiaoya covered her mouth and laughed, Wan Lin laughed beside her, and replied loudly: "Li Tou, don't worry, I'm careful, I know this is your sweetheart. However, you The ventilation function of the car is not very good. I left two gun holes for you on the front windshield as air vents. Xiaoya, is the air in the car better now than before?"

Xiaoya next to her laughed "giggling" and replied crisply: "Well, the air in the car feels very fresh now! Li Tou, you treasure this car so much, don't you think it is more precious than President Yu?"

"Stinky girl!" Li Dongsheng scolded with a smile, and then instructed: "You drive carefully. This time, take your grandfather to relax and take care of the old man. Remember, go to the destination and ask Minister Qi to change my windshield. ". Before Wan Lin came out, he had already reported his itinerary to him.

"Yes, the mission is guaranteed to be completed!" Wan Lin shouted with a smile. Xiaoya laughed and hung up the phone, turned her head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Li Tou seems to be a different person since she got along with Sister Yu, and she always smiles when she sees people. I remember when I first joined the team. , his face is always so old."

Saying that, she gestured with her hands apart. Wan Lin laughed when he saw Xiaoya's gesture "haha": "It's not that exaggerated, isn't it a big donkey face?"

The two laughed and drove all the way forward. At noon, Wan Lin turned the car towards the highway service area beside the road. Wan Lin stopped the car in front of the service area, looked down at the fuel gauge and said, "I'm going to add some gas, you go to make it easier, I'll be back in a while, let's go to the restaurant for dinner", "Okay" Xiaoya pushed open the car door and jumped out .

Wan Lin drove the car to the gas station in front to finish filling up, then turned around and drove the car back to the parking lot not far from the restaurant. Jump up and down. Xiaoya also walked out of the bathroom next to her, wiping her hands with a tissue, and walked over quickly.

Xiaoya walked to Wanlin's side, took Xiaobai into her arms, and walked to the restaurant with Wanlin. The two of them each wore a set of neat sportswear, one was tall and straight and handsome; the other was fit and slender, with a delicate and soft face, and each held a kitten sleeping soundly in his arms with squinted eyes, immediately provoked. the eyes of the people.

The two felt everyone's eyes, smiled and turned their heads to look around, and saw that several children had run to their side, looking up at Xiaohua and Xiaobai with their eyes full of love. Wan Lin and Xiaoya smiled and waved to the children, then walked towards the restaurant with their feet raised.

As soon as the two of them walked to the door of the restaurant, there was a sudden low-pitched dog barking in the restaurant, and then they heard a few people shouting and scolding: "Who the **** rules that dogs are not allowed in? Let him come out, I will spend money Eat here, you control who we bring in, bastard!", "Call your restaurant owner out! These two dogs are my sons, why don't you let us bring in!" "Damn, push What push? Biting you, don't blame Lao Tzu for not reminding you!" There was a deafening dog barking.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who had been sleeping soundly in Wan Lin's arms, suddenly opened their eyes when they heard the ferocious barking of dogs. They looked into the restaurant with an irritable look in their eyes. Wan Lin and the two were about to throw their chests out.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurriedly hugged them hard, reached out to cover their eyes, turned around and walked back. From the scolding and the low and fierce dog barking in the restaurant, they already knew that several people inside must have entered the restaurant with large bulldogs, and the staff inside was trying to persuade them to go out.

The two walked back a few steps, Xiaoya turned around and put Xiaobai in Wan Lin's arms and said, "I'll go buy a few boxes of instant noodles, let's eat whatever you want. You go back to the car and wait." Walk to the shop on the side of the restaurant.

Wan Lin nodded, hugged the two leopards tightly in his arms, and strode towards his jeep. He really didn't dare to let the two leopards run away now, or he really didn't know what trouble they were going to cause. Woolen cloth!

At this time, the noise in the restaurant suddenly became louder, and a fierce dog barking sounded immediately, followed by the screams of several people, and the sound of "crackling, crackling, crackling" things came one after another.

" The door of the restaurant was suddenly slammed open, and a group of diners rushed out screaming, shouting: "Bite, bite! ", "These people really dare to let go of dogs!" "This is not a bastard!" Such a big wolf dog, this is going to kill people! Call the police now"...

As a group rushed out in panic, they saw two large wolf dogs over one meter long rushing out of the restaurant, knocking down the two running women in front of them, and following them on the other's raised arms He took a bite, then jumped up again, and rushed towards the surrounding crowd fiercely, opening his bloodshot mouth and seeing everyone!

Xiaoya, who had just walked to the door of the store next to the restaurant, turned around and saw a group of people screaming and rushing past, followed by a wolf dog rushing towards her with a "squeak", Xiaoya's face changed, her body slightly He let go of the pounced dog's head, his right foot flew up like lightning, and with a slap, he kicked the wolf dog's waist fiercely.

"Ow," the wolfdog whined and flew out four or five meters, then rolled twice on the ground, stood up, and roared at Xiaoya with fierce light in its eyes. He opened his mouth and ran straight to Xiaoya.

The passengers around Xiaoya saw the scene in front of them, and they ran to both sides in fright. Passengers in the distance saw Xiaoya still standing in the same place, and they screamed: "Girl, run! !" "Get out of the way"...

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